r/boxoffice REEEEEEEEEEES after Weebshit movie flops like a fish.

185  2019-02-19 by Ghdust2


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Basing a 150 million dollar movie on a manga that was obscure in the US, is a great idea. Almost as good as starting a gas huffing addiction.

Basing a 150 million dollar movie on a manga and including two movies worth of content into one.... this should work.

It's like how the hobbit stretched 1 book into 3 films but in reverse.

I've seen a greater genuine emotional connection between the commentors and OP on a /r/relationship_advice post and by comparison a Ben Garrison comic is less over explained.

I can dig it, though this film took far too long to get into production and honestly anime has never translated into hollywood productions.

Isn't capeshit just dumped down anime?

It is and it isn't. It borrows capeshit tropes but, operates differently. I mean ghost in the shell makes no sense as a live action film.

Well, one on hand capeshit has like 5 whole types of characters compared to anime's 3. Protagonists are allowed to be older than 17 in capeshit.

Though there's a lot less recycling of angsty "why must I fight" and "why do I love" and "what is a nation" and "the country is amazing/the evil city" and "the power of togetherness" in capeshit which I assume is high-minded fare for you.

capeshit is the same rehashed formula but with different skins

That went without saying, but to its credit, it's usually not the skin of a 7000 year old demon hiding in the skin of a 10 year old girl.

Or any of the skins I mentioned in that second paragraph there.

it's usually not the skin of a 7000 year old demon hiding in the skin of a 10 year old girl.

yeah that's the irrefutable one.

I don't watch capeshit, but "muh ${place of residence (earth/nation/city/etc)}" and "fight with friendos" seem like they'd be p common plot points. Or maybe it's just been around long enough that they're not just derivative

Ah, well you probably got me there. I don't watch the flicks anymore for the same reason as you, so I couldn't tell you if it's changed.

Maybe now's the time to ask, does 'capeshit' specifically mean the movies? I usually take it to mean to include the comics in the same way I include hentai and manga in with 'anime.'

I'd include it. Same as starshit would include all books, anime, extended universe shit.

I think they're all constrained to certain potential plots they can use because it's what fans respond to and they want to make money

They are.

But the fact that making a comic book costs about as much as a pile of dirt means there are a few more potential plots they sideline in that don't make it into the movies because they aren't marketable enough to the mainstream.

Plus sometimes the unbelievably low financial stakes means you get stuff like this:


I'd imagine something like that would peter out rather quickly as there'd be almost no one interested.

Then again, people are still screeching into the amazon self-published abyss, so perhaps not...

Well you're right, a comic that was just the beard hunter or would probably get old real real quick.

But believe it or not, the comic that page is from(Doom Patrol) just got a show. And was the original property Stan Lee stole to make X-Men. Crazy can sell.

It also has a character named Danny La Rue who is a magic transsexual street. Hopefully it's a hint that things are changing a little.

just got a show

I think that's the real peter point. You can make manga/comics forever on no budget, but if your TV show isn't a hit you're getting cancelled.

This premise does sound at least vaguely interesting so I hope somewhat breaking the mold does well for them

"the power of togetherness"

this is unironically one of the best tropes tho.

That sounds like commie gobbledygook to me.

Only in the sense they are both based on comics. It's like saying the art in the Sistine Chapel and the Mona Lisa are the same thing because they both use paint.

Capeshit is anime minus harems afaict.

Infinity War was basically anime.

Hollywood also just picks shit anime to make into movies. Fairy Tail could work as a live action movie. Fate Stay Night could work as well. You could do them Marvel style. But they go for clearly unadaptable shit like Dragon Ball and Kite... and now most famously the huge budget dump of Battle Angel Alita.

wow this. why is 'Your Name' not a hollywood movie by now?

It's being made, unfortunately. I don't trust Hollywood with anime, period. They're going to fuck it up so bad.

fortunately they already went back in time and made the live action 'Your Name', it's called Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind.


hot take: I actually liked Ghost in the Shell, but mainly because I love ScarJo.

