Criticism of me is literally violence- Anti Bernie liberals

457  2019-02-19 by Bernieeinreb


Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


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get their asses snappy

But its 👏 Her Turn 👏


There are gangs of Bernie bros who seek centrists on twitter to harass and mock. These brave women have been silenced by fear of the roving mobs, who behind every corner, lurk in waiting for any mention of Bernie and pounce.

Here are some of his victims

This guy who won't even dare speak his name

Even suggesting that this might be bullshit is victim blaming and women ain't here for it

I legitimately wouldn't be able to tell those from 4chan parody accounts of leftists. We live in a society.

Who are we discussing?

B.S. of VT

They are literally doing the "Voldemort" thing from Harry Potter.

These guys have a chubby right now.

B.S. of VT

Bullshit of Verified Twitter 🥴

lmao tbf writing it out means Bernie supporters will find you because Twitter has a very good search engine

Damn, that made me Yikes IRL.


tbh using quotes and italics is too much effort for that series, and I bought and read books 4-7 on day one back in the day

Bottom text

Anyone wanna take bets on this guy being outed as a creep some time in the next 12 months?

100% chance that dude has male-feministed someone.


Damn, Bernie has been cucked even before he began. Lol

LMFAO "But his followers scare me" reminds me of Meet the Pyro ahahahhahaha

holy fuck so dramatic

"One shudders to imagine what inhuman thoughts lie behind Bernie's glasses"

I like this one:

A lot of assumptions are made about me because I don’t like Bernie Sanders and what y’all will never get is that I’m almost certain we agree on almost everything policy-wise, y’all are just massive jerks.

I'm so narcissistic and vain that i'm willing to go against my own self-interest and the interest of what i believe to be society as large just because you aren't nice to me. The only thing I care about is how nice people are to me and you better make me the center of attention because I can't comprehend that politics isn't just a group-therapy session.

Saying y'all that often is psychological violence and I demand retribution.

Mao did one smart thing, and that was killing the ya'll posters.

Oh damn we got a double y'all

It's not safe

Hopefully she finds a way to maintain her safety.

Imagine being a part of the safest demographic in the history of man and still finding ways to contort yourself into thinking you're in danger.

I honestly hope they are all faking for the e-points, otherwise I just feel really bad for them that they have managed to gaslight themselves into suffering for no reason.

I don't, I hope they're as shittily miserable as they claim.

100% they are. That's sort of the point of these people. It doesn't matter if Trump got assassinated and Bernie immediately became president and started handing out free money and college. They'd be happy for two weeks and then find another thing to complain about. It's not about about fighting injustices, it's about not realizing they're damaged psychologically.

I could not agree more

history of man

yikes hog, very chiefomatic

Badly aging middle class white women are the most opressed people in the universe you incel.

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I'm not sure what I'm looking at.

an Uno reverse card

thats fucked

wheres draw 4

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I'm stealing this.

Thinking you're unsafe because people talk shit to you ON TWITTER


We must secure the election of Hillary Clinton and a future for white neoliberals

*gussy neoliberals

Aren't neoliberals pussies anyway? These are the people that shill for Macron and Trudeau, you can't get any more soy than that.

Judging by the state of r/neoliberal, yes. The meltdowns those people have whenever one of their idols says something they don't like is glorious.

The same people who unironically post Yas Kween Slay memes on Twitter. Just the worst sort of people.

They think Clinton was both the perfect candidate, but also so fragile that an old geezer caused her to lose by “giving Trump talking points”.

An old geezer gave an old geezer talking points who made a third old geezer lose.

Based take.

It is geezers all the way down

they also think they have the stomach to be politically relevant to grassroots a whole presidential campaign but fold and cry every time someone talks shit to them on twitter

That line of thinking isn't very inconsistent if they didn't factor domestic politics itself into what makes her a good candidate and only focused on actual economic management and international geopolitics.

That said, I'm not even sure if they were right based on those factors.

