Mayo petersoncel who alleges /r/sweden mod censorship to cover up rapefugee statistics and vanguard of the revolution who alleges purposeful mistranslation to push an agenda have a fight in SRD.

31  2019-02-18 by wfwfwfqwfqwef


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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The truth hurts


I'll just state that Sweden never had hand grenades being thrown at apartments up until a specific immigrant community decided to use it.

Being purposefully obtuse about all the new ways in which Sweden finds itself can only be explained by an agenda.

In Canada, I had no idea about

  • honour killing

  • selective abortion of female fetus

  • multiple wives

  • using religious feeling to justify silencing free speech

  • female genital mutilation

  • forced marriages & marriage of girls under 16

  • beekeeper suit

... up until certain immigrant communities stated filling up in large quantities.

female circumcision

you say this like it's a bad thing

• beekeeper suit • beekeeper suit • beekeeper suit • beekeeper suit


Those trash bags Muslims woman wear so their subhuman brothers won't rape them.

Thanks for that. I left my Fucking Moron-to-English dictionary at home

Personally, I think the best source on these things are people who live here. I didn't believe in no-go zones until a brave youtuber PeterSweden went into one - as you can see, it's really scary. Those kids with backpacks walking home from school look especially threatening.

I mean don't get me wrong I'm not a big fan of muslims either, they dress like retards and plenty of them got some backwards beliefs, but not every one of them is a piece of shit that wants to murder you while raping your wife.

There was an Australian news crew that needed to have armed security to go into a no go zone in Sweden and the residents were throwing rocks at them. It's on YouTube if you don't believe me. They definitely exist, but aren't nearly as dangerous as right wingers make them out to be.

That was fucked.

The amount of people on Reddit defending those people throwing objects at them and saying 'we don't know what the film crew said to them off camera to cause them to throw it' was insane.

Rule against posting drama you're involved in? No surprise they go out of their way to minimize the amount of drama that can be posted there. Plus a bunch of people jumping out of their chairs to point it out, some drama sub you got there boyos.

Immigration and topics around it has already been discussed a lot and you bring nothing new to the table with your posts.

Ohh does that mean we can stop talking about slavery now?