So now that the two black men arrested for the assault of Jussie Smallett have been released, how does it feel to know you're all huge racists who jump to conclusions?

2  2019-02-16 by smash-the-fash

Never change babes <3


Is this a fortnite reference?

You zoomers crack me up, you spent your entire education with your eyes on your phones so now don't know a single fucking thing and have the nerve to claim you're smarter than your peers. You offer literally nothing of value and it's no wonder you're constantly playing games where nothing matters like Fortnite or PUBG while your parents cry themselves to sleep at night about little Johnny, they just want him to grow up to have a decent job, they want him to succeed in life instead of self sabotaging himself every single day. But zoomers don't listen, they can't listen, their ADD minds aren't even capable of processing listening anymore, all they wanna do is play video games, eat and sleep. Honestly, there are prisoners who do more valuable things with their life on a day to day basis. I just hope that the next big video game craze has some sort of subliminal messaging that makes gamers kill themselves, because removing the lost generation of zoomers is the only way we can save humanity.

I agree.

There’s a case that they flipped on Jussie, considering that he just hired a high profile defense lawyer.

I jumped to the conclusion when this story was reported. I'm neither black or white, a brown and as such a real centrist. I also like when people jump to conclusions because it's good for my drama coin investment. I will always jump to the best theory which will maximize my dramacoin portfolio

Lol they got released because they threw his faggot ass under the bus, so he went looking for the country's top defense lawyer

How does it feel to know you’re all huge racists who jump to conclusions?

Feels great man.

I always believed Jussie. If he ends up charged and convicted it will only be due to the long history of racism and corruption in the CPD.