I'm pretty sure that Erin Biba chick is a dramanaut and has been featured here on many occasions. I remember her face.

She has, I recognized her too

She's definitely been posted here before. Wasn't surprised to see her in thread.

Come on guys we’re doxxing her!

They should orchestrate a hate crime hoax of hipster socdems beating them with ukuleles and strangling them with flannel shirts

“This is #feelthebern country”

She could go on Good Morning America and recount the horrors.

as the roving gang of male-feminists raped me my mind left my body. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night screaming, with the scent of moustache wax in my nostrils.

but this would actually happen

You could probably escape during the hour-long discussion it would take for them to use the progressive stack to figure out who gets sloppy seconds.

ah thats not bern shit

“The trauma, It is indelible in my hippocampus”

But I still held on to my peppermint starbucks latte.



I can already see the headlines:
"Mississippi berning"

Cuck Norris to the rescue!

A true socdem would mug her and use the stolen money to pay for someone's gender studies degree.

Women, man.

White women...

its 90% white women, average American BMI(read overweight), glasses and some nerd shit references to harry potter or GoT

Bernie sucks but goddamn, imagine thinking his supporters are anything other than meek baristas and social workers.

Dunno man. My ex is in accounting and she's super into him. You'd think someone whose job is money would be a little smarter regarding it.

better than the alternatives

Joe Biden?

if he decides to run.

I would love to see the Biden/Trump debates. Diamond Joe wouldn't hold back on Trump. He'd probably just have to repeat Obama's bit at the press corp dinner and Trump would lose it.

Biden has the most magnificent shit-eating grin ever, so I'd vote for him just to see more of it.

Fuck Joe Biden

He's just going to get metooed in the opening bid anyway

A disaster waiting to happen

Also literally wrote the bill to repeal glass steagal, he's a spineless neoliberal

sniffs hair

i know my fair share of accountants, and the only ones who actually actually voiced opposition to him are the ones working in consumer loans

they were really open about it, too. “if he got elected, i’d have to look for another job”

hm makes ya think

Sounds like a lie. You know what’s not a lie? My friemd has told me that you suck off your dog

what part sounds like a lie?

I didn’t read your comment

oh ok

Why would they need another job???

Just because your wife counts money, doesn't mean the country should be run by a power-hungry socialist.

This guy has one gear

Lol skimming through comments to downvote and be obnoxious is so Reddit

Lol saying things in a public forum and people can read it like wut lol 😂

He got mad that I argued with him in another thread so he followed my post history

Imagine complaining about this shit in r/drama lmao

Being red npc literally 24 hours a day gets stale dude, its r/dramas right to state the facts without picking a side

Complaining about reddit while being the literal worst this dipshit site has to offer is so reddit

"Literally disagreeing makes you a literal dipshit!"

>not knowing literally is cool again

God old people are stupid

I don't see anything wrong with a socialist Healthcare System. Especially since we're going into one of the largest retirement pools this country has ever seen. People won't be able to afford private healthcare after they quit working and are on a fixed income and then they become burdens on the state anyways. So why don't we just balance that into the budget?

The thing wrong with a socialized healthcare is that people who have real problems get put on a 4 month long fucking waiting list. Got diagnosed with melanoma? By the time they get you in, it's metastisized. This problem is made much worse by the fact that no one wants to go into medicine, because the socialized system takes away most of the salary typical of doctors. Medical school just isn't financially viable anymore when you have to work long hours and get paid zilch. The lack of doctors makes the waiting lines much worse. Under socialized healthcare, you can't pay for better service. Everyone contributes, everyone can get only so much per person from the system. If your condition is deemed to expensive, you receive no treatment. This flaw is apparent in European social healthcare. Kids are literally being left to die. So many Canadian people come down to this country for serious medical issues. I agree the current system is corrupted by big pharma, but that doesn't mean we have to uproot the system in it's entirety.