150 million dollar movie

More like 200 million 😂

😎 totally

hey, it worked for valerian!

oh wait...

Because a little known French comic will kill in the US.

Making a shit movie is also part of the problem. I didn't see anyone saying Valerian was quality. Of course sometimes its just unfair, that John Carter of Mars movie everyone hated I thought was better than most capeshit that succeeded financially.

I also liked that movie.

That movie was prime enjoyment though, felt like a good 80s movie. Honestly haven't seen valerian or any of the shit movies people are going on about in here but I doubt they were that good.

I just wish they'd made Mars look a bit more like Mars and a bit less like the desert a few miles outside of Los Angeles.

I know the original books were written a long time before anyone knew what Mars was like but, even then, it did look like an actual alien planet.

The problem with John Carter is that it just did OK in the box office. For most movies that would be enough to break even, but Disney for some reason decided to sink hundreds of millions of dollars into that movie.

The problem is they spent $100 million on marketing and none of it told people it was a sci-fi movie on Mars. I had people arguing with me when I told them it was about a guy fighting aliens on Mars because previews all made it look like a pseudo-western. Every time the movie comes up there's commenters saying how they went to see it and were really confused it was sci-fi.

FWIW I thought it was decent, although Dejah needed her sex appeal bumped up about 100x. These are books written for teenage boys and the whole reason they were popular is it's a super-American rescuing a megahot alien who wears nothing but jewelry - this is overdressed.

Where they went wrong in marketing it, is failing to plaster all the marketing with, "By the director of The Fifth Element".

I hated it, but that's because of how it compared to the books. Knowing what it could have been ruined it for me.

as starting a gas huffing addiction

Love Liza is a great movie

I mean, the whole idea isn't that dumb since there's plenty of good manga out there. But there's this little thing called marketing (seriously, who gave a fuck about the Guardians of the Galaxy before the movies came?) and adapting the source material correctly. Yeah, tis not a bad idea, but the execution was, well, fucking idiotic.

I dunno I’d give the movie 8/10 better than any marvel movie I’ve seen in a while. Not a trailer friendly movie tbh, lots of ultraviolence, no self-aware quips, and no audience familiarity.

it's the fucking creep-ass eyes, man. i fucking hate anime and even i'd watch this shit for some dumb robot action if not for those body-horror-tier eyes.

It looks fucking weird, if your female lead is gross and no one would like to fuck her, you're already playing from behind. Even Space Jam knew how to tune Lola to make children and teens question themselves.

You have to give James Cameron props for duping some studio into financing and distributing it.

Weebs are below ants in the social scale, if you like anime you seriously need to get some real friends

no u

Ants are higher than humans on the social scale.

You're an incel. You have no right to look down on other people for their weird degeneracy.

You're cute bud. A whole 0 day old account and you're already dispensing out the wisdom

Weebs belong in the deepest layer of hell

Am I a weeb if I only watch the occasional dub of an anime a friend recommends? 🤔 Fuck.

One drop rule

Suck my 2d cock

wow that thread had some prime C O P E lmao

You should check out YouTube reviews of this movie. It's full on C O P E in the comments.

Why are redditors so invested the success of some shit movie


That's because, a lot of people derive their identity from the entertainment they enjoy. So to attack the entertainment is to attack them personally.

A good example of this is weebs.


have you seen how fuckin attached people get to games and gaymer identify. Same with capeshit tbqh.

prime redditcel is all about finding the community that you base the entirety of your identity on and then echo chambering it up

i mean dude bussy lmao


Also r/drama, and most subs with an involved internal culture. People make it part of their identity.

lmao /r/drama is not part of my identity, the day i say anything like bussy or based or redpilled or unironic irl, is the day i kms

I wear a voice activated bomb choker to make my head explode should that frightful day appear.

I too follow the Islamic faith.

Based and redpilled

I unironically think this is what happens when atheism engulfs society. People need something to rally around

Majority of people in the US are religious.

Not the ones in that thread.

