2 Nigerians arrested in Jussie Smollett case released without charge, the hoax was a hoax

96  2019-02-16 by doyourworkyoufailure


If you support free speech, you must support people pinging other users. It's completely legal speech. If you won't defend pinging as free speech because you or someone else finds it disgusting, then no speech that you or anyone else views as disgusting is safe.

if it is in fact on shaky legal ground it's reasonable to not want to be the case that establishes it as illegal.

It's not, The reddit admins are straight up lying to the ignorant (like yourself) to justify their prejudice. Pinging being protected speech has long since been estabilished, as it has undeniable artistic merit. The only time it's been included under any obscenity laws is when someone is being charged with possession of harassment, so the state can slap them with more charges. The courts have been very careful to not charge anyone for pinging, because they'd get their asses fucking annihilated by a higher court due to the firm precedence of pinging being completely legal speech. /r/Drama had nothing to worry about, this guy was just making shit up to fool people into thinking his censoring wasn't entirely personally motivated.


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More false flags than a CIA Workshop


Of course a black man gets halfway lynched and the police treat him and his black friends like criminals.

Holy shee-it you're sticking with it. These dudes flipped and your boy just lawyered up. He is going to be arrested in the next 24 hours guaranteed.



Uh oh i guess the real hate crime is in the comments!!

The real hate crimes are still happening out there and not being investigated by the police. We need stronger FEDERAL anti lynching legislation because it's obvious these state and local law enforcements don't take the black community's problems seriously.

Whew. Talk about yikes. What year do you think it is? Honestly.

A year were a star AA LGBTQ actor in a hit television series is violently beaten by Trump supporters in the streets.

Aw man you had me. I was starting to sincerely worry.



This comment didn't age well

What's changed? AAs are still being beaten in the streets and shot by police and hate groups are at an all time high.

Holy shit, lynching is still legal?

The real hate crime was the friends we made along the way!

the real hate crime is the friends we made along the way :)

I can't tell if you're falling for bait or putting it bait yourself.

No he just got me really good. I did not know the nature of the sub

Yeah don't take anything seriously here. You'll just be made fun of.

Im humbled

Sit down🎵

posts in /r/eagles

Imagine my surprise

This means the killers are still out there 😱

Google the Rogers Park serial killer- they still haven’t found him.

Does this mean they flipped on him? My legal understanding is based purely on procedural TV shows.

The men, who were arrested Wednesday, were released "due to new evidence as a result of today's interrogations," said Chicago police Chief Communications Officer Anthony Guglielmi. "And detectives have additional investigative work to complete."

They snitched. It's over for Jussiecel.

Again my legal knowledge is all from shitty shows like CSI but why would they snitch? They weren't even charged with anything. Don't snitches usually only snitch in exchange for getting charges dropped or lighter sentences?

If they snitched, the police should charge them and hold them until they have what they want.

To avoid deportation.

Pretty sure they're full US citizens, just Nigerian descent. Can someone confirm/deny?

If not born they’ve lived here for quite a few years.

The police probably just threatened to charge them if they didn't snitch, rather than charging them first then dropping the charges in exchange.

They might have snitched about this? It's laughably far-fetched but I want it to be true just so we can bear witness to the absolute clusterfuck this whole scenario can devolve further into.
The two of them were supposed to fuck off after pulling this whole stunt but maybe they didn't feel like going back to Nigeria or the cops got hold of them before they could board a flight home.

We conspiratards now fam

Idk I just saw this rarted take being discussed on a duplicate post so I searched for it on conspiracy and wdyk there it is. Lol the whole thing is just too hilarious if taken to its logical conclusion. Running to the po-po without taking off your noose bling first and then crying about how some off-the-reservation magatards magically spawned in the middle of freezing chicago to partake in some half-assed hatecrime that they inexplicably cancel at the last minute for some reason (lol @ witnessing that famed mayo work ethic firsthand).
Supposedly he's undergoing all this scrutiny and humiliation simply b/c he wants to do a solid for his faghag pal kamala harris.
And if the nigerian homies shook off the heat back home like they were supposed to this would've all been a victimless crime with the exception of cops being jerked around a dead-end case lol. Each candidate gets what they want, bussy smollett earns a cashes in those victimbux for a pay raise next season, and the cops can't publicly call out jussie b/c they don't want a rodney king reboot on their hands.

Who knows man, may actually be true.

One of them is on probation and possessed firearms.

My guess is that when this was planned they were never supposed to get caught, and after sitting in a holding cell for however many days and subjected to interrogations, they realized that none of this bullshit was worth it to help a buddy get retaliation for getting written off a show.

No collusion!

Or, like, no crime or non-consensual activity actually happened.

Apart from Juicy filing that initial police report.

lol if Cohen is the bar then jussie is royally fucked

dude Jussie lmao

Wtf is even going on

Guy says he got lynched. People call fake.

He says "no way you racist and homophobic". So does Kamala Harris and others.

New reports he was about to be fired from his show and this lie was to save his career. New reports start revealing lots of super suspicious details.

He says that's all a hoax.

The cops drag in two 'eyewitnesses'. Say they are potential suspects of a crime.

Cops release eyewitnesses, say they aren't being charged with anything but have some awesome new invormation.

Apparently they had a pre-existing relationship with the lynchee.

Cops say they have more detecting to do into an active investigation.

Lynchee publicly hires "best defense attorney" in the nation.

To be continued.

Who the fuck cares if some random basketballer got lynched in chicago? Why do burgers seem to care about this shitty drama so much?

I'm no burger, but whichever way it goes, it will pretty much prove one side's narrative right or the other's.

This may very well be the factor that decides the next presidential election, for all the bad that implies.

I hate that you're probably right. I am firmly in the camp that Smollet is completely full of shit but considering how divided everyone is now and extremists on either side refuse to see reason this is just not going to end well for anyone involved.

It would be so much easier if he would just own up to his bullshit. yeah it gives the other side ammunition but it's a better long term solution if you can come clean now. Hell, at least some people on both sides would respect you more for it if only marginally. Nope, instead we gotta double down until everything burns to the ground.

Coming from a liberal whenever something like this happens liberals rally around it hard because they lowkey desperately want it to be true. Conservatives then do the exact opposite

He’s an actor. It’s a woke hoax

A Woax, if you will.

this drama is top notch. if you can't appreciate it, that's on you

I mean I know what’s going on I’ve been following, it was just a statement lol

Well if he wasn't fired from his shitty soap-style drama, he definitely is now.

Nigeria Is Great Again!

This is weirder than the Manti Teo story

And the mods removed the top comment.

Gotta keep that narrative spinning.


furry is zoophile blackface


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