Mayo trudges through snow to avoid trump coffee

39  2019-02-20 by CommonWrongdoer


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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I knew we had AOC, but i didnt realize we had multiple redditor congressmen

He's in shape and has a head full of hair, doesn't seem like a typical Redditor

I kinda feel bad for him, because you know the blue check marks would of spazzed if there was a photo of him drinking coffee in Trump Tower. Then again, he didn't have to brag about not going there

his pinned tweet is already coping over muellers report next week lol

Who else is gonna order a pizza, grab some beers and settle in for the drama bowl next week?

The 2019 season is off to a hell of a start.

Or he could have gone to the one million other coffee shops in New York and avoid the fiasco all together.

In awe at the bravery of this lad.

What a patriot, the sacrifice


Apparently there is a starbucks right next to the trump tower too.

on the same block, guilty by association

And about 5 street carts selling coffee right there as well

It's new York, you can get coffee just about anywhere

#GOTEM... i guess?

First world problems smh...

His twitter pic is literally him kissing a baby...

a true hero

This brave soldier deserves a purple heart! o7