COPE intensifies as poor reviews for Anthem start coming in

56  2019-02-20 by POST_BUSSY


Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


  1. This Post -,,,

  2. Don't believe the hate, Anthem is a... -,,,

  3. Pssst... hey.. bored people... you ... -,,,

  4. I just realized I'm glad there's no... -,,,

  5. If you dont like Anthem then just u... -,,,

  6. Much like Destiny 2 at launch, we n... -,,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

"I played about 60 hours in the last 5 days, and I'm not even close to burnt out. The opposite actually. Here I am browsing the Anthem subreddit at work, thinking about how much of a waste of time my work is, because damnit I'm missing valuable farming time.

I have a problem."

Woke take.

I have a problem.

Well, they aren't wrong.

Are gaymers finally becoming self aware? 🤔🤔🤔

That’s more than 10 hours a fucking day! How do people play vista that much and not get bored?

Socially, financially, and physically their virtual life is far beyond their real life. The result is addictive escapism

bioware game made after current year is trash

Well gee golly jeepers, who could have seen this coming?

Gaymers never learn. A company can fuck them over and they'll still buy the next game 😂.

>tfw you dropped $2,500 on a gayman computer that ended up being a Leddit and YouTube machine

I recently bought a new PC for gaming and use it to play Carmageddon.

My 1600 computer is a league machine

playing low rent dota in current year

Absolutely disgusting

Sorry sweaty I don’t play dead games 😘

Dendi would like a word with you

Made after current year

Go back to the future.

I can't, I was sent here as punishment for using paper currency in 2021. John McAfee is an unyielding emperor.

Current year is 2015 retard

It's 2019, silly.

Yes, or as we call it, Current Year plus 4.

made after current year

What is time travel 🤔

I really liked mass effect and dragon age. I am sad they suck now and what we are left with is multiplayer lootbox gambling trash.

The game isn’t multiplayer more does it have lootboxes, it’s just a piece of shit.

Not even coop?

Not mandatory no

Are you guys so socially inept that the threat of a non-speaking player will scare you away from a video game?

Not mandatory

You know, when you say it's "not multiplayer", that carries some connotations, such as the game not having a multiplayer mode. Language, a powerful tool.

You could just, choose to play the same exact game in single player mode while everybody else plays the game with other players.

It’s the same thing and it doesn’t affect you at all, so it’s not multiplayer.

It's always online, everything has matchmaking, and there's no "play alone" button afaik. How do you play singleplayer?

You go into mission in a private matchmade game

Sounds like the game was optimized for single-player!

No you literally just click “private” rather than “public” when you go into a game

It makes no difference. Are you being purposefully retarded or what?

I'd say co-op is mandatory in anthem.

The game isn’t multiplayer

Let's check Wikipedia

The game features both single-player and co-operative multiplayer elements


I think when there’s an option to click multiplayer or single player the relevancy of the multiplayer option vanished to a single player

there’s an option to click multiplayer

Ah so you admit you were wrong.

I figured you folks wouldn’t be so pedantic.

The game is singleplayer if you want it to be. Literally no difference between fully multiplayer and not.

Considering the context of the comment I was replaying to implied multiplayer was a negative, it makes sense for me to point out that the game isn’t multiplayer, because it isn’t if you don’t want it to be.

Are you desperate to be right or what?

No need for desperation since I already am. B-)

*skateboards out of the room*

Maybe you just grew up a little, retards are easy enough to please but 12 year old retards only need colors and sounds to keep them occupied

Nah bussy bro those games still hold up today.

Yeah, the first Dragon Age and Mass Effect games were a little busted in some ways, but still some of my favorite games ever. Imagine if we got trilogies that polished them while maintaining the good aspects instead of the aborted homunculi that fell out of EA's diseased neovagina.

Yeah I recently got back into playing games after a long hiatus and I thought they were all shit initially, then I realised I'd just grown out of them.

I’ve consider the fact that it might just be nostalgia talking but today’s games really are just shit compared to what we had 10 years ago

Maybe its time you take a 🚿 and go outside

Really mate. Do you increase the chance of bumping into autistic gaymer /r/drama poster?

Just functioning autist maxx bro

I don’t think you’d find them outside





What can I say, I love low quality drama.

I'm kind of bored with political / relationship posts.


I appreciate it bb 😎


Who has the time to play 12 hours a day of videogames?


