PK fites Deva irl

1  2019-02-15 by uniqueguy263


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Shoulda been on the thread linking to SRD. Ur slipping smh

How long has this this thing of calling people "extremely online" been going on and why is it only used by basement dwellers who are projecting?


Despite being only 13% of the government labor force, police officers are responsible for over 50% of working class woes

Of course PK punctuates with ellipses. Anyone who does it probably has some form of "brain asthma" where they cant string together a complete thought without shutting down for 1 sec.

It's over for ellipsels.

BHAHAHAHA More leaks! These modmail leaks are so juicy

Anyone see they took belles perms from ftar? I know they are doing mental gymnastics in overlooking her disgusting alt right alt account, bc she’s a “good jannie”

She's currently workin hard layering in more lies,* I've been hacked* and I was in a dark place They've backed themselves into a corner with Belle, that Dev guy especially couldn't ever admit he got it wrong so I'm betting they will keep her on.

Its all good Belle will take FTAR down along with any other sub she has anything to do with, it's always the same, she will make everything about her until the whole place has turned to utter shit and everyone that stood by her looks like a total fool.

Then she'll turn on them all and use anything she has on them to cause as much drama as possible with doxxing and harassment.

I'm not sure there is enough popcorn to go round TBPH

Lmao 🤣 exactly, this happens every time. Same shit at Bluelight. 🍿

As David Byrne so succintly put "Same as it ever was" FFS a simple google of Eveleivibe reveals her toxicity over the past 20 years, but there is no evidence, its fake news, she was hacked...

Imagine keeping a mentally deranged person that’s beliefs run completely counter to your own on staff, bc they are a good jannie, that you accept the obvious lie ‘I was hacked excuse’ as a reasonable excuse. Absolute state of devavrata17 and the ftar mods.

She had to find a new excuse now and says she was hacked lol. I can't believe they are falling for it.

I wonder if she threatened to harm herself or if they're otherwise afraid that she'll do something stupid if they kick her. There's no other rational reason for keeping her on the mod team with no perms.

That’s a pretty solid point. I would say this is likely the case, sadly.

Does she have a history of making threats like that? I haven't stumbled across any.

Yes, that's how with her history on bluelight, she kept her account even though most users would have been permabanned. She threatens self harm.

That is not at all surprising.

The FTAR mods should just rip off the bandaid and get it over with. Their problems are only going to increase the longer they wait. They can just have her local police do a wellness check if she threatens to hurt/kill herself over it.

Bluelight had a thread about her in their private mod forum, and it was (no exaggeration) over 1000 posts of mods reporting her having a meltdown on people, doxxing them, and then coming back to say how sorry she was and threatening suicide if they ever banned her. Most people not wanting to be responsible over a suicide just because of a bluelight account, let her stay. She is very very good at this, and my personal opinion is she likes the power play of getting people banned or whatever due to her playing victim.

She sucks people in with her drama because it's so strange and yet so entertaining.

Damn that's crazy. Do you have a screenshot/archive?

Some of it was leaked but the r/bluelight mod deleted it. I could try to dig it up on that search. Just need to remember the alt's name that posted it xD It's been a couple of years.

If they reached out to her dedicated trolls they could likely get her info, so they could contact the proper authorities to do a wellness check. I agree for sure. It’s gonna likely get much uglier, so it’s good for us.

They've all got their perms back, they must think they have rooted out their mole so they are going to hang onto their closet Nazi

If they kick her out /r/drama wins. That's it

I was about to ask 'do they really care that much about 'winning' to fuck up their sub?' and then I remembered who we're talking about. That could be the case.

snally could you possibly update your original evey file with all the current info so a clear timeline is established?

Dunno, keeping track of her now seems like something that others would be much better at. I'm not good at following people, just digging up old drama.

i have literally no idea what any of this means and im not sure if I would like to know more or not

Imagine taking leddit this seriously

the only people who win at life are people who post shit like "what a cute doggo 😍 😍 😍 😍 " in r/aww and then fuck off this godforsaken website to go have dinner with their spouse

BelleArielle is involved what a shock

I’ve missed PK.

"Leftist impersonators"? Harrassment makes some one right-wing?

Those mods are retarded

How can Belle deny Evey is her when they both spell like a dyslexic?

but your just an ifiot