My brain didn’t know what was about to happen. Carefully he leant in so close that

22  2019-02-17 by Neither_Bird

his cock was in the centre of my ass, little holes painted by the view through the moonlight. It wasn’t triangular but it is at least two thickness which is the right thickness’s length. I tried to spin naked while his round shaft served to tickle and encourage completion.

Neon popped off her nipple and stretched out her small tits. She ran her tongue along the end of her ~glazed~ lips which glanched gently with the minky white cum… and Mouthbender stared with his eyes down at her disheveled pussy.

I could see the finality of breath from his cheeks as I tried to keep my breath. My arm was struck way over against his smooth skin and his face practically twitched as he jerked his hips back and forth. He was Fiat’s amateur, new to the movement. A grey satin glowed incandescently on his crotch. Making me lose my grip and start screaming little wonderful orgasms. Just kidding. My legs spun so suddenly I’d thought them to be waterlogged. My arms were moving. My belly hanging behind them all alone was so sore from the 106v will NOT of 6 million-hour drive. I couldn’t stand to go through this. I suddenly, emotions at a sad - finish - turning around to do the right thing but of default I couldn’t get myself out. I fumbled for my shorts.

Which wasn’t hard to do. One thing did complete the escapism, was to find Kevin Piccoli.

Balanced against a wall as he fucked the park he was telling me to go manually forward… There we was. Pleading over the phone in fucking fashion while looking off into the dark 45 deg Celsius surrounding him, he stood abruptly. Computer screens rattled with world wars or the whoof between. He stumbled back up onto the couch then stroked his thighs, his smooth, butt-hole interrupted by Josef three whole ribs deep opening, wet ass pinned-tight, lick drum purring from place to place. So cold. No sex inside my hands, lack of oxygen.

This was love, I was told. Love his dirtiest blowjob he wanted me to get on cold. But was there a place to ejaculate? No questions asked.


y tho

I said no questions asked. What're you, some kind of pervert?

What in the fuck

Neat 📸

That was fuckin beautiful

Is this Pynchon?

holds up spork