BelleAriel comments in CTH , gets told shes not welcome there, called out for blanket banning, deletes her comment, replies to herself with her alt, so nothing new to see here; plus more CTH drama as well

113  2019-02-19 by BlessThisBussy

Deleted comment; BelleAriel (deleted by user)-9 points18 hours ago. Stop treating people like shit for no reason and maybe people won’t accuse you of being altright. You’re complaining when you’ve brought this on yourself by shitstirring and targetting innocent people. What did you expect to happen? Edit: this post every 10 minutes is annoying.

Entire comment thread found HERE

The whole post in CTH is pretty funny, some people are salty about getting banned from the CP sub for various reasons, including to go so far and try and start their own Contra sub and some people just don't care; whole thread by controversial: ContraPoints stands on the right side of history.

A very dramatic comment where prince_kropotkin chimes in;

[contrapoints follows me on twitter, i am a trans woman, and i just got banned for 120 days + muted for 72 hours on /r/contrapoints for 'advocating violence' which is a convenient & suspicious excuse considering i was getting tons of upvotes for defending prince_kropotkin and calling out the moderators on them cheapening words / concepts like 'harassment' and 'personal boundaries' there is nothing more hilarious to me than being banned by some white cis dude who is Very Online and takes moderating Very Seriously, along with thinking he is an authority of the contrapoints community here is my 2 minutes in ms paint comic sans drama image:



Shame on your toxic ways reddit. No, Netflix didn’t pay me and no I never got paid to post on reddit or rather accepted to post sponsored posts. But it’s heart breaking to see the amount of toxicity and threats you’re willing to spew at someone for using this platform as a 4 year old hobby now. Say what you will, we’re all on here together being bored and killing time.

Some of us enjoy lurking. Some enjoy shitposting. Others moderating. And sadly some enjoy toxic harassment without reason or proof.

Be better reddit ❤️


  1. This Post -,,,

  2. BelleAriel (deleted by user)-9 poin... -,,

  3. HERE -,,,

  4. start their own Contra sub -,,,

  5. /r/contrapoints -,,*

  6. -,,

  7. -,,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening.


  1. BelleAriel (deleted by user)-9 poin... - Outline

I am a bot for posting links. github / Contact for info or issues

subreddit war drama


This post gave me AIDS, again.

I have to make another one, there is so much going on here

This one has turned into a soap opera that's for sure.

Like a meme war but lamer. And there's not even funny copypasta

There was some good shit in the main contra thread from last night but I'm not digging through 500+ comments to find them again.

😂😂😂 her alt is arguing with me as if it’s a completely different person, and said they were at work 😂😂😂😂😂. The history is literally just this ‘person’ sticking up for belle when she makes an ass out of herself.

I LOL'd so hard at her alt specifically stating she was at work

Lmao that was the best part by far 😂😂😂😂

"How could it possibly be me posting when she is at work right now?"

This is the level of thinking we are working with lol

I mean no offense but when Dropperneck is running circles around you

Ive been with the professors And they've all liked my looks With great lawyers I have Discussed lepers and crooks been through all of F. Scott Fitzgerald's books Im decently well read It's well known

Yeah but I read your posts on drama when you started posting here

And Wat was wrong with them mr plexipus?

I can't even remember anymore save for a miasma of badness. Fwiw you've gotten better

I was a bit of a poltard at first tbf, took a minute to deprogram. That forum is not a good one to regular on imo

The dreaded Double AIDS

AIDS II: Anal Boogaloo

Can someone explain Reddit's Contrapoints fetish? It's even worse than the JP worship in the right-wing subreddits.

At least JP has a degree lmao. This is like being an unironic Carlgon fan

a degree

A psychology degree is almost nothing lmao.

more than your degree in weeb studies haha










Well yeah I just lost my virginity last night

nigga ur gay?

no im a woman and a straight guy fucked my ass and sucked the cum out of my dick and swallowed it all

dude math lmao

I'm bad at math because I'm a woman tehehe can you do my homework for me cuttie 3.14 hehe I'll give you a blowjob ;)

thats still something above contra

Their differences will end upon the dawn of the Youtubercide.

