Burgers on high alert after daddy officially declared juicy

1  2019-02-14 by Scarytownterminator


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Was there ever any doubt trump wasn’t obese?

I love this is news.

Holy shit he's 6' 3"?

Shit I feel fat being 6’3 and 200lbs, it’s over for obesecels.

Imagine feeling like a man with a BMI under 25.

It will happen to you too! 20-30 beers a week add up pretty fast.

If you don't have to use deodorant on your man tits than how can you ever expect to support a family?

It all goes to my ass and kidneys. No man tits here. Just THICC.

Just weighed my self I’m surprised I weighed in at 196! 24.5 BMI... right on the edge of THICC, I guess.

My weight keeps going ever so slightly up, but my waist size keeps creeping down.

Idk where it all goes.

Huh, I always bounce between a 32 and 33 waist depending on the brand of jeans.

Imagine not being practically guaranteed to be able to welcome the sweet release of death before you turn 30.

I thought I would feel fat at 225 at 6' but instead I'm just a brick shithouse

At least we’re not manlet’s ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

A fate worse than banned lolis

I might have miscommunicated, I meant that I look way better at 225, which I guess is obese at my height, than I did at like 170-180. Maybe just my frame?

I hear you.

manlet chapocels on suicide watch LMAO

There is zero chance he’s 6’3”. DPRK style fake news.

Lol cope

Trump’s driving license, issued in May 2012, stated his height as 6ft 2in. Yet according to the report issued by the White House physician on Tuesday, Trump is 6ft 3in.

So you know he's probably 6' flat.

It's always the manlets who speak up about this sort of thing.

He’s big boned okay?

Excuse you. Daddy is healthy at any size.

No he fat

Hes thicc not obese

The man makes a banquet out of McDonalds, Burger King, and Wendy's and you think he's as healthy as a horse?

I don't think I need a doctor to tell me that Trump's obese.

What I wouldn't give to be obese. To look down at night and see a perfect spherical orb of life-nourishing, body heat-insulating paunch jiggling slightly in front of my shriveled pisscock. To be able to smack my calves and feel the satisfying perpetual motion of my excess adipose. To spread my gigantic ass cheeks and coat the entire toilet seat to create a pressure chamber for my daily donation of fart paste. To shift my weight and feel the inevitable momentum of globular tissue swing my body out of equilibrium, depositing me onto the cold cold ground at the KFC. I will do anything to be fat.

Jackson recommended last year that the president lose 10-15 pounds and put him on a diet and exercise plan. The White House acknowledged last week that the president has not followed the plan closely.

Trump, the oldest U.S. president in history, has a reputation for guzzling diet coke and eating steak and fried food.

nigga, if I make it to 71, you can be damn sure I ain't eatin no Kale and quinoa.

Obese but somehow in very good health?

Whoa fat shaming is now ok? Also daddy ain't fat he just tall and curvy 😍

Man who claims that if you never exercise a day in your life you'll live longer diagnosed as obese.

Wow, imagine my shock.