Autist makes his very own "The Perfect Tabletop RPG" and is actively fighting every """troll""" who dares critique his beautiful masterpiece, anywhere on the web.

50  2019-02-19 by Sabrayet


I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


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Playing tabletop games is embarrassing enough

You've gone too far Gaymer

Maybe you should consider his skill in making games Ordinary people have less ability for this sort of project One man created an entire world of magic that is beyond others

less embarrassing than playing video games tho

Wash your mouth out

Autism is not something to be made fun off!

And here he is. No pinging required.

one of the rules is that if they come here under their own free will we can ping them all we want or am I miss remembering?

There's a "consent to user pings" in the sidebar if they want to do that.

We did it reddit!

Why is your game so lame?

Remember to support our lol cows everyone

Yes it is you spergo

I came to the product’s defense and bottom line, it’s a best seller because it’s a great game. Not only that, their obsession turned them into free publicists because when you check it out you can see it’s quality content.

It sounds like a hot new product and a best seller. How much would it cost to have a licencing deal for this?

I’ll send you an inbox soon.

This is good

Can you explain points of your game to people here? Answer the negatives, and would make me feel more secure supporting this

Sure that would be cool. Although we are likely to get interference, but I’ll answer your questions.

Start at the beginning. Pitch me your game

Over three years in the making, Knights & Legends is a carefully crafted masterpiece. The book is a powerful toolkit to anyone with basic knowledge in the Tabletop RPG genre.

You’ll be introduced to the world of Ezora, a world full of treasures and locales to explore. A place where strategy, combat, religion, and politics, all play a role in the world’s evolution.

Three years is a lot. A world and powerful kits too

How would you answer these? They look to have the game information and think it's not good

Why is your game so lame?

Yes it is you spergo. That game sounds really terrible

Yes they are big words, I agree. But they also do the game justice. K&L is anything but average.

  1. I don’t think the person has played the game. Or maybe it’s not their taste. That’s ok.

  2. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Far from the truth tough.

I'm sensing a lack of confidence, since you have not once spoken directly to critics here

This is not the sort of enthusiasm I want associated with my brand, and I will have to hold off on purchase until I see results

I can’t reply to everyone, I’d burned out. My motto is. If the description of the product that’s on the sales page doesn’t convince you then don’t buy it. I’d rather have 1 happy customers over 10 angry ones.

What sets your game apart from other fantasy table top games?

I’d love to keep discussing that, but the sales page is the place where you’ll find those answers.

so you have so little faith in your abilty to pitch the game to someone you're not going to try? if you're not going to make the effort to sell us on your game's strong suite and we should play, why should we put the effort to chase down your sales page and go to it?

all we then have to go on are the reviews, which are a bunch of suspect "i/my friend totally found this game by chance, it's so great but i'm not going to go into any details" and two-three detailed breakdowns that tear the game apart.

so the only people willing to actually discuss the game and how it plays have nothing positive to say.

why should we buy this again?

Over three years in the making

Incredible! You must have a lot of stamina to keep going at it that long.

Best part, no steroids!

Can I homebrew this and sell it under a better name?

Haha you wish. Wouldn’t sell rights even if you offered 50K cash. It’s that good.

I'm not talking about the rights. I mean fix some of the math, pass over it with a thesaurus and tone down the politics and sell it as my own.

Omg you’re so funny! ...Not!

Are there even encumbrance rules?

yes it is. same with the gay virus and pedophiles.

Does your RPG allow me to create my dream character, a big-dicked farm boy who ravages goats?

Yep. It’s that cool.

Imagine being a table top gamer. That is somehow worser than actual gamers.

What about ethics in tabletop gaming??!

how do you guys even find that kind of shit lmao

This person is also a DMCA troll which is the lowest form of troll imaginable.

Remember when the word ‘troll’ had a specific meaning and didn’t just mean ‘someone who disagrees with me.’

Hmm reminds me of nazi or cuck