You can't rinse the prince! Drama! CTH! FTAR! And even SRDines for some reason.

1  2019-02-15 by AnnoysTheGoys


Jews did this


  1. This Post -,,,

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Guilty as charged 😎

Annoysthegoys, secret FtAR mod. So who's you alt, huh? You're really Belle, aren't you? I'm gonna blow this conspiracy wide I open, bby.

God damn you're good.


And snappy pilled

I'd say bussy pilled.



Modicide when?

Why haven't the other mods removed her yet?

Because they are mentally retarded, but also thirsty for her e-gussy.

At 1st they could ignore it because it came from drama but they'll learn

Autobanning /r/Drama is one thing, but CTH? Isn't that a huge portion of the wokesphere or am I missing something. That just seems too retarded, even for them.

LMAO the people in that thread are literally saying that a sub that literally exists to hatepost about the alt-right doesn't really hate the alt-right.

Never forget that the most effective fascist-killers of all time were a blue-blooded social democrat, a British imperialist, and literally Stalin.

not mentioning Hitler in a list of all time great nazi killers

He took down the leader of the Nazis. We should build statues of him.

Atomic take right there.

a British imperialist


It’s the “totes ironic” shitposting area of the woke sphere that ended up being unironic and having a thing for brigading threads and sexually harassing users.

/r/Fuckthealtright was actually secretly an incel sub the whole time. Their mission goal is to force lefty-thots to literally fuck rightoid incels.

As a former insider, I can confirm.


That's a flair lmao

I refuse to delete my embarrassment

You still might be right, wait and see

Unironically fuck Maduro. Come @ me tankies.

Haute take right there 💯

I know, but seriously fuck that guy. I don't get the tankie support for fuckasses like that.

A friend of mine and her family fled Venezuela because they were starving and these chucklefucks act like it wasn't Maduro's fault.

It a lolcow trigger for me 😡

you know, in my country most folks being "pro-freedom" are supporting Maduro (and ironically siding with commies, which they despise most), because they "think" America want Venezulean oil (which is awful to proccessing BTW) >!tbh they're just retards; they also "think" China has more freedom than West, because "in China everyone can sell hotdogs on the street"!<

they also "think" China has more freedom than West

If they exist, they are LITERAL retards.

yup, they exist and this is their idol

Nigga how were your friends starving like just eat food lmaooooooo 4head


just praise da bussy and eat da poopoo

"tankies" support maduro because to attack his regime is to provide cover for guaido and a us-backed coup intent on privatizing venezuela's oil industry and siphoning more wealth from the country

hence the term critical support; "tankies" believe maduro is better than the alternative and so he receives critical support

it's similar to attacking sadam hussein while trying to make a case against the iraq war: it's an unproductive, contradictory argument

Oh no, I'm not getting into some serious posting over this shit in drama. Nice try though.

Muh blood 4 oil argument

pipe down tankie

critical support / uncritical support my bussy.

When language itself starts to buckle under the weight of your retard politics than you know for a fact you're up shit creek without a paddle.

what suitable alternative to maduro is the u.s. advancing then?

dipshits like you come in ignorant of any context and act like this is some black-and-white issue, where not wanting the u.s. to stage another fucking coup in latin america is equivalent to fawning over maduro

the venezuelan opposition burnt down 40 tons of food and u.s. weapons were confiscated from plane belonging to a cia front that just recently began making regular trips to venezuela and colombia

so yeah i will critically support the maduro regime against u.s. intervention because u.s. intervention has led to some of the most horrific, gratuitous violence and human misery of the last 50 years

You sound like of those simps that is always going off about the democrats are the KKK because of the 1930s.

the u.s. literally sponsored the 2009 honduran coup that led to the awful conditions prompting the most recent wave of mass-migration from central america

this is an ongoing issue, but thanks for confirming that you're an illiterate fucking moron

Boo hoo the world is a food chain get the fuck over it. Why do I have to "critically support" some commie dictator piece of trash because dumbfuck burgers are also trash?

why would we want more shitty empanada oil when we already import most of it anyways lmao

bombing the absolute fuck out of venezuela will not make the lives of venezuelans better. being opposed to american intervention in the middle east does not make you pro-terrorist

The ones fear mongering the hardest about military intervention are in fact the tankies and maduro.

we've spent over a trillion dollars turning the middle east into a flaming shithole. have fun doing it all over again in venezeula.

