"Hitler deserves respect" - Ex-Manson-Family member educates us with his groundbreaking views of respect.

2  2019-02-16 by dramasutra


Even hitler?



I don’t care what you personally believe. I care about reasoning and the search for truth.

Since you do not, this conversation serves no purpose. Perhaps as you grow your thinking will also mature.


Yeah, you don’t understand all senses of the word respect. The kind you mean is earned, the sense I’m using is innate.

We don’t disagree, you just need to study vocabulary.


If someone tortured and raped your entire family for weeks, keeping them alive with a concoction of meth, fluids, and antibiotics until their hearts simply stopped, would they still deserve your respect? What if they did that to everyone you've ever known? What if they did that to every person on the planet?

Thank you Michael Dukakis. Look, you are using respect to mean “worthy, admirable, good”.

Im using it in the larger sense of meaning “has inherent, transcendent value”. All human beings have innate value, irrespective of their behavior. That doesn’t mean they should be treated with deference; indeed, in your hypothetical the person should be put to death. But they still deserve respect in the sense I described. This is why, if we employed the death penalty for the monster you described, we would do it in a sober, methodical, and careful manner...out of respect for the law, the victims, the witnesses, posterity, and, yes, the monster himself.



You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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