Ben finally reduces his fentanyl intake enough to remember to add the labels, FINALLY I can understand what's he's saying

1  2019-02-14 by Krupp_stronk


I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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The rails seemingly sproutring from her bussy is a nice touch.

That’s not a bussy, it’s a girl butt.

If I want him to be a shemale then that's my headcanon. 😘

This is shoddier than his previous work.

Because it's not his

I’m aware.

Incomplete - where's the guy making coffee from recycled pee?


It looked like his handwork and I don't care enough to actually check

>putting effort into dramaposting

It looked like his handwork

nigga you need glasses if this looked like the one and only Benny G to you

Ben doesn’t even know Alaska is an island

I love how triggered she gets people.

I love her many teeths. 😍😁😍

He makes them and her eyes bigger ever new comic.

Needs more greedy hand wringing,IMO

Why doesn't he draw AOCs big titties? Doesn't miss a chance to draw H Dawgs gigantic ass.

Not big but close

AOC is just to close to the AOC for The Big Ben

Now THAT is Ben like we know and love him.

Where is commy mommy milkers I demand those milkers when is she gonna socialize those slammers and give them to the workers???

Ben is an ass man

I bet /r/drama accounts for a quarter of Garrisons traffic.

How rent-free AOC lives in conservacucks heads is the gift that keeps on giving

He's got so much material with the somali calling out the jew yet he's bothering with her

Every conservative wants to hatefuck AOC. That Venn diagram is a perfect circle.

AOC Derangement Syndrome

railway to Hawaii

i chuckled tbh

I thought that was just a plot line in Bojack Horseman.

Check the bottom right-hand corner, this isn’t Zyklon Ben, just a knockoff looking for a piece of the boomer political cartoon action.



A retarded proposal needs a retarded response.

When youre evading a previous ban from drama your comments look like this

I like how a railway to Alaska goes into the water to show how impossible it would be.


thinking every magatard artist is Ben "SS is the Bestbest" Garrison

This is your brain on drama

I hope you're getting paid to spread this shit, or a billionaire, or an EX of hers. You actually think you are converting anyone?

She plans to annex Mexico.