From what I understand procedures are seen by severity and to be honest I already have to wait a month or 2 to see a specialist. But I do agree with schooling not being worth it which leads into college reform....

There is no waiting list for emergencies you retard


And that's just one source on one country. My NJROTC commander had to get back surgery done while he was stationed in the UK. He waited 3 weeks before he pulled some strings and got hinself pushed up to the top of the list. You can't just say everything that disproves you is "propaganda".

you'd think that but nah. not even close.

"same economic system but we get free healthcare and don't spend war money with some control over reckless banking" is a decent selling point for a lot of young people in finance from what I've found out

At this point we've stopped spending money on war crimes and are now spending money on suppressing the inevitable forces of vengeance coming down to for our many at crimes. No way to just go back to America before WWII.

Her money? Or someone else's money?

As we all know, "smarter" means "wasting 10x more money on killing brown people instead of feeding and educating our populace"

could not even kill 1 old white man in a baseball field of sitting ducks with a rifle. literally pathetic

This but unironically

We need extended mags and bump stocks for bike locks

Extended mags for leftists only

They need the balance patch

Bernie or bust a cap

He would have gone the sniper root but they'd been there done that in DC

I thought you put neck barista and thought you made a cool new combo insult

My dad loves him and hes a government lawyer its pribably because the democrats are a mess but still

Im basically an andrew yang boi at this point.

And bernie throwing his hat in is fuuuuucking amazing for drama.

Getting salty at bernie because you love hillary too much is probably a worse brain sickness then anyone in the T_D can demonstrate.

"People who support the elected president are mentally ill"

Wher is deh lie

nigga toilet

And here we can see the height of boomer humor on display

literally yes

"This political system only works when the person who wins makes me feel good!"

West Wing theme song

Sir, while I do not respect President Retard Monkey’s ideals, I respect the office of the Presidency too much to hear any slander about him. Please resign sir

you are making a pretty compelling case for that viewpoint you mong


Pretty much.

Post hog or gtfo

Why did you put quotes around that true statement?

Ok baste




tbh, though, if Clinton runs, she'd be an even better meme candidate than Jeb ever was. Though if Chelsea ran... Omg, what if Chelsea ran against Ivanka? And Kanye's third party?

2020 could be a very good year for dramacoin.


what if Chelsea ran against Ivanka?

Femcel vs Stacy. Take Inceldom to the next level in real life.


Lazy faggot

Im sorry it hurt u

lmao i'd never thought I'd meet another yang supporter. I think there are like five of us.

Its true but hes radically centrist enough to meet Americas needs

this would probably be a lot funnier if i knew who these people were or had a reason to hate them

Being on twitter is reason enough to hate somebody tbh

yeah, but the people they’re talking about are also on twitter so that’s not enough to start drawing lines

Bess Kalb is notable as the origin of "sweetie/sweatie"-posting




Erin Biba,

I'll always remember her for flinging insults for 6 months then crying in the Daily Beast when it backfired.

...dare I ask for context? I used to work for her and thought she was really nice, but haven't kept in touch or kept up with what she's doing....

Are you a “journalist” in new york? Day of the rope for you, friend.

About March of last year she tweeted to Elon Musk "you're anti-science" and Musk responded "why?". Well she had been tweeting him daily hate mail for 6 months. Real obsessive like. This was the first time Musk had responded.

So obviously the internet had a shit fit because a lot of them love Elon Musk and since everyone was getting their rocks off on the anti-harassment high horse display. Of course every woketard knows the best way to stop harassment is to harass, it makes it ok then.

The end result was her writing an article about evil musk and his nazi muskbros and the EIC of the daily best begging musk to call off his muskbros.

Did we ever find out why he's anti-science ?

I believe she responded with "fuck you" so I guess that's the reason.

Referred to rockets as unmanned instead of unpersoned.

Did he design those rockets?

Could you possibly, I dunno, just ignore the tweets you don't like?

