Opinionated redditers take the bait

1  2019-02-15 by blazeca86


I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


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No one has ever been "attacked" on reddit. Words are just words; they can't hurt you. Walk away from the keyboard, dumbass

Oof, tell that to all the people who have committed suicide due to mental abuse.

Don't stop now! Tell the bot how you really feel!

The fact that you take so much time from your life to provoke people around here means there are real feelings involved here. If real feelings are involved, real damage is also involved.

Just grow!

The realest feeling is that I hate reddit and all that it stands for

Why not leave then? Isn’t staying toxic? What could you do with that time?

But I have all this karma...

I like how some people just outright dismiss the ideas that vaccines aren't good ... like am I really supposed to believe that our "benevolent" capitalist overlords aren't trying to poison our bodies?

That's just my opinion though ... REMEMBER THAT !!!!

Im pro choice because I think body autonomy is the most important human right so I agree with this retard

Thank you

You're still retarded, and theres no cure for that except wandering into a forest after it rains and eating all the fungus you find...or something equivalent

the thing is that .... how can we know what they put in these vaccinations? like after reading marx am i truly supposed to believe that our capitalist leaders aren't trying to poison our bodies? the pro-vaccination position is incongruous with reality.

What would the ”capitalist leaders” gain from poisoning us?

I am gonna ask a dumb question, bear with me. If in a society X doesn't get vaccinated for a disease but the rest of the people in that society do. Whe X gets the disease isnt that group of people already immune to the disease? Don't diseases only attack anti vaxxers and people who are vaccinated safe? I understand this kind of anti Vax bullshit will lead to people not vaccinating and end up getting the disease but aren't the people who were vaccinated safe?

There are three groups. A gets vaccinated, B doesn't get vaccinated because vaccines are gay, and C doesn't get vaccinated because they were born with space AIDS and the vaccine would end their weak life. Group A is butthurt about group B unintentionally infecting group C. Normal people don't care though since preserving groups B and C is dysgenic.

You're almost right except that group C includes cancer patients, old people, people whose immune systems for unknown reasons just don't form an immunity from a given vaccine and all babies everywhere.

So, you know, if you like things like a reasonable proportion of babies surviving to adulthood then you're completely wrong.

Or did you think "dumb luck as a baby" was genetically determined?

butthurt seriousposting

I don't like any of those people you mentioned.

Cool story bro.

Holy Eugenics, Batman!

Anti Vax on Reddit has to be the weakest bait possible, even worse than flat earth

i support your decision to get ebolaids and die. now please hurry up with it