Ah yes, america turned middle east into a shithole, definitely not middle easterners themselves. It's all evil amerikkka's fault! Russian and chinese imperialism is also imaginary!

If america wanted to invade venezuela, why bother with sanctions and the whole national assembly and legal process? I'm pretty sure maduro was the first one to mention an intervention. The last time I saw it US's official response to a journalist's question was "well we uh we just want to say that all choices are on the table" aka "we don't want to but we can't show weakness either".

"bombing the shit out of countries and arranging anti-democratic coups doesn't have huge negative consequences at all. the middle east just Did That. they actually destroyed all their shit for fun. observe my huge brain."

anti-democratic coups

Lol. Murderous dictators are democratic as long as they make people dress in red, t. tankies

"actually, dismantling iran's secular democracy and bringing back the Shah is incredibly democratic because the president said so. he was probably a commie or something i don't know i can't point out iran on a map"

>Actually maduro, assad, hussein and gaddafi all deeply care(d) about their slaves uh I mean people and all the suppressions of democracy and freedom of speech, mass murders and assasinations of dissidents are false flags made up by cia, and I have this dumb thing US did 65 years ago to prove it (but don't worry about the fact that US had legimate fears of soviet imperialism, just repeat after me, "amerikkka bad!")

america only overthrew one democratically elected government. wait, oh god, oh fuck

oh well, it was all in the name of legitimate fears of soviet imperialism, so we can handwave it all away. those commies, on the other hand, definitely didn't have any legitimate fears of american imperialism to be worried about. because we all know america can't be imperialist. that would be Un-American™!

Yeah you're right, america had no right to get involved worldwide, it's not like it actually countered some imperialist superpower

Oh wait...

Oh no...

Ah dang it!

those commies, on the other hand, definitely didn't have any legitimate fears of american imperialism to be worried about

Oh yeah, you're right! Cause the commies have always wanted what's best for the people! Definitely not to genocide and oppress them into slavery while lounging in luxury and commit depravity without any repercussions.

literally wheezing at this wordpress blog you've decided to cite. congratulations. you've really owned me by showing me a map of places where modern russia (an actual fascist dictatorship) sells their planes and shit. this definitely justifies overthrowing every country in latin america.

>Mafia princess Pelosi, AOC and other high-ranking Dems need to be arrested pronto for treason, sedition and corruption.

>New York State and California are bastions of communism in the USA. The mayor of the country’s largest city has certainly dropped all pretenses. He, like much of the Democratic Party, is full-blown commie. There are truly two Americas: the patriots who still cherish the constitutional republic and voted for Trump vs. the millions of fifth columnists who live in the coastal urban areas and voted for Clinton.

a functioning brain at work. i seriously hope you just plucked these maps off google images or something and didn't actually know where they came from. have you seen this shit?

i absolutely love finding new weird communist conspiracy blogs. i actively search them out when i'm bored and i don't know how i missed this one. thank you.

you've really owned me by showing me a map of places where modern russia (an actual fascist dictatorship) sells their planes and shit

First of all, that's literally the example of russian imperialism that you keep ignoring. Second of all it's literally the lingering fucking soviet imperialism. The whole middle east was under heavy influence of the soviets, for example.

If you opened the third link you would have seen it, you fucking smooth brained motherfucker.