Change my mind.

Because Lolita: Battle Angel being a mainstream success would have reaffirmed the idea that their degenerate pedophilia is normal.

because they want james cameron to continue going to the depths of the ocean to look at coral or some shit

Same reason people are invested in this sub. People care about random shit.

I’m tired of capeshit and Disney remakes? If this eeks out a profit there’s a good chance of a sequel. Tbh it’s wildly outperforming the original tracking which had it doing $41M total DOM and it’s already done that opening weekend.

i dont give a shit how well movies i enjoy do at the box office, let alone weebshit.

You asked a question.

This is capeshit

My favorite of this is when BladeRunner 2049 flopped and all the dorks were talking about how it was actually an arthouse film lol.

imagine unironically not getting invested in the luxuries modern life affords us.


I’m unironically on cloud 9, the movie was definitely going to bomb and now there’s a chance it might squeak a profit, it beat even the top box office estimates. I want my Battle Cutie sequel.

Alita Battle Cutie, best waifu

The movie did suck though. Everything felt so rushed and the dialog was real cringey at times. Too bad, I'd hoped it would do well. at least it wasn't more Marvel, or a live action remake of some 90s cartoon.

I died laughing when he tried to jump over the ring of death. That whole sequence was right out of an Itchy and Scratchy cartoon.

It was straight out of an anime lol

can you name one anime or something based off anime with non-cringey dialouge?

akira, ghost in the shell

okay i watched snippets of them and they're actually above the standard of cringe i've come to expect.

Akira is weird. It takes this really long manga, and then stuffs this epic storyline into a 90 minute film, making it completely nonsensical in the process. But it also ends up being about 20 times better than the source material because the animation and soundtrack are fucking phenomenal. Personally I don't rate Ghost in the Shell nearly as high as some and I don't care how 'influential' it's supposed to have been, but Akira is well worth a watch or two.

CANADAAAAA is cringy dialogue

I'm watching one title from this season and it's already good. The only cringe in it is a bit of cringe comedy.

Edge of Tomorrow

Do you mean All You Need is Kill?

No I meant Kill La Kill

Akira, Princess Mononoke was good, Evangelion, Death Note... That's about the only anime I've ever watched before. I do concede that most anime dialog is horrid. I tried a couple of others that were supposedly very popular and didn't get past the first 10 minutes.

But this was a Manga right? Based off comics, not a cartoon?

Bible Black

dialogue was real cringey and the plot was rushed Sounds like anime to me

It is a live-action remake of some 90's cartoon.

/r/boxoffice can be great for drama due to all the fanboys that invade for their movies and get butthurt when they underperform (Solo, BvS/JL, TLJ)

Imagine unironically shilling for a crappy superhero movie made by a soulless corporation with the explicit purpose of promote (((degeneracy))) within our culture. Mayos deserve their fate.

Imagine defending a multi billion dollar corporation from mean comments.

My most downvoted comment ever was going in there and talking shit about TLJ opening weekend before everyone realized what just happened lmao

The Harry Potter fan drama over that shite fantastic beasts franchise was pretty great. A quality sub for drama.

This unironically the first ad i saw when i got to America and I'm nkt shocked that it failed

I'm not sure on the language conventions you're used to, but in english, as most things happen without irony it isn't really necessary to make the clarification. Doing so could cause people to mistake you for a drooling zoomer.

100% nonfiguratively agree, amigo

This but unironically


It hasn’t failed tho. Variety is just writing clickbait. Two months ago this had NO chance of not being a huge bomb and now it might squeak a small profit.

It should fail tgat bug eyed main character is gross


Did people expect it to do well?

is this live action shit

not a surprise it flopped, but damn why are these losers taking it so personally?

Nobody wants to see a movie with a chick with fucked up weird eyes.

I dunno, your mum's porn does pretty good. Didn't "Lactating Lazy Eyes IX" win some AVN award?


Oiy vey

Didn't that AOC documentary just win an award?

Commie Mommy also has the horse teeth though

Yeah made it feel like I was on some bad drugs.

