Hippies debate politics

1  2019-02-15 by Love-Sex-Dreamz


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


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A bunch of junkies are also commies? Imagine my shock.

It's funny how in the past people who tried to implement Marxist societies killed off gays, druggies, and people who don't provide to society and now in modern times, those are the people pushing for Marxist societies.

Nixon did nothing wrong

They see "to according to need" and think "Great, I'm needy" without realizing even Marxist societies wanted useful people.

Honestly, for what everyone keeps saying about it opening minds, LSD mostly just reaffirms people’s precision’s beliefs. A christfag will “feel the presence of Jesus”, an atheist will marvel at how natural selection managed to make life as complex as it is today and cause such a diversity of species, and commie will moan about how oppressive capitalism is, and a capitalist will be in awe of it.