Also, I took the pictures from the image search on google because I'm not that much of a seriousposting faggot to have something like that saved, so I don't fucking know what else that website wrote, stop busting my balls. The third link is wikipedia. I suggest you fucking read it.

a functioning brain at work. i seriously hope you just plucked these maps off google images or something and didn't actually know where they came from. have you seen this shit?

I did actually and I'm cringing now, thanks for pointing it out. It doesn't delegitimize shit though. Also, russian imperialism and overall foreign policy (as well as big parts of the internal rhetoric, e.g. russian state propaganda is heavily based on the soviet nationalism) are heavily based on the soviet ones.

i absolutely love finding new weird communist conspiracy blogs

Glad I could help. The soviet menace was real though, just as is russian. The fact that some boomer faggots appropriate it for their boomer bullshit doesn't change shit.

still unemployed then?

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Suck my dick.


Wait hold on, rude af


all glory to Viceroy Bolton

It's not really support for him as much as it is a backlash against regime changes by US interests. They aren't even being subtle about it. Loads of right-leaning economics articles talking about it being an "investing opportunity." It's beyond fucked.

Maduro is undeniably a shitheel, but this is basically a US backed coup.

I'm in no way suppertime supporting a US backed coup, just to be clear. That's the worst outcome I can think of.

The only thing more revolting than simpleton US imperialists is the simpleton US anti-imperialists siding with every cuck and fascist on earth to be woke.

The Drama is great; I just need chemo really bad after.

I just need chemo really bad after.

i'll hook you up with a shill job for Lockheed and you'll get it free with the health plan

yeah, and Obama did 911.

We need regime change. The oil revenue will pay for the whole thing.

How long has this this thing of calling people "extremely online" been going on and why is it only used by basement dwellers who are projecting?

That's the shitty Shane version. The real banout is r/thebanout2019

I know I was just shocked it was back. I noticed he doesn't have the huge list of power mods this time.

if i ever start caring about reddit moderation the way these people do i want you to take me out back and shoot me like Old Yeller

Finally something both sides can agree on, horseshoe-theory in praxis?

SRD has clearly been exposed to the invasive species of chapocels. Unfortunately the weak and pathetic SRDine stands no chance of competing. Their only chance is to import the chapocel's natural predator - r/drama posters.

True, only a retard can fight a retard.

I'd say drama users are better described as super retards.

lmao they removed it

It must have violated the #1 rule of SRD: Absolutely no fun allowed.

/u/phedre answer for your crimes!

Can you keep it down? I'm trying to be boring

They removed it because they don't like call-out posts. Lol. Except when the call out is for people they don't like like Gallowboob, T_D, KiA, literally every single thread they have, etc.

Let us not say they're not inconsistent hypocrites.

If you’re gonna go all Crucible, do it on something that actually matters, not ethics in powermodding

Don’t listen PK. Keep going!

It's PK, there's literally nothing more important than reddit.

This is your brain on one drop of epower and the illusion of control

The funniest part is that's a continuation of this thread which was a super clever way to out them as a mole by asking what do they think about autobanning chapos.

Or maybe the aftermath is even funnier.

This is fucking hilarious.

lol so instead of saying they got the wrong person they double down and say it's a conspiracy


Your silence comrade is telling. Sleep is no excuse. BAN.

Badger's not even the leaker.

Which mod lives for drama and attention, talks behind others backs and posts screenshots of private conversations, its not exactly hard to work out...

My money is on akwardtheturtle having an episode and being the leaker+chaser simultanously.

i'm betting tree fiddy on deva

How can we be denied pinging in such times of crisis as these

I am pretty sure turtle is on the ping list

This dude really really wants to be the bad cop

I bet he put on aviators before he wrote those messages

Lmao. Modmail leaks are spicy 🌶

Let’s harass some guy who is maybe just sleeping over one post.

I miss pk, why doesn't he love us anymore 😭😭😭

He's one of the biggest drama queens on this site, but "ironically". Idk why he hasn't been modded here yet

pk doesnt like us anymore, i think. he used to post here. little bit of belleariel in him where he moves around sides.