Idk why they just didn't give her normal looking eyes. The big eye concept in manga is an artistic choice.

I saw the previews for this and wondered why it looked like a trainwreck even in highly edited trailers. Who thought this mess was a good idea?

The movie is actually good despite the trainwreck trailers and yes I’m shilling because I want Alita 2: Waifu boogaloo.

The Lego Movie 2 is great, and that's also not getting the box-offices returns it should.

It's a legitimately entertaining movie. Legoshit > Weebshit

I still don't get the eyes. If you wanted it to be a stylized movie, then just make an actual animated movie. With the amount of CGI in this film, it was already like 80% animation anyway.


She’s Martian and they all have fucked up eyes.

yeah that doesn't make it less unpleasant to look at

They probably should have explained that in the trailers

The trailers don’t do the movie any favors. I did like all the big eye drama tho.

She's a robot tho.

From the commercials I just assumed it was an animated girl brought to life or some weird shit

Androids can have spider legs and weird tentacle arms but big eyes are where you say no

Why the fuck are her eyes so big

they took a cue from early KyoAni anime like Air

Marketing for movie sucks, not enough people see it

Surprised Pikachu

After seeing the movie I honestly don’t know how you market it well. It has no self-aware quips, lots of ultraviolence, and the audience has no familiarity with the source. It’s a good movie tho, much better than Pork in the Shell.

Ultraviolence you say? The trailers I saw made it seem like some super introspective movie about trying to fit in. May have to check it out actually, since I know nothing about the source material at all.

It’s super fucking violent. It should be rated R. You know the posters where Alita has red war paint under her eyes? That’s dog blood. Yeah. James Cameron must have some blackmail on the people at the MPAA.

Say what? Now I'm more interested I thought it was war paint. And I mean JC can basically do whatever he wants at this point

Alita was basically just to keep his sfx A-team on payroll while they waited for Avatar 2 post production.


The main character gets chopped to pieces in a shocking scene and follows up with one of my favorite moments in any movie and the best F bomb of all time.

She chops one guy from scalp to crotch and you see the pieces fall to the floor.

She sends another guy into a metal wood chipper and the camera doesn’t flinch.

Lots more like that. Not safe for trailers.

Well I'm probably going to the movies this week then.

That’s dog blood

Pibble blood and my boner would get 2x bigger

Should've leaned into the ultraviolence tbh. It would get young men excited for it and differentiate it from the more family friendly MCU.

Maybe, although it could’ve just outright bombed like Dredd, ultraviolence would just make the appeal even more niche. The ultraviolence was somehow more fun when you didn’t expect it. Lots of middle aged people at my screening and couples who audibly gasped at some scenes (one scene in particular, you’ll know it when you see it).

It's all over for weebcelz

Can one say it ever began for the perverts?

The real narrative (and drama) is it was going to bomb spectacularly, Valerian and Jupiter Ascending style, and now it might (might) squeak out a profit due to WOM and foreign over-performance and beating domestic expectations. Of course that narrative doesn’t get the clicks. So on one side you have salty Cameron haters who were excited for him to get his first flop, and sweating Cameron lovers hoping he somehow pulls another magic trick and actually profits from a $200M obscure anime adaptation with bad trailers.

Yeah, I'm honestly surprised it's getting anything at all. Looks like JC really can sell.

It flopped because hating it before it came out quickly became the cool thing to do.

Which genius thought it's a good idea to have a CGI rendered main character with manga-sized eyes nonetheless, which dropped her right into uncanny valley? Same results in terms of production costs and visual effects could have been achieved by putting one of those manga heads on Scar-Jo; for reference: https://tokyofotos.photoshelter.com/image/I00009AeiVUPM8NU

I love a good box office disappointment!

Lmao my girlfriend wanted to see a movie the other day and chose capeshit over this one, although that might just be because I think she wants to fuck Jason Momoa

Yet brolly did well


Misread that as "webshit" and wondered why they were making a Javascript movie