52 2019-02-19 by C-kun_Deux
1 SnapshillBot 2019-02-19
This is why we need mayocide.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 LikeTotesObvi 2019-02-19
1 Curbside_dental 2019-02-19
They could have at least made a paper machet guillotine to really sell the serious tone.
1 iansmith223 2019-02-19
I knew they would look like that. The Mexican manlet really completes the image.
1 Cho-Dai 2019-02-19
They look like they are going to collapse from anemia before they make it to the door.
1 diggity_md 2019-02-19
Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite really rose the fuck up didn't he?
1 ineed750bucks 2019-02-19
Mexican Manlet
Sounds like capeshit. The same starting letter just completes this.
Look at these hipster mufuckers. I see 2 black people in a lake of outraged honkeys.
1 choriposting 2019-02-19
A lake? There's like 15 people in the picture lmao
1 trilateral1 2019-02-19
More like a pond, or:
a puddle of outraged honkeys.
1 O_u_blocked_me 2019-02-19
So how many toddlers do you think you guys can take ?
1 uniqueguy263 2019-02-19
1 Tzar-Romulus 2019-02-19
Those mustaches
1 GuillotinesNOW 2019-02-19
Protesters are outside Gov. Ralph Northam's office chanting "we got the guillotine, you better run."
Cultural appropriation.
These palefaced Mayos are stealing the work of a brave person of color, Boots Riley.
1 PM_ME_YA_TATTAS 2019-02-19
oh no, it's 8 people
1 Strange_matter 2019-02-19
Now there's a mini-standoff at the gate. A small group put down their signs and asked to be let in. Police are saying they need a permit
Dude revolution lmao
1 TendiesAndMeth 2019-02-19
Oi m8 you got a loisence for that revolution
1 bG9sIG5pY2UgdHJ5Cg 2019-02-19
1 Chapocel 2019-02-19
This is America in current year. Weaklings with no sense of humour have no power, but can screech loudly thanks to Twitter. Why has god forsaken America?
1 Thirdworldscum 2019-02-19
That picture shows that the human specie hasn't had natural selection in the last 100 years.
How many of them would survive a winter without electricity?
1 SnapshillBot 2019-02-19
This is why we need mayocide.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 LikeTotesObvi 2019-02-19
good bot
1 Curbside_dental 2019-02-19
They could have at least made a paper machet guillotine to really sell the serious tone.
1 iansmith223 2019-02-19
I knew they would look like that. The Mexican manlet really completes the image.
1 Cho-Dai 2019-02-19
They look like they are going to collapse from anemia before they make it to the door.
1 diggity_md 2019-02-19
Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite really rose the fuck up didn't he?
1 ineed750bucks 2019-02-19
Sounds like capeshit. The same starting letter just completes this.
1 LikeTotesObvi 2019-02-19
Look at these hipster mufuckers. I see 2 black people in a lake of outraged honkeys.
1 choriposting 2019-02-19
A lake? There's like 15 people in the picture lmao
1 trilateral1 2019-02-19
More like a pond, or:
a puddle of outraged honkeys.
1 LikeTotesObvi 2019-02-19
1 O_u_blocked_me 2019-02-19
So how many toddlers do you think you guys can take ?
1 uniqueguy263 2019-02-19
1 Tzar-Romulus 2019-02-19
Those mustaches
1 GuillotinesNOW 2019-02-19
Cultural appropriation.
These palefaced Mayos are stealing the work of a brave person of color, Boots Riley.
1 PM_ME_YA_TATTAS 2019-02-19
oh no, it's 8 people
1 Strange_matter 2019-02-19
Dude revolution lmao
1 TendiesAndMeth 2019-02-19
Oi m8 you got a loisence for that revolution
1 bG9sIG5pY2UgdHJ5Cg 2019-02-19
1 Chapocel 2019-02-19
This is America in current year. Weaklings with no sense of humour have no power, but can screech loudly thanks to Twitter. Why has god forsaken America?
1 Thirdworldscum 2019-02-19
That picture shows that the human specie hasn't had natural selection in the last 100 years.
How many of them would survive a winter without electricity?