The Fall of the Grand Prince.

48  2019-02-18 by Sky-Daddy


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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I find this feud between r/Chapotraphouse and r/Contrapoints pretty funny since I'm pretty sure Contrapoints and the Chapo hosts are friends in some way since she went on their show once.

Just goes to show how online fanbases are truly cancerous no matter what they're for.

/r/contrapoints is controlled by reactionaries who are mad on behalf of power mods they are friends with.

Reactionaries who support center left policies at that.

Imagine making a sub aftwea tranny


Imagine making a sub at all

Imagine making anything at all

Now you're just repeating commie talking points

Why don't you get back to imagining, chud?

Let's see some hog, chud.

Imagine imagining.

ok p-k's trigger is calling him an alt-right troll.

P_K should totally be a mod here.

Friendship between him and drama ended 😤

I don't think our user base could handle him, honestly.

Back in the day he caused a lot of drama here and it was great. We've lost a lot of our great lolcows and serious drama in-fighting.


It's entirely plausible -- and there is a great deal of evidence that I've collected that supports this hypothesis

that /r/ChapoTrapHouse, lacking effective moderation, has been populated by alt-Right operatives among the users, who are pushing their userbase towards being stooges for their goals.

I have an alt that says retarded shit on metareddit and gets upvotes, so this kind of undercover work is possible, but a bonafide alt-righter could never pass the ideological Turing test. That's a job for a radical centrist. And I doubt that anyone could pull off the frequency of a PK, unless its a schizo's alt (Pizzashill?)

But a bonafide alt-righter could never pass the ideological Turing test.

Doubt that's true. The concept of an ideological Turing test was popularized by libertarians after all, not radical centrists. And libertarians are basically considered alt-righters by leftists who love seeing Nazis everywhere.

Leftists consider other leftists nazis. The word has no meaning anymore.

leftists who love seeing Nazis everywhere.

Which would make it harder to pass their ideological turing test you imbecile.
This is the second time I've seen you shoehorn in your poltical agenda in the most retarded way btw.

Which would make it harder to pass their ideological turing test you imbecile.

So what? Lots of people could still pass it. Just because morons like calling you a Nazi for saying “orange man bad” doesn’t mean this isn’t easily predictable and avoidable.

This is the second time I’ve seen you shoehorn in your poltical agenda in the most retarded way btw.

Cool, what happens the third time you see it?

So what? Lots of people could still pass it.

Then why bring it up, retard?
Also, you're wrong. It's always painfully obvious whenever someone tries to invade the other side, left or right alike, because most of them aren't actually like the strawmen you keep attacking. "We should kill all niggers" doesn't fly on TiA, and /r/politics doesn't actually want to erradicate all white people (it's a shame I know).

Cool, what happens the third time you see it?

I'm going to call you a retard again.

Then why bring it up, retard?

Because the person above said that only radical centrists can pass the ideological turing test? Are you really following the conversation here?

It's always painfully obvious whenever someone tries to invade the other side, left or right alike, because most of them aren't actually like the strawmen you keep attacking.

Wait, were you actually this triggered by the irrelevant throwaway "leftists who love seeing Nazis everywhere" line? Aww, you poor thing, I get it now. :( No, I can concede that not all leftists and perhaps even the minority of leftists roughly fit this description. There, does baby feel better now?

Because the person above said that only radical centrists can pass the ideological turing test? Are you really following the conversation here?

Jesus Christ, you are dense. This chain has 4 posts, is it really that hard for you to keep up?
Here, I'm going to lay it out for you:

leftists who love seeing Nazis everywhere.

Which would make it harder to pass their ideological turing test you imbecile.

So what? Lots of people could still pass it.

Then why bring it up, retard?

There, I made it so you only have to focus on one string of responses.

were you actually this triggered by the irrelevant throwaway

Yes! I hate when retards like you shit up everything. I don't mind you playing in your diarrhea, but please do it at home in private.

Also, your last paragraph is literally indistinguishable from a boomer posting on facebook.

There, I made it so you only have to focus on one string of responses.

Yes, and now you can go ahead and put my reply in that string and then reply to it, if you actually are following the conversation, because I don't think you are.

Because the person above said that only radical centrists can pass the ideological turing test

There it is again so you don't get confused.

I hate when retards like you shit up everything.

If you get that upset about the insinuation that maybe just maybe some leftists use Nazi accusations as a way to avoid intellectual engagement then you only have yourself to blame. Normal people see passing snide comments about their political sympathies and move on. You apparently can't. If I sperged out like you in every "libertarians = pedophiles" thread I'd be a certified lolcow by now.

Also, your last paragraph is literally indistinguishable from a boomer posting on facebook.

idc. That one's also on you anyways.

If you get that upset about the insinuation that

I don't care about the content of your shit, just the fact that you feel it's necessary to stick it up everyone's faces. Calling everyone on every side retarded is fine (and important!), but stop making every comment ever about "leftists BAD btw" like some malfunctioning NPC.

Ehh just share a fake picture of her wearing a MAGA hat and most of the internet would be okay with it.

I get where you're coming from in the other thread, but in this one? I'm sorry, but in a discussion about alt-righters infiltrating leftist spaces if you aren't prepared for a few ancillary barbs aimed at leftists in particular then you should probably just sit out the conversation.

Right, if you've ever had an interaction with PK it's pretty evident that they are a real person with conviction.

Not even the_marx can pull it off quite right, and he's really, really good at it.

Not even the_marx can pull it off quite right, and he's really, really good at it.

That's because the_marx is willing to bite the bullet in every tankie argument and endorse genocide or whatever. It's pure bombast and it's completely self-absorbed in the act, whereas real people actually try to find some sort of common ground for engagement. the_marx mostly gets points for going pretty deep with their character.

These people would be calling each other liberals even as they got chucked out of a helicopter together.

Nobody was ever chucked out of a helicopter alive or at least awake. The purpose of the helicopter was to hide the body and their crime by transporting it some distance over water. Chucking a conscious person out of a helicopter would be dangerous.

Wow I never thought I'd see you defending Pinochet but here we are 🔬

Pinochet did nothing wrong

You're not fake watermark so it's not as meaningful. Sorry 🚁

That's cause I'm real watermark


In the end, the most important thing was the fake watermarks we made along the way.

I'm watermark

I deleted my account again

Didn't Duerte take some drug dealers on a few chopper rides?

Pretty sure he just shot them.

Why someone would shoot a man, before throwing him out of a plane?

Bullets are cheap and worth more than your life fyi

He didn't fly so good!

Lefties can only unite until significant right wing opposition is destroyed or subdued. They then immediately turn the knives on each other.

She's an activist who infiltrated hate subs to take control of them and change them to positive places. EXPLAINED That's actually praxis and you are wrong. Even if she's a centrist, she's done valuable work that make the internet safer and deserves respect for sitting on her ass and actually doing something.

lmao considering taking edgy subreddit names as activism

The term "slacktavism" was literally coined to describe shit like this.

I always knew the prince was a crypto alt-righter.

normal people :

reddit communists : UWOTM8

Intersectional lefties eating themselves what a shock.

Loving the guy whose too afraid to type out "Kiwi Farms" in case they use their magic hacking skills to find out his secrets, everyone knows your secret dude, you get sexually aroused by wearing women's clothing.