All the drama from the transparency report.

1  2019-02-14 by Ghdust2


Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


  1. This Post -,,,

  2. Bitching from weebs. -,,,

  3. Drama about Tencent. -,,,*

  4. Bitching from weebs Part 2. -,,,*

  5. One user wants to ban r/politics. -,,,*

  6. “You realize there's a real person ... -,,,*

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[–]Warlizard 0 指標 15小時前 

You realize there's a real person at the other end of this, right? Like, a real human, with feelings, who started something that you've enjoyed for many years, actually takes the time to talk with us, and frankly, is nice as hell. Life's too short to waste on this kind of negative emotion. If you aren't happy, make constructive criticism, enjoy the places that still conform to what you think Reddit should be, or leave, but it's just not healthy to sit around with hate burning you up. This guy you hate was kind enough to come down and have lunch with me when I visited the HQ. He didn't have to -- I'm no one, just another Redditor. You have any idea how rare that is? He spoke passionately about always working to improve Reddit in a changing world, clearly cares deeply about what he created, and is bright as hell. Whether you hate his policies or wish things were back the way they were in the "Wild West" days of Reddit, clinging to things that are gone is pointless, and frankly, being kind is just a better way to live. BTW, I have my own complaints about the way Reddit has evolved, but in the almost-decade I've been on this site, I've found ways to enjoy it, despite my concerns, and one of the ways was simply by doing my best to be kind and reasonable. It has worked out well and I have friends all over the world because of it. All I'm saying is you may wish to save your hate for people who actually deserve it.

Oh dear sweet Jesus make it opaque..

Wow, you must be a JP fan

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These are the people who think reddit is a small group of their best friends and does shit like introduce them to a photo of their dog or their grandmother or their Nintendo switch.

He just missing his gaming forum

Heated poweruser moment

No r/drama complaints in a 7,000+ admin thread? We can do better.

Need to bring back pinging this is proof

BaD tried to start some but he was recognized too fast

Lol scrub. Mods truly are the lowest form of life.

year end bonus with a porn star

Well sign me up

These weeb pedos are just everywhere!

LMAO! that politics thread though. People are dogdging that so hard


Everyone hates the site, the owners and the content but still uses it for whatever reason.

I defend lolicon because I like it. Besides anime, videogames, and sci-fi nothing much makes me happy. I don't like interacting with real people. I don't like engaging in politics. I just want to be alone with my waifus. I love how happy and cute lolis are. So seeing one of the things I hold dear, being needlessly persecuted makes me upset. No one ever tells gamers to reflect on themselves. I'm pretty sure most of reddit would be in an uproar if Reddit admins were like. "Since we feel that videogames might cause violence we're going to ban it because our shareholders tell us to.".


Reddit was one of the few large websites with loli content and a great loli community. Lolicons are always banned, even from porn sites. Steam, Discord, Tumblr, Reddit, Rule34pal, Newgrounds, HentaiHaven, They singled out lolicons with this latest purge. So it feels like a stab in the back. To be thrown under the bus for investors when there are much worse stuff on this site. I just hate hypocritical rules. "Sailor Moon hentai is banned but sexy cosplay of the characters are A-okay because they make money! They even banned the porn sub to the anime New Game where all the girls are legal age women in the workforce. I hate vague rules meant to only be used ban people that don't conform to the norm. It's not as if I get enough flak IRL for being a weeb. But now I can't be one online. M

Since Reddit(like the 5th largest site) is banning it. I fear other sites will crack down on lolicon harder. It's more than "well, there's plenty of sites; go to them!"(which is rude to say anyways). This constant cycle of us moving from site to site. So this irational fear of lolis is fully going to get them totally banned from the internet if something isn't done. Next, if people get okay with banning drawings(literally banning something because you don't agree with it) this opens the doors for full on Orwellian stuff. A

It's bad enough I have to deal with constant ad accounts, data mining , propaganda accounts, submilinial marketing, virtue signalling, ect; on reddit and online. But now we are fully reaching a tipping point on the internet. O

Next, with these new rules pretty much all of anime can get banned. 90% of anime and hentai has underage characters. There is no way to avoid getting banned now. I've seen comments removed because they posted a magical girl transformation sequence. Now, I can't even talk about anime. Beach episode? Banned! Yuri? Banned! Ecchi? Banned! My favorite genre of anime: Mahou Shoujo, relies on girls. So what am I suppose to do once my favorite anine gets banned? !

It's funny how you constantly hear about tolerance, intelligent discussions, avoiding stereotypes, fairness. Yet all these things get thrown out the window once lolis enter the scene. Like on Steam. Any time a game comes out with anime waifus there are always a ton of insulting comnents. "This game is for losers" "Ban this game! I want my violence!" Ect. !

I honestly wouldn't be this defensive about lolis if they weren't constantly under threat.



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In 20+ years of my existence on the Internet, I somehow managed to avoid this lolicon.. Or did I just ignore it when I saw it?