Look at who owns /r/EnoughSandersSpam

51  2019-02-19 by Dramaste


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He's now the king

Recall that in late 2015 and early 2016, ESS was comparatively pretty normal. It was a sub for people who hated that every other thread on reddit was a picture of Bernie with a bird or some 15 year old sperging out about him.

Very quickly, probably by spring but certainly by summer, it was going crazy social justicey. The "people only dislike Hillary because she's a woman" folks started posting hard as fuck and I guess a lot of users felt like arguing against that would mean they failed the purity test.

Funny how here on 2019 it seems inevitable that would've turned out that way, because all lefty subs eventually do. At the time, I was surprised but I do drink a lot of gasoline.

Isn't spending your ente life arguing about communism on reddit basically a self-rinse.

The prince is now a neolib.

This is how we achieve TRUE communism.


Unironically love PK the past few weeks


Can I get an update post on what happened after this? I fell into a coma of joy when Hillary won the primary. I was just so happy to finally have a female president

She won. We all cheered. There was a ceremony and the whole crew received medals, even Chewbacca.

By three million votes!

lol What a bunch of faggots

He doesn't own Enough_Sanders_Spam though.

Is that the live one?

yeah, with plenty of Clintonites ofc

Do you mean the live one with the fake accounts? Yep, that the one I'm talking about.

Yeah, that the one with the fake accounts.

Can't rinse thr Prince.

Can't rinse the Prince.

Hillary Clinton was one of the worst candidates in recent memory. Why anyone would continue to support her or the clintons at this point is mind boggling.