Podcast host is made mod on r/stupidpol, is made to delete account. His cohost chews out sub for being a bad influence.

55  2019-02-18 by thebloodisfoul


Are you black or something? Why do you think fathers don't exist?


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If you've ever wondered what Karl Marx would have thought about Sonic 3 and Knuckles, you've come to the right place.

Struggle Session is:

Leslie Lee III (Jacobin Magazine, Japan Times, Pro Wrestling Is Art) Jack Allison (Jimmy Kimmel Live, Funny Or Die) Jonathan Daniel Brown (Project X, Kid Cannabis, Horseshoe Theory)

Join us as we wade into the reactionary hellhole of modern pop culture in America. We talk video games, movies, TV, wrestling, comic books, music, anime, and all of your problematic faves.

This is his podcast and personally I don’t think you could string together another sequence of words that would be more unappealing as a description for a podcast than those.

Really putting a dent in the good intellectual reputation of podcasting

I dunno, man. I reckon Marx would be pretty stoked when Sonic collects all the chaos emeralds.

If you've ever wondered what Karl Marx would have thought about Sonic 3 and Knuckles, you

hate speech legislation prevents me from completing this sentence

& Knuckles.

What is NB and why do they tack it on to every statement they make and make themselves look like retards?

What a surprise, leftists are smug assholes.

Not knowing what something means doesn't necessarily make the user smug.

It's just a fancy way of saying "Note that, ...". That's what makes it pretentious.

Sorry you can't intelligence signal like he can.


Imagine being bothered somebody used an abbreviation you didn't understand.

I'm not bothered by it, more that it confirms my priors.

do u get this bussy-blasted when people use 'e.g.' and 'i.e.' in place of 'for example' and 'in other words'?

I upvoted both sides of this gay argument becUse i am the most centrist

This is seriously the gayest argument I've been in, and I was arguing with a GC mod last night.

I'm not bothered by it, more that it confirms my priors.

It's a term of the bourgeoisie that bootlickers use to signal to other bootlickers that they went to college.

its extremely common, youre just inexperienced

Common where?

actual books n stuff

I read a fair bit of nonfiction, even a couple dry histories here and there and I've never seen it. Commy books?

manga and picture books dont usually have it try the library

Commy books then

no u can find it in pedophile books too you just have to go to the adult section

I'll take your for it

no problem, I realize that not all pedophiles are libertarians

I'll be honest and say I don't know what you're doing here. It's pretty weird though.

As a black leftist who pretty regularly ...

As a black man and as a mom arguments really have run their course.