Dude they love these tweets, they get their rocks off on these tweets.

But how will mayo femoids find a way to be oppressed then?

Ayyyy mayo lmao


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Dongers Raised: 42775

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I’ve started pointing people to his congressional record. He’s been the primary sponsor of exactly 3 bills that became law in his entire career and two of those were renaming post offices. He is not an effective politician, and he continually minimizes women and POC.

😱 How will Bernie ever recover from this?!

minimizes women and POC lmao democrat power phrases for their retarded base

I love waking up in the morning to get my (((SorosBux))) that enable me to continue minimizing women and POCs by calling them losers on twitter

Person says he’s hasn’t done anything except name post office but at the same minimizes people of color. Who knew.

He actually named the post offices after cis wh*te men, didn't you hear?

I heard he wanted to name one after beltway sniper Lee Boyd Malvo.

Literally let 2 black women interrupt his rally and run his show. One of the most embarassing things I've ever seen.

Got cucked by 2 burnt ham planets that devour white tears for essence, those are leadership traits lmao

That's actually pretty funny. Meaningless, but funny.

This feels like a snappy quote lmao

Meh. I may add it.

You should, it's perfect

Hot take:

All these super woke Twitterati are deeply invested in a second term for the God Emperor because "resisting" is their main source of attention and income. Hence why they are undermining any Democrat effort to beat Trump at the ballot box from within.

The only other explanation I can come up with is, that they are exactly the vapid, off-putting retards they appear to be. That seems a bit far fetched though.

well that serotonin dump tapers off when you're not dishing out hot takes against HitlerInPower every day so what else would they do?

Kill themselves hopefully

reported 2 fbi

Do death wishes count as death threats?

Find out after these bans.

at least there's some logical motivation for option A, albeit an extremely selfish and shitty one.

the idea that these people are actually this retarded, with no ulterior motive besides shouting into the void, is somehow MORE depressing

I don't think so. Remember this kind of stuff started under Obama. There will always be another culture war to fight even when a Democrat is in charge

they would support Bernie if he was a wymyn of color

Jenner won woman of the year despite barely pretending for a year, it's not too late for trap Bernie.

Jussy is really good as well

It's like the people who vote for a candidate solely because they think though make weed legal, except it's even worse. I firmly believe all these people want to do is fuel proud of themselves for defeating all the misogynist racist white men out there and putting a woman of color and the oval office.

Doubt they're self aware enough to do that on puprose.

It's just the usual case of the left eating itself.

they just want everything to be "normal" again, which for them means all the politicians agreeing to pretend theyre on the west wing and never, ever having to think about ideology

They'll be #resisting whoever is in power. Like in 2008 when Obama won and they decided that he was Satan incarnate when he didn't repeal Don't Ask Don't Tell on day 1.

You can even keep you cover by talking how great mommy is and how she is future of dems not some smelly Hillary or old Jew fart like Bernie.

Only problem is ol Joe but you can just say he is propaply kiddy fidler.

And look at that God emperor 2020

What's wrong with white women, seriously?

  1. white

  2. women

Fuck. When you put it that way...

Okay, this is epic.

This really made me think

Being a non bussy gay guy has been so enlightening to me. Having to deal with all the straight guys playing feminist is both hilarious and exhausting. "What bro, you don't think women are people?'

How do you think, who is more oppressed, white women or gamers?

her name means dog in arabic

Imagine posting your inane thoughts on a public platform and then getting mad when people engage critically with your stupid ideas.

Imagine being literally scared that someone might argue with you on twitter.

honestly, isn't it time we repeal foid's right to vote?

Bess Kalb? Is this the retard who called trump Sweetie 15 times a day for 2 years?

yup she started that

lmao theyre all lying

bess kalb especially shes the worst

This is her bio on twitter. sO qUiRkY

I write for a TV show and awards shows and I have a novel coming out and my stomach hurts

I hope it’s pancreatic cancer

Wow a little too far?

