A fucking retard decides to die on a retarded hill just to own the commies 'epic style'

1  2019-02-14 by Ed_ButteredToast


I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.


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I spanked you at your own game

Daddy! 😩🤤💞

I spanked you at your own game

Daddy! 😩🤤💞

what a shit hill

"No one has ever lost to a communist"

-sent from iPhone using prepaid minutes paid for by ebt card.

po*rfag 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

Whoa, you can't buy minutes with EBT?

As long as the corner store you buy them from has 3" or thicker bulletproof plastic.

The soviet Union crushed in the Olympics while it was a thing, the miracle on ice was the exception, not the rule. They also won at a lot if other events but I'm too lazy to list them.

Roids will help you do that.

Real talk the t-34 was trash, the thing never had anywhere close to a positive kd ratio even after the Russians had experienced tankers and the Germans were putting kids in their tanks.

Imaging think a "positive KD ratio" is the most important factor in determining how effective a tank is

By that metric the Fedinand would be considered one of the best tanks of all time

putting an 88 on anything was a pretty good idea. Besides the t-34 got its shit kicked in not by tigers or Panthers but by panzer 4's. Your right it isn't the be all end all but if you want to talk about ease of production, maintenance etc. then the Sherman was the best tank of ww2 it had all those positives and actually destroyed more German armor than was lost. Except the Sherman isn't talked with any of the reverence that the t-34 gets as some shocking weapon system.It's been widely criticized for being inferior in 2 of the 3 metrics tank builders follow yet the t-34 was amazing. The fact is we and Russia made more mediocre tanks than the Germans could destroy. The t-34 like the other Russian wonder weapon the il-2 were trash and because they won they've retconned these weapons from mediocrity

the Germans were putting kids in their tanks.

Lol, do you think they were putting Volkssturm members in tanks?

the Russians had experienced tankers

If all their tankers were getting killed in their first battle, really makes me 🤔 how the Red Army had any experienced tankers

Great so we agree the Sherman was the best tank of ww2

It was cost-effective for sure

I’ve never thought that the T-34 was the best tank of the war. It doesn’t change the fact that the German tanks were expensive, over-designed, and difficult to repair.

Eh all tanks of ww2 struggled with reliability and other issues, for some reason the German issues have been magnified while the allies have been downgrade. Hitler wasn't a military genius and was obsessed with shit like the king tiger when they should have putting out upgraded panzer 4's and Panthers. even if he was a logistics genius the Germans didn't have the industrial base to compete with America or the west. Really unless the Germans were building abrams they never had a shot. They built really good but overmanufactured tanks doesn't excuse the fact that western allies were given shoddy equipment. Hell American tank design has been greatly influenced by the flaws of the Sherman and has culminated in the Abrams

Hitler Logistics genius


Imagine having autism for the sherman tank but gettinf most of the surrounding details of your autism wrong

The sherman was dogshit based on kdr.

The t-34 was by every metric a very good tank, shaped hull to deflect shells and basic as fuck so it didnt fail constantly.

The russians didnt have a more experienced anything dont lie pls

True communism was never tried and thus never competed with anyone or anything, because mayos were never supposed to run it, you can clearly read it between the lines of the works of Karl Max and yet Chapo will conveniently ignore it.

Absolute state of rightoids



Garrison is secretly Ben 10 confirmed

People take the human wave thing too seriously. The Soviets were outnumbered for the first half of the war. They just weren’t sensitive pussies about casualties like the Germans were.

Dam, guy just got a one way ticket to Venezuela

R/the_cuckolds all need to be deported

The guy is just a TD posters alt.

Probably got banned from the great awakening and now has this drama exclusive handle.