MAGAtards get gun pulled on them by a Pissistance member.

100  2019-02-18 by IntoTheDepthsMine


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening.


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Hahahahaha, you're in college and you still spend your time like this! This internet troll shit is for lonely 14 year olds, not adults.

The rest of your life is going to be lonely and boring if this is what you do with your time during what should be your most exciting years.

Before you know it, college will be over and you'll have no ability to make new friends because you don't have anything interesting to talk about or any way to meet new people. If you're not able to make friends now when it's literally the easiest it will ever be, there's no way you're going to swing it when you're even older.


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"I went out the front of the store to confront him again and that's when I got him in his car. He couldn't leave because his mother was still in the store. And we were having a verbal altercation outside," said Pierce.

Is this an elaborate prank site? If not, holy shit.

He has the makings of a great powermod


Plus /JoJo Siwa is on his way out, one spot is free.

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The dude was such a beta that even when he had a gun pointed at the magacel he backed down. This is just sad. I also noticed that I have similar ears to him.

Don't pull the thing out, unless you plan to bang

Neither bushes nor clinton are magacels.

Otoplasty is one of the cheapest cosmetic surgeries out there.

I actually like my ears, sweaty 😎

Well, I don’t.

Well I reported you.

Your ears could use a bit of work


Did the future police prevent the Bowling Green Massacre?

Q predicted this.

Two men at Sam's Club

Only one MAGA hat

Yeah, sorry, not buying it.

His wife had one too according to the story

that dude is really lost to pull a gun over this not just Kentucky but BOWLING GREEN, where the tallest building is like ten floors

He must've drove past five churches, parked, walked past the dozen $1000 overly loud muscle cars revving their engines in the parking lot, the five people standing outside smoking while dipping, past the three cashiers and ten people in line, half of them probably wearing MAGA merchandise, before he realized to his horror that he's in the presence of a republican.

He's lucky the rest of the store didn't turn him into vaguely human-shaped swiss cheese the second he pulled his gun.

Bowling Green sounds like heaven 😅😍😎


wearing MAGA hat

Choose one.

How often do you get chased out of Public Places by Chads?

His entire history is analysis of some magic the gathering trading site. So I’m gonna say he’s never in public places.

Smooth-brain take. He obviously occasionally gathers at a public place with others of his mind, smelling very badly.

Nah. Don’t actually play the game anymore.

The only thing worse than MAGAcels are MTGcels can't prove me wrong

Why would anyone care about proving you wrong?

They wouldn't because they can't. Cardcels are pathetic

Earth is flat can't prove me wrong

True tbh. Equally true is that cardcels are pathetic

Equally true is that apples are oranges and squares are circle. Can't prove me wrong.

This is cardcel banter



No need to cope when I'm not spending my parents money on cardboard

That’s a start.

Instant. 2 colorless and 2 Island mana. Counter-cel. Counter target incel's retard internet comment. This card cannot be the target of spells or abilities.

island mana

You'll have to remind me again how to speak virgin.


Oh man, you found Darq's less crazy brother! It all comes full circle.

TCG packs are literally the original lootboxes.

Mtg in username



Pierce tells 13 News that he was shopping with his wife when Phillips "Pulled a .40 caliber out and stuck it in my face, backed up and said, 'It's a good day for you to die.'"

Pierce went on to tell 13 News, "I said, 'Then pull the trigger. Put the gun down and fight me or pull the trigger. Whichever one you want.' And he backed up and he said it again, he said, 'It's a good day for you to die.'"

Pierce said the Phillips then took off. That's when Pierce followed him out into the parking lot.

What an absolute Chad.

My favorite part is when he realizes this isn't going how it did in his head so he just stutters out his one attempt at getting a reaction again before scampering off.

This is why they want gun control. Even with guns they are useless. Civil War wouldn't be three days.

Yeah, the red states would starve to death in 2

red States

You mean the bread basket area?

Southerners have no idea how to farm.

Hot take Luigi.

Yeah, the red states would starve to death in 2


You are stupid right?

You know you need to sell food to make a living, right?

You are really going to double down on this? Really?

The cities would be starving and mass chaos in days. The country?

Lets see we have hunting, fishing, farms, and if there was only a way for them to sell their goods to others?

You remind me of that south African politician who said they don't need farms because food comes from the grocery store.

Do... do you know where food comes from?

The bodega on the corner?

--that guy probably.

Oh no what would all those poor farmers do without liberals


Yes, because food is produced at chic cafes in California and must be shipped to those redneck farms in North Dakota and Georgia.

So much for the tolerant left.

This is why we need Islam. Inshallah brothers!

Pierce tells 13 News that he was shopping with his wife when Phillips "Pulled a .40 caliber out and stuck it in my face, backed up and said, 'It's a good day for you to die.'"

Pierce went on to tell 13 News, "I said, 'Then pull the trigger. Put the gun down and fight me or pull the trigger. Whichever one you want.' And he backed up and he said it again, he said, 'It's a good day for you to die.'"

Pierce said the Phillips then took off. That's when Pierce followed him out into the parking lot.

Why do people do this? Why do they follow someone and then say they're fearful of their safety?

Where did he say he was fearful for his safety?

Alright not him, even though there's a gun involved and he followed a dude to continue a heated argument. I was thinking about the times late at night at bars I've seen women follow men who pissed them off just to get them trouble with the police and claim they feared for their safety, even they felt they were safe enough to follow these people.

And following someone in general, that's hard to make a case that anyone was under any imminent threat.

he needs to be modded ASAP