EXCLUSIVE: Leaked footage of Grandpa Tick Tock after reporting an /r/drama comment.

58  2019-02-17 by snallygaster


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nice one snappy

Wow rude!

Snappy vs. Snally feud round 10.

thats avant garde art

Isn't it great?

really warms my cold dead heart

Ed u posted on the wrong alt

snally what's ur x_tube account ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

We just gotta find which account is writing in-depth reviews of porn from the early 2000s.

What have you been looking at snally 🤔

Of course you like vintage meta porn

I forgot about that one 🤣

Is this a lost scene from Begotten?

How dare you compare Gramps' art to that trash


For real tho, I thought lawlz was the only one to sticky his shit posts.

Don't use hieroglyphs to depict unseemly things!


Come on I just discovered them besides 𓂸𓂹 𓂺 is better than 🍆


Wow rude!

>Not even using #

Jerk me off like that snally 😩😩🍆💦


⏳Hickory dickory ⏳ 🐭 dock 🐭, come meet my 👴🏻👴🏻 granddaddy 💋💋 🕰 Tick Tock 🕰! He used to be a 💻 Reddit 💪🏿💪🏿 power user 💪🏿💪🏿, Now he's just a 👌 tight 👌 pink bussy abuser 😭😭! Yeah ⏱ hickory dickory dock ⏱, let's see 👀 that fat 😍😍 🍆💦 daddy cock 🍆💦! The clock struck 🕐 one-y 🕐and I went 👅👅 yummy 👅👅 Cause I get to slurp up 😜😜 all grandaddy's 🎉💦 cummies! 💦🎉 Yeah! 👯 Hickory! 👯 Yeah! 👯 Dickory! 👯 Yeah! 👯 Dock! Don't you dare 🙅🙅 make fun of granddaddy Tick Tock! 😡😡 He'll comb 🔍🔍 through your posts back to 🗓 10/12 🗓 When you told a trollx 😿😿 user to kys! 🙀🔫 Ask not for whom the bell tolls 🔔🔔—it tolls for thee! 💀💀

-Signed Granddaddy 👴🏻🕰Tick Tock's🕰 🎉💋 Princess Army 💋🎉

you removed the jussybussy sticky for this shit?

There are a billion jussy threads that you can seriouspost in at your leisure


The jussy thread is the top non-stickied thread on /r/drama you cretin


leave my waifu alone

This is all your fault

what tho


Nice, was this directed by Lars Van Trier under a pen name?

Lmao, that was great. I legitimately thought it was real at 1st and had to read the description


when he pulled off one mask and there was another one behind it I lost it

gpa ticktock is the dick-jerkin version of this

Monsters need love too, you know!

Oh um ok

at 0:18 is gay behavior. if you do anything but stroking that's fag shit to me personally.

Do you know what sub you're in

you do realize your baby also internalizes this shit right? you need to stop this shit

What's the Story behind grandpa tick-tock? Sounds like a Qultist if there ever was one.

Ed vs grampa tik tok saga:

OK, I didn't watch this beyond the first few seconds because, on reddit, any video which promises "cock" and then the first thing you see is a claw hammer has the taint of the highly dubious.

Also, I have never said I hate white men, quite contrary, I like them as long asthey recognize and acknowledge their place in the world: that is, under the foot of a black man, same goes for all you cucks. The true evil in this world is /r/SubredditDrama, which is my only enemy. Hitler was an animal rights advocate, and I quite like animals too, so I have nothing against white people per ce, just don't think rapid babboons should be running on the streets among people, smh. Once the /r/SubredditDrama cancer is gone and social order is restored, we can live in harmony with the subhumans, they in their lard, and we in our cities.


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