Hmm I wonder if that means he will eventually say who the mole is

Omg yes this is amazing 🤣😂

It's almost as if autism coupled with detached authority (which describes 99.999% of subreddit mods) is a bad idea...

I got banned from /r/Fuckthealtright eventhough I haven't posted in that sub for 2 years now. Also, half of /r/CTH aren't even tankies and are just /r/democrats and /r/socialdemocracy users who fawn over AOC along with users from subs like /r/Destiny, /r/Palestine, /r/Cumtown and even some from /r/SRD. Banning CTH users is like banning almost everyone the left of Pinochet's scrotum.

What the fuck is you smoking, hun?

He is correct hun

Oh no, r/destiny and r/cumtown? What a fucking loss!!!

Cummie Bois are good tho

Imagine your life being so pathetic that you actually care about Reddit.

just posted this in the other thread, but looks like he kicked two mods and muzzled the rest (including belle). Mod list is nuked.


I'd laugh so hard if Prince's leaker is Cucumber.

It would be so awesome. Then he just kicks everyone and reforms with CTH and drama mods.

That’s what I’m hoping too, can you imagine 🤣

My money is on saferbot. It's literally the butler did it trope, they don't even realize that it's a user.

Dev has the worst fucking insults ever. Boomer humour at its worst. Also what an amazing week of BelleAriel drama, so blessed 🙏

According to the leak, she's gonna try not to have a meltdown in public over it but they just nuked her permissions on FtAR so I'm sure her blood pressure is rising.

I still wonder though if she's the leaker based on her complaints last week about the clique on that mod team to the admins. Prince said it's someone who is sick of their shit leaking modmail.

Knowing evey/Belle as we all do her usual m o if someone has done something to her (usually imaginary) is to get revenge. As we saw the demodding left her seething. She is wily enough to realise that after the search engine link her denial has a limited lifespan. Lets be sly cause chaos against people she thinks hurt her... One of the many consistant things about Belles mental state is she always burns her bridges.

Double agent belle becomes a triple agent. Magacel on weekends. FtAR trump hater on weekdays, and then in her spare booze times, modmail leaker.

$10 says she starts r/FuckthemodsofFTaR and makes it private

I think at some point she will make an alt, make it known to people, and then start reporting to admins and mods that calling her "belle" is doxxing her.

That's what she did with r/Eveyisms and her old Eveyisms account and she signed her private sub message "evey" so how the fuck is that doxxing her? But good ol' belle loves to get attention that way.

Why did she campaign so vociferously to get r/allaboutevey shut down again if there was no link?

Interesting that the blurb on the front of r/Eveyisms is very similar to r/Britposting, uncanny almost.

A discussion of me forums, content n the like. Please feel free to join here. Want help with addiction recovery, weight management n have an interest in politics, music, film, fitness n healthy living? Join EVEYISMS today n become part of a team heading for positivity, enlightment, tranquility, serenity n banter, fun n further giggles n the like. Evey

No thanks

Magazine sub that caters for everything including; political banter, serious political discussion, and general chit chat.

Post here for both casual conversation and politics.

What we want:

light-hearted political discussion
YouTube vides
Twitter posts
Campaigns in good faith Petitions (please modmail if it’s appropriate first)
a good laugh

totally different people she was hacked!

Next stop, VOAT

try not to have a meltdown in public over it

I hope she does that thing where she makes a whomp whomp post and then deletes it but not before someone sees it and links it here.

oh man, Loungers drama is a long read. Not sure if it can be TLDR, but belle (back then on her eveyisms account) raged at me because I allowed her trolls to make fun of her (she called it wasn't). She PM'd me in a drunken rage a couple times. Maybe like 4-5 slinging a bunch of shit at me because I wouldn't ban them. By that time I knew her history and that she had called people's place of work to get them fired, so I felt they were justified in talking trash to her.

