Why are moids so evil? The gals of GC have a new "theory"

77  2019-02-18 by Osterion


I spend more time with women on any given Tuesday than any unloved, lonely shut-in Chapo poster has in his whole fucking life. I might make jokes about women on /r/drama, but IRL I'm one of the fucking girls and fine with it.

When any of them open up to me about their experiences with harassment or assault, it is never - NEVER. FUCKING. EVER. - about a MAGA bro or a frat boy. It is always at the hands of some sensitive feminist "woke" boy.

The "frat boy rapist" thing is a myth that dangerous dudes like this are happy to perpetuate, because it takes the heat off of them, i.e. the real threats to the goddamn wimminz.


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Well at least they're right about there being differences due to biology.

Crazier than any flat earth nutjobs:

The Y Chromosome was a glorious X Chromosome that became infected by some parasite that injected some of it's own material into it and it then mutated into a Y chromosome to make it possible for the male to exist?

Men's entire history is about them being tyrants and oppressing women and girls and wherever you look in their male history it's the same story being told over and over again.

The burden the male will never have to endure, carrying his own sex into his man's world

cos he has women to do that for him

while he can get on and focus on himself

So the male uses all the females time and resources to proliferate itself at her expense

So should one see that as a parasitic relationship and the reason why the male collectively is a hideous tyrannical sadist without a conscience?

There is a theory that males are essentially parasites.? The theory states, sexual reproduction began when some parasitic organism began injecting its genetic material into an unwitting host in order to utilize its reproductive machinery like a virus.

Over the course of evolutionary history, the parasites developed a co-evolutionary symbiosis with their hosts because of the shared genetic material and the benefits of sexual reproduction. So males may look similar to their reproductive hosts, but they may still essentially be parasites.

This theory has a lot going for it.

The male is the product of an infected damaged X Chromosome. The Y Chromosome was once an X Chromosome that mutated into a Y.

Male suppression of the female begins inside the womb

They secretes anti-Müllerian hormone, which suppresses the development of the female reproductive tract by causing the Müllerian duct to regress (this duct o/w gives rise to the oviduct, uterus, and upper part of the vagina)

In other words male hormones suppresses that which would otherwise produce a female child as the eggs females carry are all by default female.

So by this very fact males are merely mutated females who rely on the female for their entire existence in more ways than one.?

The suppression of the female by the male may go further back in time than anyone is actually aware and might explain as to why the male has been so aggressive towards the female for most of his history.


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WotNoKetchup is crazy, even by GC standards. Check her history, i love how she phrases most of her posts as if they're poems.

The burden the male will never have to endure, carrying his own sex into his man's world cos he has women to do that for him while he can get on and focus on himself

This broke my poor stupid male brain trying to parse. What did she mean by this?

Men are selfish because they don't give birth.

I never once said to a woman, "Let's have a baby!" Yet, I have at least 3-4 offspring from 2+ women.

What I also definitely never said to my whore ex-wife, "Let's have another baby!"

See!! Patriarchy hurts women too!!

It's true. Without any males around, women regress to their natural states of amorphous blobs, who reproduce by simply splitting into two after eating enough comfort food.

This post is worse than anything found on /r/incels. I really think these women must be super repulsive or something because they act almost identically to male incels. I wish we could pair both of these groups up and have them all lose their insanity together but obviously neither side would go for it.

Hot take: the fundamentals of incel ideology are accurate. It's just that they draw laughably absurd, extremist conclusions from the world around around them. These people though, are legit insane. Most of what "she" listed are fringe cases involving insane people, yet that is extrapolated to all men. Absolutely mental.

Holy shit I made a shitpost here to this tune a few weeks ago and had no idea it was an actual talking point. Reality is truly stranger than fiction.

The simulation is getting is getting crazier

I kinda feel sad for these women and the men who complain about women constantly too. What kind of men or women are they surrounded by that they have to hate the opposite gender so much?

I love men. Dicks are cute 😢 please no hate anymore!

You love men? ur gay LoL 😂


Check your inbox sweetheart

I don’t see anything.







Oh fuck yes

Cope. I hate myself too.

Do yuo wnat to see mine

No, small dicks make me sad 😔

it 7inch :D

Did you start measuring from your butthole?

frick u no i didnt

Well these women sit in this sub absorbing this shit all day long.

t’s the stealing of an election from the first female president of the US

Lmaooo it never gets old.

It was her turn

This but uniro-

Yeah nah I can't

I love how it was invented by Bannon but fit so perfectly that it even fooled some liberals into saying it unironically.

invented by Bannon

really? i'm impressed!

You know what, I tried to google that and it looks like I've been memed myself. The origin and rise to popularity of the phrase are unclear, Bannon was reported saying something similar but also Obama's campaign manager.

You actually fell for the hillshill story that it wasn't their actual slogan?

It definitely wasn't their actual slogan. Prove me wrong.

2013 is the first year I can find it connected to Hillary and it's a suprisingly common phrase among empowered women. Even Mrs. Reagan has a book called My Turn... :)

I consider Trump supporters subhuman but this almost makes him worth it.

My favorite is "b-but the popular vote!"

I do hate women though. Girl broke up with me once.

Potatoes have more chromosomes than humans ,what does that tell us.

That potatoes truly are the most evolved form of life on Earth. You can make fries, mashed potatoes, vodka, and even batteries with them.

I dream of a society where potatoes are worshipped as they deserve, but alas, every day we stray further from that true Gods.

Get out of here you Hibernian menace

Fun fact: male nematodes are the result of a mutation. Most nematodes are hermaphrodites, but their population carries a certain number of individuals with the HIM mutation that are male only.

Can you explain this in more simple terms?

ur gay

Thanks you

Nematodes are tiny little worm things so small you would have trouble seeing them without a microscope. Most of them have male and female genitals. However, some nematodes only have male genitals. This is the result of a mutation that scientists call "HIM". This mutation seems to have been around for quite some time, and the % of the nematode population that is male seems to fluctuate in response to environmental factors.

Interesting. Thanks!

Men's entire history is about them being tyrants and oppressing women and girls and wherever you look in their male history it's the same story being told over and over again.

The burden the male will never have to endure, carrying his own sex into his man's world

cos he has women to do that for him

while he can get on and focus on himself

So the male uses all the females time and resources to proliferate itself at her expense

So should one see that as a parasitic relationship and the reason why the male collectively is a hideous tyrannical sadist without a conscience?


Artificial wombs would make it so women could have babies and not do pregnancy. Also make it so men wouldn't have to ask women for the reproduction

"How dare you turn women's bodies into some kind of commodity like a misogynist Frankenstein doctor? Pregnancy is a sacred thing!"

Well shit

The course is clear, fertility rites are the future.

Gender essentialism but woke