A drop out philosophy major is less than nothing

I'm fairly sure she has a master's in philosophy and was working on her PhD before dropping out.

She's a PhD dropout and a former assistant professor, quite a few steps above carlgonism

Contra has a masters in philosophy and was working on PhD in philosophy and taught a couple of classes before she dropped out.

So he failed out of his degree track in useless puffery?

Look how edgy I am using he

I mean she went to some top schools, Georgetown for masters and was at Northwestern for PhD.
Making more money now then she ever would of in academia.


So he failed out of his degree track in useless puffery?




I just like her videos. I didn't sign up for all this shit.

Why is she yelling like that lmao 😂

I can't believe these are real people

what the fuck is contrapoints

Trans youtuber

Highest profile example of the term "comorbid".

autogynephile youtuber

but because AGP doesn't exist :^) all the woke bois paypig her

I wish bois would paypig

nothing new

jesus christ, I like some of the people on the contrapoints modteam but either they are making a mockery of the situation on purpose or they have lost it in the last 72 hours.

Yeah they're my friends and co-mods but I feel like I was alone in trying to handle the whole thing diplomatically.

Honestly, I kinda get their frustration though. I only bothered being diplomatic because I'm trying to practice not being a dick (outside of drama) but some of the fucking people in the main thread were really trying my patience.

I can just imagine them laughing about it in like, dickgirls or one of the other powermod circlejerk modmail subs.

I imagine they're all more exhausted/annoyed than anything.

Well that's their fault for giving any kinds of shit about reddit

And mine. You'd think I'd know better by now but I'm an idiot.

Wow what a liberal response, post hog and get against the I doing this right?


Wow, you should get a nobel prize for all of your sacrifices. I have some stories about how awesome I am too, want to hear them?

Are they entertaining?

Did you see that list of things that definitely happened?

They hace demonised me, doxxed me, called child services on me maliciously, sent unknown pills to my address, posted my address on a drug market site with my address and the words “come finger me for sex.”

That’s some hot guerrilla marketing

I wouldn't be surprised if some of those things happened, but they were done by disgruntled drug forum users rather than redditors. Plus she kinda deserves to be 'demonised' because she's a giant POS

Don't you know, Reddit completely changed her and made her a better person!

No more racism or hating homos! She's cleeeeeean.

And she is a drug user with a pedophile baby daddy, CPS is not surprising

Everyone knows it’s her. I got banned for 3 days for saying I would touch her festering cunt with Michelle Obama’s cock

I wouldn’t fuck her dirty smelling gash she calls a cunt if the Lord himself told me to

I am BelleAriel's alt, AMA loser incel neckbeards.

What did you have for breakfast?

I don't eat breakfast so just coffee. Since the age of about 24 I stopped getting hungry until around 11am, at which point I have a snack.

It's quite common apparently.

That’s what I did. Started in freshman year of college. Rarely will I feel hungry until 11. Then I’m fucking starving

Before you change your personality to fit in with whatever group you think might give you attention, do you smoke a big bowl of meth? Or are you strictly into opiods?

That's a bottom tier question, and, frankly, you should feel embarrassed. Can you either try harder or stay quiet?

Don't you dare try and silence me you chud scum. I will not be erased!

Do you see how an account that essentially solely comments to defend belleariel, a mentally deficient pathological liar, is slightly suspect?

Probably a lower proportion of my comments are about her than yours are, so maybe you are the alt.

Have you ever considered that?

Lol nice try, literally every time belle gets called out for being nasty or lying you come out of nowhere to back up w/e she says. It’s an alt, even raas wouldn’t stoop to that

I hope one day to get my ban overturned at r/britposting.

It really is that simple.

