I made an innocuous statement, as an immigrant, about food culture in the United States. I have been lambasted by folks right here on Drama spewing their vitriol, and now I have PDSD (Post Dramatic Stress Disorder).

15  2019-02-16 by glorica


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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You said it, snappy

lmao actual title: retard loses his mind at the prospect of people learning things

For a guy that supposedly likes drama, you do enjoy downvoting people who provide it. In some circles, we would call that retarded. I guess in the states, we can call you "differently abled."



i didn't though fyi, calm down you spastic

You could at least be sneaky about it and wait like the rest of us for someone else to downvote it, and then dogpile on them. Doing it within seconds of your reply makes you look like a sore loser 😲

lmao i'm going to downvote you now just to see you get even madder about it

Pretty funny you claim to be such a devout catholic considering some of your ridiculous (and racist) comments.

I like to have fun with you guys, what can I say? At least I’m not a loser who goes digging around through past comments looking for dirt and thinks posts bashing the Brits are racist. Eat some chips, Chav!

Tbh the only time food is considered American is when they add needless amounts of cheese on it

Find a recipe written by an American without cheese, and I will find a comment on that article explaining how they added cheese and it made it so much better.

Needs an account to look at recipe


I was gonna day the same thing. The amount of cheese slabbed onto everything is why 70% or something of Americans are fat.

if it were just cheese then the French would be fucking enormous. their entire diet is basically bread and cheese.

americans eat a lot more shit than just cheese that makes them fat.

It seems like a stereotype though. French people I’ve come across really care about their physique. They mostly just eat salad.


they're literally one of the top consumers of cheese in the world. site's probably not 100% reliable but in literally any poll france ranks super high for cheese consumption. they also produce a ton of it.

Maybe they don’t eat anything else that day lol

The wine cancels it out.

Cheese, butter and sugar. The American mirepoix.

Today I learned a new word



Weird. I understand both words separately, but not together.

Stop being a fattie

That’s not what you said last night.

Dishonorable mention goes to user d-amazo for not liking Drama when it involves him, making him a new contender for the PizzaShill™ Crown of Asperger's™

lmao what even is this comment

💀💀 writing "lmao" on every comment doesn't disguise the fact that you're upset you've been featured as Daddy Glorica's Retard of the Day™

dabs and downvotes

I think the person going spastic over cooking with recipes is more deserving of Pizzashill's crown

Please give us an example of a recipe you have concocted yourself

I got banned for 24 hours after posting my last recipe so I’m not falling for your trap

It’s not a trap. I’m genuinely interested and the mods in this don’t ban people for retarded reasons like that

Talk to the mods because that was the given reason as to why I was banned

If you were banned in this sub you wouldn't be able to comment here, if you're talking about the other one I don't care that you're banned from there.

I said I was banned for 24 hours. That means I'm not banned anymore, it was temporary. Do you work in a rock quarry? How can you function in a day job with this level of reading comprehension?

Where did you state it was temporary? Calm down, sweaty.