Queen Bee of r/gangstalking gets called out as a PsyOp. Has she been a Targeted Individual or "in on it" all along?!

49  2019-02-17 by CurvyAnna

This rabbit hole runs deep but basically r/gangstalkering is a forum for people who believe they are being systematically stalked and harassed for...reasons. It's pretty clear these folks are mentally ill which isn't funny but it is facinating!

Heather4567 is a mainstay there and has been for ages. But, what if she really a deep plant tasked with gaining trust and info from others to aide the harassers?! đź‘€

One brave posters makes the unthinkable accusation!



Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is

  2. r/gangstalkering - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is*

  3. https://www.reddit.com/r/Gangstalki... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is

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What if we found where these people live and followed them for realsies 🤔🤔🤔

It starts with M and end with urder.

Yea, of someone. Not necessarily you.

They're obviously schizophrenics. They'll lash out against any random trigger if you push them over the edge. Chance of you being that final trigger is ridiculously low.

More like Schizoaffective Personality Disorder.

This is exactly the kind of logic that allows for the recruitment of perps. You really think it would be so hard to tell this to locals and have them have a go at a perceived "crazy person"

Pardon, what?

Oh that tech that has been under research since the 50s and usable since the 80s? That tech that was used in the Iraq war against insurgents?

You go with your non-research. Get down with your bad self.

whew, you got me there, lad.

I apologize for never researching the great work of scientists like Copperfield or Siegfried and Roy. Quite frankly, it eludes me how all this scienc-y stuff works.

I did watch Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the crystal skull recently though, if that counts.

Please help me become a better person.

What would convince you then?


A sub where we discuss all the goings on but ban everyone who seriousposts on r/gangstalking.

With pings.

So we stalk them, discuss them, talk about Agent Roger and they can't do a thing.

Unironically based

Not too serious post too hard but you could really write a dissertation on gang stalking being the first virtual memetic psychosis.

Also not trying to serious post too hard, but I’m pretty sure gangstalking is just undiagnosed paranoid schizophrenia. I’ve followed that sub for a while and I honestly just feel pity for them. Never before have people with a mental illness like that been able to all group together and feed into each other’s delusions. It’s really sad

Not trying to serious post too hard, but according to the DSM-5, a mental illness can only be diagnosed if symptoms significantly interfere with major life functions.

If you’re getting sympathy and support, and all your friends agree with you, and you’re an online activist fighting against this “real” injustice, and you feel happy most days because of all the empowerment, are you even crazy?


getting sympathy and support, and all your friends agree with you, and you’re an online activist fighting against this “real” injustice, and you feel happy most days because of all the empowerment

That doesn't happen

Quit gangstalking me

👀 👀 📸 What did that guy at the bus stop MEAN when he picked his nose???

I used to stalk and harass that subreddit with hundreds of comments over a dozen accounts. I was but a wee lad with a holocaust joke as my username, and this galaxy brain /u/ShootHypotenuse immediately got the game and decided to pull my card. He begin following me around, stalking me, writing posts on various subs about how me and other Nazi username guys were involved in some grand Nazi Eugenics conspiracy. He would also click on my profile and spam the same response to all my comments in unrelated threads.


If you want to know what's wrong with that guy, he lives next to an AIR FORCE base and he truly believes that the government spends tens of millions of dollars to fly planes over his house, to MOCK him from 40,000 feet in the air. That isn't a joke.

When I pointed out that I was a black man, and had a history of comments on anti-racist subs, he quickly saw through my bullshit, and exposed my scheme to build up a comment history of liberal views, in order to infiltrate leftist spaces. At this point, I had no choice but to engage in a campaign of terror against him and the rest of the sub. During this time, I would point out how crazy he was being in all my discussions, the silent peanut gallery of non-schizophrenics would often upvote me, and downvote him.

This was so mentally distressing to him, that he had to convince himself that I was merely manipulating the votes, so he literally got 20 alt accounts to downvote me every time I commented, and upvote himself up. At this time, I had successfully fucked with the sub so much, that I literally told the head mod that I was holding the sub hostage, and that if they banned me I would ratchet up the abuse 2-3x fold, and IT WORKED. Eventually, I was able to break this guy down until he had a nervous breakdown. If you've ever abused stims or something like that, and know what it feels like to go psychotic, this is what happened.


Not longer after, the mods banned him, a genuine schizohprenic from his own home, because he refused to stop feeding the trolls(me).


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That'll show someone... something

He who fights with lolcows should look to it that he himself does not become a lolcow. And if you gays long into an abyss, the abyss also gays into you.

