Q is the new gay

35  2019-02-18 by Serial_Peacemaker


This sub is what happens when minimally educated unintelligent people join together to find common ground and project their own self loathing to the rest of the world. There has never been anything clever that I have ever seen from this sub. I will continue to look for humor but I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor


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Perhaps I underestimated the punch Fentanyl packs.

You see, this will happen because the left is inherently fascist AND bigotted and just plain mean, intolerant and evil.



bonus unironic flatearthism

fentanyl-americans are really outdoing themselves lately

It's pretty evident that parts of the US are third-world.

Look at this poor example, who somehow manages to make it through life without a Return key or carriage return.

It's really sad

Right now I'm ... Just a supporter of Trump and the Truth

Sorry mate you're gonna have to pick just one

But Q predictions have been wrong over and over again. Q is a larp like flat earth or the idea that vaccines cause autism - none of these things are true, but they exist as a sort of limited hangout to keep people from getting a whiff of what's really going on. The truth behind those two is that some shady shit is going on at the Earth's poles and that big pharma does in fact collaborate with the government - potentially to cause intentional harm to you and your children. Your gross misunderstanding of fascism is evidence of how it works, and what this particular conspiracy plant is hiding in its shade. Look at voat- the Qanon sub there began overshadowing everything else when they were exiled from reddit. Listen to the last SOTU. Trump says he wants more immigrants to come to the United States than ever before. He goes on for 10-15 minutes about the Holocaust. What about these things improve the lives of the american people? 38 billion dollars to Israel from a recent bill with bipartisan support, the only R who voted against was Rand Paul. Trump is reportedly reducing his proposal for border security down to 1 billion for 50 miles of fencing. What the fuck do you think this means? There are not enough dimensions to contain the level of chess Q-ists would have to claim he is playing on. Trump is, was, or has been manipulated by the exact same radical Zionists as everyone else. What more do you need to see?

All those words won't bring daddy back.

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Well, then I'll just leave. Like a father.

The bot has become self aware

I like how there is also a flat earther having a discussion as well