No more Jussie to be shown in Empire brings both sides together

173  2019-02-20 by myusername_sucks


Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


  1. This Post -,,,

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This will be a hilarious comedy and I will pay to watch it.


Good bot

Black history month is closed because y’all can’t act right

Ok, now this is epic

Worst. Black History Month. Ever.

Has Jussie attended his last cookout?

Tune in next time to find out.

Y’all see this bs?

Not for dramacoin. This has been a pretty profitable month

Black history month is cancelled cause y’all can’t behave

To use his own words, Jussie is a "hate mongrel".

Ending your own career to own the trumpets epic style😎

Now that's fucking woke

Get some go broke

Get woke, fake hoax, go broke

Dude Jussie lmao

Prepare for bum poke.

Woax, go broke

I hope the episodes don't make any sense now, just for comic effect. Imagine if the Smollett scenes featured key plot points and at the end of episodes they have 5 midgets in clown Afros saying "I knew y'all believed in me" and the episode ends.

I don't even watch Empire but I might tune into this season in the hopes that it's a House of Cards season 6-tier shitshow of clumsily writing a character out of the show.

I'm glad this happened. This will forever be a prominent and perfect counter-argument to the whole "why would x lie about this only to open themselves up to more hate!?"

Because they were looking for fame and support, shit for brains.

Now if this comes back in a week and turns out the hoax was a hoax I'll eat my words but for now 😎

You think these retards are gonna stop using this argument?

Yeah ehy would a chick lie about her bobs being grooed at a party 30 yrs ago

Not the first time, won't be the last.

People don't seem to have understood hate hoaxes are a rare but existing thing. False rape or sexual assault allegations, racist hate hoaxes like the Smollett case and several others on US campuses in the last few years should give investigators caution, which they mostly do. Most police take their jobs seriously.

Cops can smell bullshit from a mile away and, just like everyone else, they hate having their time wasted with nonsense. Did you see the picture of the Nigerian guy's house after the cops served the warrant? They kicked the fucking door in. This guy is going to get charges, no doubt.

literally wont change anything you literal retard

Those who Smollet, dealt it

God a chuckle at that

We have such a timeline of fake hate crimes.

Maybe the real hate crime assault was the friends we made along the way.

I lold

That's quite the wholesome comment section tbh.


I fucking hate that word.

You and I both, buddy.

Wholesome is over used

Who actually watches Empire

Basketball Americans I think

Nigerian Trump supporters.

Ashy Americans

Whom'st've'd live in Maga Country

People who leave chicken bones on the sidewalk.

Somehow /r/television isn't a astroturfed hug box? They probably figured too many boomers and most the woke crowd is on netflix anyways.

Somehow /r/television isn't a astroturfed hug box?

It's like the human colon: it's been so thoroughly astroturfed by Netflix shills (good bacteria) that shills of other persuasions (illness-causing bacteria) find it hard to flourish there.

Commented this before realising that was the TV thread, not drama:

As a person who is slightly right of center

The continual euphemistic change in terminology should give you folks something to think about. "Why do we have to rebrand so often if we aren't doing anything wrong?"

Klan > Nazi > Segregationist > Neo Nazi > White Nationalist > Alt Right > As a person who is slightly right of center

Good thing I caught that and deleted it. Thought it was weird the earnest posting was a bit lower than we see on /r/Drama under the Nom_chompy regime.

The continual euphemistic change in terminology should give you folks something to think about. "Why do we have to rebrand so often if we aren't doing anything wrong?"

Because they aren't rebranding and it's different people alltoogether?






"And that reason, more than any other, is why I need this story to be true, despite its ugliness and despite what it would say about the danger of the world I live in."

Lol, "I need the world to be dangerous so I can complain about people making it dangerous"

"Let me tell you about Covington now"

It's pretty impressive tbh. He got cut from the show for being an asshole before Terrance Howard. Not many people can pull that off

Jussie Jussie, yes papa. Telling lies, no papa

Open your mouth, ah ah ahhhh

"Open your mouth, ah ah ahhhh"

-2 nigerian homophobes

Staging a hate crime because you think you might be laid off is the ultimate double or nothing.

Dude Jussie lmao

Can we make Jussie a euphemism for bussy?

This nigga ordered 2 niggas to beat up his job lmao