That makes you ‘not being belles alt’ really believable lol. That sub is the equivalent of a homeless woman having a cat theater on the side walk with strays. You really want in 😂🤔🤔

Lol there are more mods than people posting in that sub

I know 😂😂

Brit posting is cancer. Actually I would rather have my spinal tumor back before seeing belles face again

This but unironically

But why? That sub is just an echo chamber of just Evey posting shit she crossposted to other subs. Maybe ask Gallowboob to overturn your ban since he is a mod on there too.

If you're not an alt why are you spending so much time defending a known neo nazi?

It takes a few minutes here and there when I feel like it 🤷🏿‍♂️

who are you voting for in 2020? Just as a hypothetical among the current confirmed or likely contenders. So Trump, Sanders, Harris, probably Booker, etc.

British so won't be participating. Can't say who I'd go for tbh. Not a big follower of US politics, but Trump seems like a cunt and I reckon Bernie Sanders just fancies fleecing stupid people for some more money again.

What about you?

Hard to know at this point. My vote is worth very little where I live, so I usually try and save it for the end to see if one of the third parties is close to the magic number for federal funding and then throw in with them if it looks like they need it. Otherwise I just vote for whichever candidate most aligns with my concerns that year.

I usually lean more towards the democrats than republicans, but that's not always a guarantee.

Has Hillary ruled herself out yet?

Hopefully get some new memes from that.

Has Hillary ruled herself out yet?

Hopefully get some new memes from that.

This was intensely cringe

My father once confided in my that he desired to die at the same exact moment as Bill Clinton, so that he could watch Peter condemn Bill's soul to hell at the Pearly gates. I'm starting to feel the same way about you

You and your dad have shit lives if you think that's something worth ending it for.

I like your dad

Lol I love how that crazy addict BelleAriel tries to say people aren't understanding the context behind her abject racism. Then she goes to talk about her true friends on res site, Christ that's sad. She needs some serious therapy

I'm nominally on CTH's side in this whole debacle, mostly because BelleAriel is just impressively retarded. That said, just how pathetic do you have to be to give a shit that you get banned from a forum where the only purpose is fellating some rando lefty youtuber? Just do other shit with your life lmao.

Is fellating transphobic? She is very male but fellatio is oral sex on a man . Hmm

I'm torn. 1. this woman is literally a psychic vampire that feasts on all good things and leaves nothing but cancer and madness in their wake.

  1. Internet commies are by far the softest people on the planet, undeserving of anything but our scorn.

Is their any possible route where both parties destroy each other in a battle of unbridled autism that was foretold by the ancients of the Roblox council?

I'm torn.

  1. This woman is a literal psychic vampire that leaves nothing but cancer and madness in her wake

  2. Internet commies are undeserving of anything but our scorn.

Is there a possible route where both parties destroy each other in an ultimate battle of unbridled autism that's been long foretold by the Ancients of the Roblox Council?

There are routes. But most end in pushing these 2 subs into one, quarantining it, and watching sodom burn from the mountains.

So it sounds like depsite all of the /r/drama claims they got the wrong mole, since there's been no more modmail leaks it's a 200% #gotem situation over there?


I'm really hoping the mole is just laying low and will surprise us with a new leak.

I've been watching that contra/cth drama and I'm loving BelleAriel's alt and replies.

Gussy 🤢

Powermod Gussy 🤢🤢🤢🤢

I've seen her picture before and she looks like one of those people who roams the country living out of a van in Wal-Mart parking lots

Or whatever the british equivalent is

She's a Brit? Holy shit. She looks like one of those Deep South folks who try to put "American" as their ethnicity on the census form

She is from Wales I'm pretty sure.

She would probably say stating she is from the uk is doxxing...

But eveyisms/eveleivibe is from the uk , which of course is a totally different crazy person.

She looks like one of those Deep South folks who try to put "American" as their ethnicity on the census form

It okay to think all drugged-out mayo welfare queens looked a like

Fun fact she married a pedophile who is in prison for raping a young girl. And she also is the most ugly creature I’ve ever seen. Truly the face of fetal alcohol syndrome