Is Ben a Chad Centrist?

334  2019-02-16 by LemonGaming5



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Yours respectfully, a logical person.


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No just retardedly libertarian until Daddy converted him to love the power of the state

Basically like every other GOP boomer during the Obama era. It’s incredible how much people will pretend to have an ideology just cover for the fact that they irrationally hate the other party.

The true path is pretending to be edgy to cover the fact that you hate both parties.

get out of my head

And into my car

Pull down your pants.

You first cutie, you gotta get me worked up

I don’t have any pants on



Which party do you rationally hate, gentlesir?

I'm not American. I think it's rational to hate the "other" party, whatever that happens to be. Simply because hating them is a prerequisite for taking their shit/rights, and this is useful.

Libertarians lost their principles the moment they went down on and got their first taste of Galt's Gulch 😋😋

Ancient cartoon from before he developed a taste for Daddy's dick.

Fairly obvious from the fact that it's a ZB toon and doesn't have Daddy in it.

And more obvious from the fact it says 2014 in the lower left corner

Look at you and your fancy book learnin

I don't know, Daddy is far more prevalent in his shit than a little ol date.

Or detailed granny panties.

The constant idea that the massive government security apparatus that is the CIA is lefty is a special breed of retarded i never get used to.

Also known as the very same organisation that assassinated or overthrew half of the lefty leaders of South America.

They didn't do that, they provided logistical support and arms at best.

trusting commiepedia Ok let me roll my eyes at you.

Are you one of those Nazis that thinks the holocaust didn't happen, but should have?

No. The holocaust did happen, obviously. Although if i had any criticism of the coverage if that the 6 millon non-Jewish victims out of the 12 millon don't get the spotlight often enough.

Lol. Imagine thinking that the involvment of the CIA in South America is "controversial". Half of the shit in the Wikipedia is out of declassified documents.

WTF I love the CIA now

Its such a universal conspiracy most right wing burgerstanis believe in it, case in point half the comments in my replies unironically trying to defend it.

They serve the interests of the Deep State, that has no political morals or values other than increasing their own power. They are leftist right now because that ideology will help them gain power the most.

Oh shit, it's not being ironic.

Seriously, the CIA has always been shady and involved in so many dirty secrets across multiple administrations. Political party doesn't matter to them. They just want power and will side with whatever ideology will best serve that interest. If you want to selectively ignore the shady shit the CIA has done just because they agree with your political party right now, then I have no words.

CIA has always been shady

😱 I prefer my intellegence organizations to publish everything!

Political party doesn't matter to them

Damn you, civil service reform!!!

They just want power

The hive mind of the IC?

If you want to selectively ignore the shady shit the CIA has done

Yes my only options are to believe in CIA mole people or to say they've never done anything wrong. There's simply no room for nuance!

I have no words.

If only.

If you think the CIA has the amount of power they've been given to serve the interests of the American people, you're wrong lol. They have been caught running drugs under multiple administrations. MK Ultra was totally illegal and went against human rights. They operate outside the oversight of any elected representative. They don't represent us and our interests. No amount of sarcastic quipping from you can prove otherwise, I'm afraid.

> mk ultra and operation northwoods therefore deep state and chemtrails.

You should stick to /r/conspiracy.

This is going to sound clichéd, but nice strawman.

Is it weird that you call deep state and chemtrails a strawman, but straight up used the term "deep state" in your topmost comment? Your own opinion is a strawman for your opinion.

You don't know what a strawman is. A strawman is a logical fallacy used in argument where you hypergeneralize and misrepresent a person's argument to discredit them easier. What you did was a strawman because you took a bunch of typical conspiracy nut talking points that I don't believe and never talked about to make me look like a fool because you had nothing to argue with. Me calling the unelected intel bureaucracy the deepstate is simply a name for a very complex power complex. Try harder.

strawman is a logical fallacy used in argument where you hypergeneralize and misrepresent a person's argument to discredit them easier.

That's close but not accurate. A strawman is where you build up an easy-to-defeat example of someone's argument. Hence the name. It doesn't require overgeneralization or misrepresentation.

you took a bunch of typical conspiracy nut talking points that I don't believe

Except for the deep state one. You believe in that. The rest isn't a formal argument, it's mocking your dumb ass. The fact that you're calling an insult fallacious is hilarious.

Sorry, thought this was a real argument about a real issue, not a juvenile insult contest. Point is, you made a strawman to attack without bringing anything to the table accept cheeky sarcasm. I suppose that's all you can do if you aren't particularly knowledgeable on the subject. You can't just say something isn't real or true without knowing a single thing about it. I can't imagine taking pleasure in being ignorant...

Case in point

Jet fuel can't melt steel beams.

Anyone lost a tinfoil hat? I found one while I was walking in the special CIA Al Qaida training grounds

Imagine thinking an unelected government agency that doesn't answer to the public, which has more power and technology than the military, is something not to be questioned. Yup, I'm just a tinfoil hat. Also, it's very ironic that you call me a conspiracy theorist because that term was actually first invented by the CIA in the late 1960s to get the public to denounce those who dared to question them.

So the hat is yours?

You can keep it, i have extras

Yeah I figured as much

Stay epic, bro

I mean this guy you’re talking to is retarded, but you somehow managed to top them. Impressive.

Also the thinly veiled serious posting has got to stop.

Thats just your opinion man

penetrate my Deep Bussy

I stopped swinging that way after a bit of therapy, buddy. You can too. Believe

flouride in water


Yeah not shit Ben was always a loon.

They are building a wall. I thought that's what Ben wanted.


bby no!

Fluoride in water, cointel pro, bilderberg agenda

But the worst conspiracy of them all

Ticket Cameras

Also CIA and UN are on there twice. TELL US ABOUT THE SHADOW CIA BEN!

bilderberg agenda is real. they meet up and talk about what to do. you cannot deny this at all. it is literally proven fact.

Isn't this just a different version of the one comic where the pyramid is stepping on people?

That was pretty hot tbh



Me, a rational thinking, enlightened, radical centrist: "BRRRAAAAAAPPPPPPP"



Blaming the left for the war on drugs is next level

GMO foods


Agenda 21

My fucking sides

Those corner bricks really bother me, why do artists never look at houses/guns/cars to see how they're constructed before they draw them?

I really wish he'd get a hot dose of fent


/u/LemonGaming5 can you please unban me from /r/CompleteFreeSpeech

you have been unbanned. BTW I left that sub. owner is a retard

Thanks bb! and yes haha, I know

this was from back before he was an actual fascist, when it was funny to pretend he was one

Embrace the third position

Is this pre-"the holocaust didn't happen but it should've" Ben?. i can't detect support of Daddy or anti-semitism, probably surreptitiously altered

Wtf i love daddy garrison now.

He was a libertarian until he figured out that the DDF is waaaay easier to make a quick buck off.

Elechads are so much cooler than dunkeys.