Dude that's fucked up bro ... don't call somebody crazy because you don't understand what they're saying you don't know where they've been or where they came from. Maybe one day you'll find yourself in those shoes and when you do and the realization hit you holyfuck I'm that guy that I was torturing because he was fucking crazy that's the day that you'll realize that he wasn't crazy. Don't get me wrong maybe he was crazy, however I'm new some crazy motherfukers and now I found myself thinking fuck he wasn't quite so crazy I hope you don't ever have to deal with that

Let's list off all the wonderful facts about our dearest friend Heather. Check my other comment for more GS tard facts.

  • Is batshit crazy, even by /r/gangstalking standards. Imagine a convention of pedophiles that just want to watch Disney channel and fuck kids, and there's the one special guy that wants to skin them alive and make them rape each other. This is Heather

  • She has Dissociative Identity Disorder AKA multiple personalities. This almost always develops in response to prolonged REPEATED sexual abuse. She loves to talk about cults and NLP, she insists she was in a cult as a child, which is bullshit but she probably was raped a lot.

  • She delivers pizza for a living, and insists there are 100+ full time agents in her area hanging around everywhere that she might ever go, to mock her with things like turn signals. That's right, turn signals are not for driving. They are messages to her, saying we know you're watching, we're stalking you, and you can't do anything. She also hallucinates that you're licking your lips constantly while you're talking to her, and she actually calls you out on it, LOL

  • Disagreeing or dissenting with her is TRIGGERING. Her own words. One bad comment and you will probably be blocked. She also loves to throw adult temper tantrums. If you don't agree with her, you will be treated to her complete life resume of her laundry list of diagnosed mental illnesses, as well has her degree. She knows what she's talking about because she has a degree(despite delivering pizzas for a living), and if you disagree, look at all these mental illnesses I have. This is a social shield you can't touch sweaty. She has also in one thread told me to stop contacting her, replied to me in another thread an hour later, and when I replied back she threatened to inform the police as well as her lawyer and bring upon legal consequences after she initiated contact with me, LOL.

She also has 2 kids. If she doesn't die soon I'll be disappointed.

That degree finally paying off

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You're a fuckin' weirdo.


You're a fuckin' weirdo, too.

The weird thing about that sub is they unironically believe evil random people are conspiring to stalk them, but if you were to troll there on an alt claiming to be one of the stalkers confirming their delusions (not that I ever did that several times), they call your bluff and ban you.

How do they know which stalkers are fake and which ones are gay??

Because you are confirming it retard. The real guys dont let other people know you arent wrong about this.

the real guys

bitch wut

You heard me.

Some have more control over their paranoia than others. I’m on the more functioNal end of the paranoid spectrum

This is crazy interesting. Reminds me of people from the tulpa sub.

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Guys look there's nothing I can say that will convince you of my veracity on the top of your hand of my sanity in general or psychosis. But let me tell you one thousand percent certain this shit is real..... I thought I was losing my mind I thought people fucking with me I thought God was fucking with me I thought they were trying to help me this has been the most confusing thing I have ever been confronted with in my entire life. And yesterday for some reason I got on Google and used to sequence of words I had never used before and found targeted individuals. I felt validated at least slightly intelligence is something I have plenty of however being certain of anything when you were being tortured this way is few and far between. I can trust no one.... NO ONE AT ALL. And that is exactly the point I'm a gun-toting Texan I have to say I know that my level of patience intelligence an overall competence is far greater than your average person. Anyone with my level of weaponry and not my level of skill would have went GTA V on all these niggas a long time ago. Do not think I do not consider it and I mean deeply considered it. However I have children they are my entire life they are also being targeted. Last week as I lay in bed holding my daughter as she slept and me and my son ate nachos why we watched the newest Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie, I suddenly hear a woman screaming as if she's being smothered by Pillow just outside the bedroom window it sounded close and after two years of this it would seem almost futile Nae it would seem like insanity to continuously get up and check sounds for danger when I know that it's someone fucking with me and yet I have children it's not something I have the luxury of doing. I almost didn't get up but then my son said Daddy are you going to go save that woman??? And I fucking almost lost it I did jump out of bed retrieving my firearm I made a perimeter check of the house finding nothing just like I thought I would. But I asked my son and he said it sounded like a woman screaming but through a coat. My God what the fuck am I supposed to do?

I've known more coherent downies.

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Being Targeted here in Toronto Canada made a website check it out https://www.facebook.com/Mind-Manipulation-Control-Gang-Stalking-316817895008412/

Being Targeted here in Toronto Canada made a website check it out https://www.facebook.com/Mind-Manipulation-Control-Gang-Stalking-316817895008412/