the revolution is here classcucks

52  2019-02-19 by C-kun_Deux


This is why we need mayocide.


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They could have at least made a paper machet guillotine to really sell the serious tone.

I knew they would look like that. The Mexican manlet really completes the image.

They look like they are going to collapse from anemia before they make it to the door.

Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite really rose the fuck up didn't he?

Mexican Manlet

Sounds like capeshit. The same starting letter just completes this.

Look at these hipster mufuckers. I see 2 black people in a lake of outraged honkeys.

A lake? There's like 15 people in the picture lmao

More like a pond, or:

a puddle of outraged honkeys.


So how many toddlers do you think you guys can take ?


Those mustaches

Protesters are outside Gov. Ralph Northam's office chanting "we got the guillotine, you better run."

Cultural appropriation.

These palefaced Mayos are stealing the work of a brave person of color, Boots Riley.

oh no, it's 8 people

Now there's a mini-standoff at the gate. A small group put down their signs and asked to be let in. Police are saying they need a permit

Dude revolution lmao

Oi m8 you got a loisence for that revolution


This is America in current year. Weaklings with no sense of humour have no power, but can screech loudly thanks to Twitter. Why has god forsaken America?

That picture shows that the human specie hasn't had natural selection in the last 100 years.

How many of them would survive a winter without electricity?