Powerful gussy portrait divides r/pics

222  2019-02-19 by Oh_hamburgers_


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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EXTREMELY photoshoppable image


You overshot the top.

based and redpilled

I was gonna request someone so this

/u/Masterlawlz what you think

Where's the edit

It just looks like another painting of a pussy, I'm confused

If you look closely, you'll realize the edited one lacks depth or warmth.

This is gold

You're not supposed to put back in the original pussy image

Can someone make one of her vagina holding up a picture of her

It’s beautiful 😢

Someone needs to replace the gussy with one of drama's homegrown bussy posts.

to be fair, she got plenty of reactions


She doesn't seem like the normal fragile artist who paints something provocative and then shrinks away from the criticism. She got what she was looking for and took it like a champ. I don't see the problem tbh

I was talking about boners snally

Problem = Woman did a thing.

This but unironically

Me neither, but until we do something about the infestation, the braincelfugees are going to keep eating posts like this up.

I bet her actual vagina probably looks worse

This but unironically

Doubt it considering she was honest enough to replicate the jutting anus skin that makes butthole licking miserable.

Yeah, there has definitely been artistic liberties taken with the liquid levels.

Like a used bedsheet.

like someone threw a ham roll on the floor in a barbers shop

Gussy 🤮

Of course it's a white woman.

Only worthwhile white woman in 2019 is tay. Way better off with an azn or afriqueen

That's awesome. She even has the butthole hairs.

They show she shaves, but not on that day.


Mod material.

Fucking mayos

Not so sure about that, her anus is very brown as are her lips, has a Latinx looking face as well. Will investigate further and report back.

-Special Detective Anthony Gabagool

Further investigation reveals she posts on UK subs, meaning the Latinx angle is almost certainly out of the question. I'm going to go ahead and designate this woman as a mayo with a filthy asshole and close the case.

-Special Detective Anthony Gabagool

Excellent job Gabagool. We hereby declare you as the resident gussy detective.

Thank you sir, I won't let you or this precinct down.

-Special Detective Anthony Gabagool

Thank you for your service. I’m walkin here.

Thank you for your service

Fucking got em detective. Fine work.

Thank you for your service.

The chief has been on my ass for weeks about this. You see, that big galoot DiBlasio is threatening to cut funding if we don't abide by the new guidelines he introduced concerning pronouns and racial terms. If I'm in work hours, it's Latinx.

-Special Detective Anthony Gabagool

Anyone that says Latinx needs to be gassed. Get in the shower faggot

did you really post "latinx" like a fucking jackass

Ayyyyy mayo lol

Woke take

Nice you can even fuck the goats mouth where the gussy would be

Is this the green pill?

The gussy is the true symbol of Moloch. Repent you wicked sinners and fornicators.

actually got me to "laugh out loud" thanks frend

duh women are evil

I see what bill hicks meant by his goat boy skit.

I don't know art but I know what I hate.

She's got the crazy eyes. Volcel if.you wouldn't.

ThE fAcT tHaT yOu hAd tO aSK tHiS iS tHe eXaCt rEacTioN I wAnTed

She’s being purposely obtuse after realizing she’s an idiot.

Imagine my shock when a modern white women does something vulgar for attention then calls any backlash she gets misogyny

Well, the attention being a bunch of nerds and incels reeeeeling to their fainting couches is somewhat predictable.

So brave.

I may be totally out for lunch on this one... but, seems to me, a lot of guys there have somewhat inflated set of expectations w.r.t. aesthetics of the holyiest of holies.

Just a sign of guys who have spent way more time watching mastered porn videos or looking at shopped pictures than actually trying to see an real vagina. Don’t think I’ve ever met a guy who’s about to get laid go “oh your vagina isn’t pretty enough never mind.”

not me tho, i get pussy all the time

I cannot fucking stand the term "thot" but, it's so easy to use it correctly though.

[–]banananutbranmuffin [score hidden] 17 minutes ago

I cannot fucking stand the term "thot"

Me neither. It's fucking weak. We can troll better than that.

According to the twitch clips in her posting history, her twitch id literally has 'thot' in it. This one doesn't even have to breathe.

Oh my stars and garters! Discusting.

Don't see any drama, just seeing a bunch of people pretending this is normal human behavior and someone seeking the attention of people who would call this out as not being normal human behavior.

