>yike shitty sex picture

28  2019-02-16 by rsrfy


I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


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Dead meme, try something new


die alone you dumb faggot.

eVeryONe DiEs aLOnE

not everyone, but you will.

The Virgin Rageposter vs The Chad Litterposter

you haven't found a lasting relationship yet, you never will.

you're a fucking loser and no one will ever love you for who you are.

i hope your lame humor keeps you warn at night, cause no one else will.

But what about the titties, they do in fact keep me warm at night

I’ve become asexual.

the virgin Lawlz vs the Chad black guy

It kind of does it for me tbqhrmfn famblood.


What is this

Max and lawlz's post-orgasm pic

He's hot but he's no Darqwolff

Can someone care to enlighten a newfag and tell me who these """"""""""people"""""""""" are?

Saint Patron of Incels /u/IDFSHILL (formerly pizzashill) and his bitch.

Wow this guy managed to dox himself twice lmao
Is that pojom next to him?

No that's actually pizzashill aswell he just photoshopped himself in.

Volcel if you wouldn't.