All Elite Woke Wrestling (AEW) virtue-signals to mixed results.

1  2019-02-14 by ApugalypseNow


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I think that we all agree that the best compromise would be to accept trans people BUT ban all mayos.

Imagine caring about fake gender in a fake sport.

Well what you have to realise is that the trans woman will have biological advantage over the gussy and this is unfair to the inferior estrogen fueled gussy.

Unfair advantage in wrestling is like bragging about the discount on Chinese knockoffs.

What are you on about wrestling is an olympic sport? Educate yourself or you're just gonna end up with egg on your face

This is Andy Kaufmann all over again

Sorry I not one of ((them))

For reference, Nyla Rose is the actor in question. Dude is built like a linebacker.

I think it's fair to say everyone regretted that Google search...

When will the first furry be signed?

They also give all the gymastics malets a place to grapple, so good on them!

Tbh wrestling is so weird mainly manlets pick it up as a career. Vince Big Balls McMahon has hated this idea and tried to make the world champ an alpha male big dog but the nerds and weirdos keeping booing them for their manlet counterparts

The real switch came when Benoit and Guerrero became champs and business (at least on Raw) dived. And they fucked themselves so much with steroids and HGH to bulk up for that championship look that it killed them (among others). And then the nerds started wrestling and it becomes a shitshow routine like with the Youny Bucks, who are 3rd-rate Rockers cosplayers.

Nerds ruin everything. I want wrestling to be full of jocks who failed at other sports

Thats why I love Brian Cage in Impact! Westling. He looks like a fucking Rob Liefield drawing.

Tyler Bate is totally awesome and not at all ridiculous-looking!

They are all on enough roids they have enough test for 5 guys burgers and fries

I lost interest in wrestling when Doink The Clown left the ring for good

That's muh boi right there

Trannies are a bane of society.

I disagree. Even at their most generous estimates, they make up a tenth of a tenth of a percent of the population. We should simply ignore them as they have no special meaning just by existing. Wanna be normal? Then let the normal people ignore you.