This is basically the Art School hoe starterpack.

You take your foundation classes 1st semester then Life Drawing. After life drawing you get more freedom with your subject matters and there is always one hypersexual vagina artist.

Yeah I mean I don't even know why she expected a negative or controversial response. Just because you're not on r/gonewild doesn't mean that gushing over any girl showing any part of her body while being "quirky and weird 🤣🤣🤣" isn't the modus operandi of the average redditoid.

I miss lolcats :(

Well their Marty I'm sure theres a sub somewhere around here that still posts memes from 1955

Fine mr specific, I miss enjoying lolcats

You miss being young and associate lol cats with youth now sit on my couth and let me psychoanalyize you into liking trap porn

Is it just me or are her legs and head way to big for or body

"Hey guise I'm a woman and I'm trolling you".

Hundreds of conservatives, incels, MRAs, gators, etc. screech autistically.

L'Origine du monde. Some lad did it first and made more money.

Pretty ironic to imagine that every one that comments negatively there probably wanks like a fucking monkey every day on porn.

I only wank to dragon tits, human gussy = B I G Y I K E S from me, dawg.

Somebody paint their dick and post to pics.

/u/starship_litterbox_c ?

I painted muh dick, now please clap

What the fuck

I was promised a cute gussy what is this straight shit

Dude... this is a gorgeous painting and I'm a straight female


Every single thread.




As a womyn my opinion matters more than everyone else's so shut the fuck up and gild me, incels

Is she like 4 feet tall? Midget porn is getting weirder and weirder.

I think she just had a giant head and it makes her look shorter

Nah, she's definitely a midget. Probably 4'10" or something.

that comment section is a big slurry of incels and haughty normies, makes me wanna whiteknight for some art thot.

“you could paint ANYTHING and call it art!” welcome to the 20th century, Hattie. “you’re just doing this for attention!” yeah no shit, you feel clever for figuring that out?

also that shit looks like a damn photograph, they really aren’t giving enough credit for that

You’re doing a good job of replying to every negative comment. Keep it up!

i gave up after a single scroll, it’s just the same shit over and over

“you’re just doing this for attention!” yeah no shit, you feel clever for figuring that out?

I'm doing this for a reaction is literally in the title of the post.

Look at this guy, all proud he knows how to read and shit

also that shit looks like a damn photograph, they really aren’t giving enough credit for that

Giving credit for "pixel-for-pixeling" is one thing to trigger artists (academic and not) for sure.

What are those white threads sprouting on the right side?

Get a gander at a turned on pussy and all your questions will be answered. In other words, you'll know when you are older.

Call me ignorant, but I don't have my face down there when that happens. I think I'm old enough, my youngest son will be 30 in less than a year.

Sorry 😿 I should have known you were a boomer since you post in T_D.

Can't remember the last time I posted there, but if you have nothing better to do go ahead and look into my past post history. It's not like you have any pussy to take care of tonight.

I always take care of my pussy, 💅

I didn't go through your post history, I have a browser extension that tag's people who post in """""problematic""""" subreddits. I have it to keep track of which of my alts are tagged. But, I actually hate it when people are continually calling out tagged users, so I was just joking around with you. I don't care where you post in actuality.

Also, I shouldn't have ragged on you for asking an honest question. My take is that she is in her cycle (ovulation) where the secretions thin out, so it's making long strands that the light is hitting. But, it could be artistic license, what the hell do I know? I'm pretty dumb.

You're not dumb. Just having fun. That's what we all are here for.

Yep, that's exactly the kind of person (?) who thinks this is a reasonable thing to do.

Absolute state of femoids

Can't they talk about anything besides their vaginas?

She just had to paint the mucus. Fuck, what a deathtrap of a pussy.

Imagine painting your gonewild pic

My art has been commended as being strongly vaginal which bothers some men. The word itself makes some men uncomfortable. Vagina.

This comment gets even funnier if you imagine it being read aloud in Donald Trump's voice.

She also got 3/4 of her anus in there too.

Well done.


I'm so fucking glad I'm gay sometimes

please paint and send your benis

probably fuckn stinks lmao what an attention whore

So I’m dumb and don’t know art, but what am I supposed to take from this? A photorealistic painting of a vagina, what am I supposed to feel or think? Is self indulgence an actual art form?

Or, is she calling for the mayocide?

delicious week old unrefrigerated salmon