I guess but i made myself laugh so I’ll leave it

No u

You know you’re drunk when you comment on r/drama posts

Dude cancer lmao

Why are Twitter bios always so bad?

Because they're the bios of Twitter users. How could they not suck rancid ass?

The Bernie Strassers campaign is literally just a front for Rape Factories run by Bernie Bros. He doesn't even want to become President; his purpose in life is to promote rape culture and white supremacism. He is the single greatest threat to womenkind history has ever known.

Bernie literally wants to make society into a Margaret Atwood dystopia.

Actually Bernie promotes a very special kind of brocialism. It is inspired by the likes of Eliot Roger himself and declares that sexual social is to be enforced so that the have-nots have seize the means of reproduction from the Chad 1%ers.

This reaction image is Bess Kalb btw. Bernie Bros confirmed for non-sweeties.

Of the four states of matter. Only one should be concluded with a fart.

Imagine being afraid of Commissar Sanders and the Soy STASI.

Is there anyone on Twatter who doesn’t have a blue check mark for their inane witterings about absolutely nothing.

If every user had poison gas pumped out of their phone overnight, killing them by morning, the world would be a better place.

Imagine wanting mass murder and still being deluded enough to think yourself a hero.

Commies aren't people, and the blue checkmarks are just useful idiots.

Is verbal criticism the worst thing any woman can ever experience? Let's ask a twitter white woman.

White woman should be better.

Let's make a tampax commercial addressing this point.

Why does the far left hate bernie? He's everything they want for in a candidate, he's like AoC but actually marketable to moderates.

He’s not corrupt and they hate that.

Liberals aren't the far left, but the far left hates Bernie because he's a succdem democrat

I wouldn't say they hate him. Hes just inadequate

I too frequent hipster coffee shops, thank you!

Vile misogynist Bernie Sanders runs for president with complete disregard for how doing so places millions of middle class white women in danger of being publicly disagreed with

Can this hatemongerer be stopped in time?

Sieg Heil Colonel Barnabus Sanders!! Bernie will win, Inshallah!

Bern is life. Get rekt.

If you guys want a real laugh, see how the Chapo Trap House are gearing up for war. They're already talking shit about the Hillary fans.

What's hilarious to me is that no one on the left will call them out for being shitlords and Bernie Bros. They rather have the Chapo guys on their side than call them out.

Imagine realizing one day that your woke ideology is nothing more than establishment approved talking points

Oh sweaty....

black twitter ain’t havin no Bernie

Damn, all day long it's been strange, just like I've been hearing constant beautiful heavenly music played by angels. Is that just what the world sounds like when shrillary and her gaggle of hags shit their mouth?

Absolute sweetie

Ahh, the original sweaty.

Yes!! And his “hot new ideas” are 60+ year old retreads. Not that they are irrelevant, but they are certainly insufficient.

Oh yeah because the determining factor in whether an idea about governing people will work is how old the idea is... Cause commie mommie's ideas are fresh and original and totally not retreads of early 19th century political philosophers.

There are some policies of Bernie's I support, some that I think are stupid and untenable. Berniebros who swear by his every word are annoying.

But jesus christ, these cuntslurping Hillary fans are something else. Absolutely irredeemable.

Imagine if they remade Full Metal Jacket but with real warriors like these people. They can put things like Social Media is Hell and Born to Tweet on their helmets.

"I write for a TV show and awards shows and I have a novel coming out and my stomach hurts."


Oh shut the fuck up and die.

Hillary Clinton’s team literally invented the concept of “Bernie bros” as a smear that suggests Sanders supporters are mostly male, and sexist. She did something similar to Obama when he ran.

What’s helpful to keep in mind, is that both Sanders and Obama easily could have used their own handicaps (one being black, and the other being Jewish) as a means to win their respective candidacies, yet neither of them chose to. Clinton, on the other hand, did it twice.