Trump pins Meme video from T_D on his Twitter feed

1  2019-02-15 by PizzaDeliverator


Hahaha what a disgrace I have for a president. Not gonna lie, it’s good bantz but c’mon.


You rightoids really need to try being more creative. This is chapo shit.


Nevermind, thank you for your advice. Also I'm a radical centrist, not a daddycel :)

Good boy

You new faggot?

Gillete migrants OUT OUT OUT

It's nice in a way though, in the sense that it absolves me from having to have any unironic concern for Amerimuttistan.

Any country retarded enough to elect a JV reality television spare its president deserves everything it get after that point. So now we can all sit back, laugh, and root for more misfortune.

But I live here 😭

Not available in my location? wtf

America will never be a socialist country

lmao what

Grumpy Bernie was the second-best part of the SOTU; just behind bearded Ted Cruz.

What's up with that manlet announcer at the start?

He's Trump's court jester

Video got removed.

Twitter wokeness or did someone regret their actions? Either way I'm disappointed.

The REM guys hated that Le Drumpf!!! literally raped them via this clip, so they tweeted at @Jack to remove it.



I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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God those Krassentein bros are fucking dipshits. They probably thank god for Trump everyday to hawk their shit

They’re scam artists. There house got raided a while back for some fraud bullshit.

Yeah fuck those guys. I'm a dirty libcuck but they're scam artists. Like Daddy, basically, but less entertaining.

Theae are the same guys that made an AMA and it failed hilariously.

Yeah. One of my favorite AMAdisasters.



What did America do to deserve this guy?

Don’t answer that.

He is exactly what the average American (or hobo) would be if given a billion dollars. He is the American Dream. 🇺🇸😏

Winning the cold war i guess

I love this man. Not for any political reason, but he's just really funny.

oh yes, political reasons aside, i respect his lack of filter and just posting shit to get a reaction