My post about how much I hate myself got noticed on /r/the_donald

1  2019-02-15 by ilovedogs98


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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Cool story, Brohammed

Everyone seems to think I’m a male but I’m actually female.

Sadly even in these enlightened times most people still judge by appearance, SMH.

Do you like Ariana Grande?

She’s okay. I wish I was as tan as her and North African.

Get an oculus rift and play VR chat as your North African dream girl.

I agree with your opinions. You shouldn't for being white, however. There are so many better reasons for you to hate yourself. Ask your friends and family for input.


Imagine spending time in a sub where you worship a politician

nigga if u aint shitposting you need hardcore therapy

I’m literally in a psychiatric treatment center.

lmao it's not helping. being obsessed with islam as a 20-something white girl is pure insanity.


I feel like if you're in a psychiatric facility, they definitely should not be letting you spend your time on /r/drama.

Talk to the inmates, they’ll have a much more rational and grounded outlook.

Plz tell me you’re doing this for attention

Wait, you seem legit. We ways do you think your condition can be sorted out? I've seen the same thing with some Indians desperately wanting to be white and Americanized.

I don’t know if I can be helped. I’ve been to therapy, rehab, residential treatment and tried shit tons of medications and still have this obsession.

I thought you were trolling but your posts go back over a year. You're not even a based women-in-cages Muslim. Kys if ur serious



blue pill poster


currently in a psych ward

Yeah I’m gonna go ahead and recommend you leave the internet for a while

I’m not a communist but I am a muslim

Those are basically the same thing to my red blooded, meat eating, gun shooting American ass