12 hours? Those are some fucking rookie numbers. Any true gamer like myself can easily spend 24 hours grinding, taking a 3 hour nap and repeating ad infinitum.

While Chad was out there with Stacy grinding on his cock, I was with my PC grinding out my levels. 😎

Whites and asians



this is likely shills. the same thing happened on the fallout 76 sub for the first month it was out. really over the top clearly fake praising of the game with massive upvotes, often gilded.

Unironically if you cant form you own opinion on a video game after seeing its gameplay you shouldnt buy the game

I like the game, now who pays me again?


Seriously though, the biggest criticism I've heard is the lack of content. I have ~6 hour in Anthem and nowhere near enough to get to endgame within the next week. The ones complaining literally played 40+ hours in 5 days. and may of the "reviewers" played the 10 hour demo and are parroting "lack of content" without even finishing the campaign.


Like 90$ of "gaming news" it's drama for the sake of drama and OP inflating it for the sake of karma.

I like the game, now who pays me again?

See, if shills are like whores, you're just a slut.

See, what I’m confused about is why people pay 60 bucks to play anthem instead of nothing to play warframe which has way more content.

What if I told you I played Warframe and enjoy Anthem more? The games are about as similar as Anthem and Destiny or Destiny and Warframe

Also I like the art style of Anthem a lot more.

now who pays me again?


Dude the lack of content people are talking about isn't the amount of time the content takes, it's the diversity of the content which anthem has absolutely none of.

Who the fuck cares if a games campaign takes 60 hours to complete if it's just the exact same "go here and do this" objective 50 times in a row- you can't call that "60 hours of content", it's 5 minutes of content that you repeat ad nauseam.

Wait until I tell you about Bravely Default

i mean, i'm not saying literally everyone who likes a bad game is a shill, but there is a huge long winded post that got gilded 4 times and got silver 10 times, telling everyone about how they are wrong about the game.

like, that is a shill, no question. the handful of posts with no upvotes that are like "who cares about mission variety !!" are probably not shills.

This game literally bricked my computer for three days

I cannot advise against playing this game anymore, it’s actually bad for your mental health.

I'd love to hear how installing a game destroyed your OS

My 2700x shot directly to 100% load before the game finished booting and went well over 90 Celsius, casting my computer into a purgatory of constant booting.

Eventually, I did a full reinstall of windows and wiped Anthem from my hard drive along with every other program. Computer works now, but for some reason I can’t download the origin client to cancel my premier membership.

a. Seriously stress test your CPU, even under 100% load (which is normal in and of itself) your CPU shouldn't be anywhere near 90 C


b. Use the website, If I remember correctly under account settings you can cancel your subscription

a. The game is horrendously optimized on PC, it’s one of the main complaints from the community. Anthem is a functional stress test.

b. Thanks I’ll do that if I ever wrestle my computer out of its deep slumber today.

I seriously wasn't talking about the game. I can't defend it's optimization, it really has serious issues. I am however recommending you make sure you CPU is stable under load.

My CPU performs pretty perfectly under heavy stress tests and never actually struggles to handle 100% load

Booting anthem displayed 100% load but I’m assuming whatever the game was attempting to do to my poor computer was much worse than 100%.

OK, weird, the only remotely similar issue I've heard is faulty drivers causing GPUs to overheat (and die).


But a regular program shouldn't be able to control things like power management.

Nope, my GPU was fine the whole time.

I might try to play the game on the fresh windows I have now if I ever get origin to download past 5mb.

It's over for amdcels

Eh, 2700x is comparable to an i7 in performance and price.


Lmfao, stop using words that you don’t know the meaning of

The 9700k is comparable in price to the 2700x except it runs on less cores and doesn’t come with a cooler.

Who in their right mind would purchase anything at all from a company like intel?

Calm down I hve a 2600x lol

Call me when the real reviews are out redditers are the lowest of the lowest common denominator

It's unironically over for Biowarecells

I look forward to that studio getting Old Yeller'd in nine months or so after massive price cuts and bundling the game with every console/controller they can fails to make Anthem financially successful.

Ahahaha the dumb Dev team dint even try to work in some type of LGBT issue so they could blame all the hate on that. Friggin idiots

Rookie move

The story is a true Bioware-style story. It is not as good as a Mass Effect campaign, but...

Wow, it is pretty impressive to write a story worse than Hamburger Helper's fan fiction.

Lol @ playing a game for story. Read a book fags.

no romance options

Literally unplayable.