masterlawlz's ideal waifu

160  2019-02-18 by BasicallyADoctor


The joke is that this November your vote counts exactly as much as a senile retiree whose political sources are nestled between a thread of gay furry porn and a thread of kids wearing swimsuits.


  1. This Post -,,

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delete facebook

whatever you say apple salesperson

Eh 8.3/10. I'd bang.


Why not?

Why would he delete such a masterpiece?

cause he probably wasn't joking

How old is this couch exactly?


Over 100 tbh

It's actually a 1000 year old Dragon so it's cool

I dont know what prompted you to post this but please stop that

no u

No actually we need more

The UN should ban the people who post that shit.

t. still butthurt cuz of a kiddie porn ban

Maybe I wasn't clear. Behind every post in that linked picture is a person posting it. Every single one of those people should be rounded up by the UN and hacked to pieces with machetes.

based UN

Allah was right 🤢🤢🤢

Now I'm not an expert couchfucker, but isn't that pussy kinda low? The legs are not very long, and while it doesn't look "unfuckably" low, I feel like putting it 5cm higher would make the couch coitus more comfortable.

Um excuse me, what the fuck?


Wow. I have no words

Forgot about that vintage Lawlzpost lmao

I've masturbated to worse

what the fuck

Put a backslash at the start of your comment and the up arrows will all appear.

Delete this

Tsunade is hot but this is not

volcel if you wouldn't

What did he mean by this?

Volcel if you wouldn't

/d/rama, oh dear...