Why is this guy a mod here when he posts comments like this on other subs?

30  2019-02-16 by SageKnows


Are you black or something? Why do you think fathers don't exist?


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is

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"Except I don't do anything except look at pictures that your side has devolved into insisting are pictures of children abusing themselves. Don't have to be horny at all to rationalize that, you're just retarded."

"Since the definition of "child porn" contradicts the definition of "child" while the definition of "pedophile" does not, you have to be excessively retarded to think that sounds paradoxical or whatever your little brain is trying to imply."

Gamergate was a mistake.

He is a mod precisely because of comments like this.

Making a pedo a mod to look edgy

I'm sorry, but who are you quoting?

His thought, its obvious why he's a mod

He was modded before people knew about his sexuality

lol sexuality

Excuse me? Are you denying validity of /u/DarqWolff sexual preferences?


Kids need some sexual exposure too.. Otherwise they are gonna end up being a prude like you.

I thought we wouldn't have to deal with such bigotry in 2019, yet here we are.

It's not ok to minimize the lived experiences of those with non-normative sexual preferences, sweaty. You're being awfully problematic. Have you stopped to consider that perhaps you're judging from a place of privilege?


No you’re right, I honestly think r/darqwolf needs to be institutionalized

What's wrong with that?

Let's unpack this

implying pedos don't make the best mods

Cringe and bluepilled.

get the fuck out

complains about pedos

Watches anime

Spiderman pointing at Spiderman meme

I'm guessing they peeped their deep state surveillance files and found I'm the kind of guy with the kind of feelings that just make me get taken advantage of emotionally by girls, not make me take advantage of girls sexually.

This made me laugh when he originally posted it, and it still cracks me up!

Hey! One great thing about /r/Drama is it doesn’t care how you behave on other subs. Don’t take shit like this for granted, bitch!

how you behave on other subs

OP is literally linking to this sub though, not just in the OP but also in his other posted links. I'm currently a deep state analysis to find out if OP really is, in fact, retarded.

Maybe you haven’t noticed but most of /r/Drama posts are links to other subs.


We're just trying to start a conversation about pedophilia in America. Also Darqwolff probably couldn't steal candy from a baby. Also his probation officer probably watches this sub to keep up to date on him. Also we have to ignore a lot of horrible stuff in order to stay sane these days.

Also Darqwolff probably couldn't steal candy from a baby.

But only because he's the one giving the baby candy to get it into his rape van.

My favorite is part is that he's a quck

Are you saying mods are not pedophiles?

rest assured he's not a pedophile, he's probably a hebephile or an ephebophile which is totally fine and natural.


In my headcanon, this actually means one who only wants to fuck the chosen people.


he's probably a hebephile or an ephebophile which is totally fine and natural.

I don't see how being a libertarian is exclusive to being a pedo.

He's our resident lolibertarian.

The real drama was in the friends and furry pedophiles we met along the way.

Hahaha, funny reddit joke!

I don’t know one single reddit mod that isn’t a pedophile. This guy is just more upfront about it.

mod abuse

Who else am I going to pin questionable mod actions on?

I did a 5 second statistical analysis of the mods here and that account is a complete outlier. It's weird. Like freaking weird to a degree that is between human and bot. Why can't it be like the other mods who have been here for multiple years and have hundreds of thousands of karmaloser points or the two suspended accounts currently modding.

Because it encourages him to embarrass himself here for our enjoyment

Lol it’s not new news he’s a pedophile, why else would we mod him

He was a mod before I outed him as a pedo