Yiff Yiff

22  2019-02-20 by Baconlightning


This only proves that I'm not MDEfugee, downie, autist, or any other labels you cucks try to put on me. I'm my own party, army and a movement. I'm an independent, thinking, rational person unlike you dumb sheep.


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Furries. They targeted furries.

Do horse furrys wear any sort of shoes?


Looking forward, the core furry community remains optimistic. “My hope is that while we can’t get rid of alt-right necessarily, we can try to push out the more harmful and dangerous members of those groups and try to better the community as a whole,” Ritz, an artist, paralegal and “dino enthusiast” told HuffPost.

Make your own today!


/u/cdace status: doxxed.


No dox plz

The woman at 48 seconds looks dead inside

I really cant wrap my head around commie/nazi furries when both those groups would erase them without second thought

Wolves would probably eat them, as well.

Commies in general honestly, good luck being a NEET when the government enforces a full employment policy.

The existence of furries just proves how overdue for a major war we are.

This but unironically

I knew a guy who was a major furry in the Army. He was unironically one of the most in-shape people there.

He also attached a purple fox tail to the back of his patrol truck.

Imagine being a goat herder an getting warcrimed by a literal furry

Notices your thermal signature

uWu what’s this?

Was he an 11Beta or what? And what year was that?

Also based furry oper9tor

He lived inside a green fence compound. Various years. I don’t want to doxx the foxx.

I can say this: Due to his homosex furry degeneracy he was the only person in the unit getting laid on the regular.

Note to self, become a degenerate

I hope they get into a furry war and kill each other. Sometimes the problem solves itself.
