Manlet goes all-in for B*rnie. Twitter not happy.

68  2019-02-20 by MaleficentWoketard


I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.


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what if Dnny Devito was just Bernie Sanders this whole time?

Has anyone ever actually seen them in the same room at the same time?

you could just see the twitter reply to see them holding hand

That's a confirmed deep fake.

That's not the kind of deep fake of Bernie x DeVito I was hoping for.

yes he campaigned for him

Nice cover story

“I don’t know how many years on this earth I’ve got left, but I’m gonna get real weird with it.”

Bernie Sanders, when asked if he'll run again.

He's not even a manlet. He's a manletot.

Taxi was a horrible show.

I sincerely hope the Blue check mark is secretly a type of star of david handed out by twitter officials to identify tge retards in society, and make it easier for what comes next after that.

based zoomer


it's spelled BASTE now you old boomer

Ah man this is going to be a great election.

2016 2: Electric Boogalo

They need to drag Larry David into this somehow

Based Devito

That's true but unfortunately it's impossible to vote for communism. Bernie is the closest flavor of reactionary possible that the ruling elite have decided to allow to run. If he were to actually call them any problems though, he would be disappeared.

In general the ruling elite only allows the people to elect neoliberals, with fascism being their only provided alternative. American elections are only slightly more free than North Korean ones. And at least that's is a people's party in North Korea.

Based comment, however I do think Sanders is a threat to the wealthy elite. I dont think its feasible to have a based leftist candidate now, so for now let's do some (not so) baby steps to achieving this utopia.

What's he going to do without Congress to really be a threat? Just because you have one person willing to try and make a change doesn't mean you'll get hundreds of self serving retards to go along with it.

Did I ever make the claim that only one person will fix this issue?

No I was just adding to the discussion lmao

voting for commies to own the libs

Or just live above the waterline of where the redistribution would work out in your favor. Just napkin math GPD(g)=19.39 Trillion, population(g)=325 million g/p=$59,661

If you're not a literally retard you should average above that over the course of your career.

JonTron BTFO

Where's the butthurt? I scrolled down for a minute or so but died from all the "danny devito hecking awsum!!" posts.

nah, this manlet is cool

I'd be with him even if he voted for hitler

>needing devitos permission to vote for uncle Adolf


twitter seems happy about it though?

Nice bait, OP.

You know those characters are supposed to be basically an example of the most selfish and stupid human beings possible.

Imagine using a character an actor played in a comedy to try and negate their political beliefs irl, peak cope

imagine taking an /r/drama comment this seriously


Eh fair enough

I'm not seeing anyone get upset.

Stop bullying Daddy