1  2019-02-14 by TreLoon


Drama posting as a whole rots your brain, the sub is easily one of the most transphobic subreddits filled with Enlightened centrists and alt-light trolls, the mod team is a bunch of weirdo nominally left succdems who post on Stupidpol about how they're the bastion of left thought.

One of them made a post about how they used to be a SJW but alienated all their friends and family and now decries idpol, when in reality they're probably just insufferable to be around


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The mayocide cannot, I repeat cannot, come soon enough 😒

You are just jealous

Of dirty stinky mayos? lmao

We should all support it. Say YES to mixed race marriages.

No to interracial marriages. That means the white gene still gets passed on. The only way to stop the spread is to sterilize all white people on the planet and then kill them.

White genes are weak. The DNA itself literally gets cucked the moment a black gene walks in

She was just a student. C'mon guys, did any of you not do any attempted murder of strangers just for lolz when you were in college? Please don't hold this upstanding member of society up to the same standard as a 19-year old black male superpredator robbing a convenience store.

It's a hard life as an instagram thot. Socioeconomic factors drove her to be so desperate for clout that she'd throw a chair off a building for attention. Maybe, like, don't hate her cuz u ain'ter? Sorry but that's the tea sis 💁‍♀️


the tea

This is zoomer-speak right? My mid-millennial sensibilities don't recognize.

Look up stan twitter slang, but i would say its better if you didnt. Ignorance is bliss and all that

Oh come on. It was reckless and dumb as shit but have you never been shitfaced at a party when you were younger when the energy was running pretty hot?

You know what, I don't know why I asked that question...

Call Crimestoppers right now to report CCAlkie for the MURDER that they probably committed. 🚨🚨🚨

This happened in the morning

Where are you getting that? All I'm seeing is that she turned herself in at 7 AM.

Using my eyes to watch the video

Good call boss. I never watch those because it's usually a 3 minute long segment wrapped around a 10 second video.

Comment deleted.

“We are outraged by the blatant disregard for community safety on display in the video,” Airbnb said.

Hahaha they actually said outraged?? My sides!

Bring back shunning.

Shunning women is the best reaction since they degrade rapidly without attention.

As part of the conditions of her bail, Zoia must live with her mother

In other words, business as usual for femcels

I'm pretty sure she's not a femcel, on the contrary, I do believe she's what the kids today refer to as a "roastie"

If Mum looks like her but has the complexion of an old leather glove, smokes 2 packs a day and wears faux-leopard print yoga pants, we can hope for a transition 8-)


Of course. Foids from there incredibly entitled. A rake isn't enough of the GTA. Day of the leaf blower when?

This but unironically

Wow, she is loving the spotlight. Will for sure do something like this again.

Someone on r/Canada said she was also an escort but couldn't find anything smh

My hatred for the mayoid grows with each day.

She is soooo going to make a lucrative career out of this.

The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a chair is a good guy with a chair



There’s literally a fucking video lmao