Some time after that, she switched to the BelleAriel account and PM'd someone I know that she was on a mission to get r/Loungers shut down, which she actually did by buddying up to powermods and telling them we doxxed her (by calling her "evey" from her old account) and harassing her. She loves attention, and she had a lot of people following her around reddit, but it was no one at Loungers. Not at least the people I know from discord and things, but she told powermods it was. We did link to her drama though.

We also had a mentally ill psycho shitposting constantly. the story was posted here too. Buncha junky drama. He and belle went on a mission to doxx me and some others. We temp banned both of them a couple times for it. Her partner in crime then died from a drug OD and shortly thereafter the powermods went on a mission to kill the sub and they won. u/kat_b0t and I though felt pretty proud that our little no-name 500 subscriber sub was in the top three on thebanout along with T_D and drama. lol

Can't deny I am really enjoying the fact that her nonsense and what we've been saying all along (she was pro trump and a racist/homophobe) is coming out.

That's great and all, but I asked for my burger without cheese.

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So what about the drama where there was a couple and the girl went on a "drugcation" to some other dude's house and blew him and then after said it was rape?

haha yeah that's the junkie drama. That was CG. His gf went on a drugcation with another junkie and went back to him and told him she was raped. But she sent "I love you" text messages to the supposed rapist days after she left his house and sent messages to people on FB that she loved him.

CG was mentally ill and a junkie. He called the cops, filed reports, and spent every living hour of his day raging on r/Loungers. He would post the "rapists" info and we'd have to delete it. We banned him, he'd make alts. Banned again, we'd get the admins to kill his accounts. He'd just make 10 others.

Because we were deleting his doxxing stuff and told him to leave her and she's a whore and all that, he went into a rage and started doxxing me and other users. Modding him was a fucking FT job. TBH, I was relieved he died. But as things started to quiet down, we got banned anyway. I believe it was only 1-2 months after he died that we got banned.

That was fucked up, the guy took photos of their 'encounter' then shared them on the drug forum.

she had called people's place of work to get them fired

What an absolute psycho

Thank you for this! I really appreciate the scoop.

It's actually great drama and was fun while it lasted! Only thing I hated was modding the junkie psycho. He told me in a PM belle was helping him, so I know she was involved. She told him to post doxxing info and then use an alt (or she would) report the sub for doxxing. This guy would do this at like 3am when everyone was asleep. They wouldn't report it to us (the mods) but instead report straight to admins.

It's like I told Quietus, she's very good at playing victim while doing some nasty things in the shadows. Most of the people who follow her around weren't even from Loungers. They are from the uk subs she's banned from for doing the same thing she always does.

She's had a hand in a number of instances of doxxing and relentless harassment going back more than a decade, she has made lots of online enemies.

Falling for her BS is understandable at least to begin with, she has honed her MO to a fine art but if you make the mistake of sharing and personal details or she has access to any kind of private information be ready for her to shit all over you, it's not a question of if it will definitely be when, that Dev guy has it coming !

She definitely falls into the Dark Triad, what an absolute monster

Dev guy has it coming

Honestly if he wasn't such a fucking prick I might consider feeling bad for him when this happens. I can't wait.

Hahaha she got booted from TMOR.

u/Quietus42 you're a champ.

I can neither confirm nor deny my part in any internal TMoR decisions. It's my favorite sub and one of the few things I tend to lolcow over so that's all I'm going to say about that.

Can you get me unbanned from there?

I can put in a good word in modmail if you ask. Do you remember what you were banned for?

I basically posted a link to /r/familyman when some guy was sperging out in a thread that was linked to /r/drama. I did enjoy the sub prior to that

Wait till I get off work and I'll message you to send in a modmail request.

AHS (againsthatesubreddits) is good tho

lmao the absolute state of sardines.

SRD deletes everything, that sub unironically sucks.

Prince_Kropotkin is my unironic waifu.