More Police-Dog Drama in woof_irl

34  2019-02-19 by MonotonyOfLife


Everyone involved here deserves the bullet

Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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what's worse cop posting or breed of peace posting

They're equally bad.

Breed of peace posts cause some good fights. Police dog posts are mostly just hog cels reeeing until they have to go to the ER for a panic attack.

and that's a good thing

Especially if they are in a big city and there is stationed police presence in the ER. Double-Kill.

The comment section is a thermonuclear fusion of salt and cope from antifa tarda and chapohouse users. Pure, unfiltered salt

being job-mogged by a dog

It's over for chapo-cels

oh sweet summer child. Y’all don’t even realize It never even began sweaty

because my hand hurt from the comment deleting marathon

why would you even bother


Because people going to a sub about cute animals don't want their buzz killed by the threads becoming 80% hogcels reeeeeing about police domestic violence stats?

When police dogs become political you know it's too late to save reddit.

People are starting to catch on to the commie menace. It's only a matter of time before r/chapotraphouse gets banned like r/MDE

I can't wait for the dramademic

Hopefully they flood here when it happens. The amounts of butthurt will be amazing.

We can't ping post comments but what's stopping us from ping new dramatards?


Will McCarthyism make a comeback?

Another graveyard thread.

I am going to push this new term until it gains acceptance or I die of too much pasta, whichever comes first.