/r/SubOfPeace banned

198  2019-02-20 by DEEPenergy123

The last active MDE related sub is dead. March 2019 it will be forgotten








Cucked & Chucked in short order 😎

Clucked 😎


Sneedposters against the wall.

(Formerly Sneed)


The last active MDE related sub is dead.

I'm 99% sure this isn't true, the same mods and powerusers from mde made a shitton of subs around the time mde was shoahd

and i think like 5 of them got banned today, there are none left that i know of

There's a couple odd ones out there with largely the same mods and users but they've made the language on them super cryptic, but still detectable, like 'in Minecraft' is pretty much a giveaway.

whatever, they were very hit or miss, their usuable meme formats end up trickling down into v or tv anyways.

Why would anyone voluntarily visit /v/

People coping over games being good, people coping over games being bad, general game news (like what games are coming out).



This is a hate crime.

Hello, Wisconsin.

Yeah frenworld was fun for 5 mins until you realise that half the people are just indirectly calling for a holocaust or denying one ever happened. Hardly very frenly behaviour

Sounds like an MDE sub alright

But did it really happen? Lets look at the numbers...

Wooden doors? Delousing chemical used as genocide gas? 11 gorillian? Really?

dont forget there were only 12 gas chambers and 6 million! it just doesnt add up! juust doesntnttttt

Close those wooden doors, goy

its still ... okay ... i guess

Haha oh wow. That's not "disagreed with a blue checkmark" Nazi, that's "the Holocaust didn't haooen but if it did it was a good thing" Nazi.

no difference

absolutely NONE no

Your gay


also *fagosexual

No, I meant what I said.

The point that's sad is that you take them seriously, the vast majority are minimally racist people who just do it for the laughs. Humor shouldn't just be the benign boomer shit that appeals to the majority, all humor should be accepted.

minimally racist


asian people have slanted eyes and it's funny when you stretch your eyes out to look like them. i basically want to nuke china because of this act.

I'll take you a step further because all of Squintland needs a a radiation bath (in Minecraft)

- Sent from my iPhone

in Minecraft

What does that mean?


too late, already learned about your retard lingo

> ~1.5 years on plebbit

> ~48K karma

seems like you've learned many retard things. congrats, I guess..

im going to bob you, clown


iirc it started out as saying stuff like 'race war now...in Minecraft' as a cheeky way to 'dodge' terms of service violations. It seems now to have abstracted to shit like 'bop the clowns in minecraft'; 'honk honk brother' etc, it's retarded.

yeah someone just linked to /r/frenland

The only thing funnier than MDE completely dying is MDEcels being so oppressed that they have to communicate entirely in clown code words lol

The birth of a language

I wonder what a nosefren is?

Look we don't have an enigma code machine breaker here, so just don't bother asking

Hmmmmmm I'm racking my noodle and I just can't seem to understand this comedy....those MDEcels must be the retarded ones....and btw "bussy" LMAO XD

There are a few left. You have to be invited or tipped off.

So no dramatards allowed

They're honestly not hard to find. takes a few minutes you can find half a dozen because mdefugees are herd animals and also can't shut the fuck up

Yeah you’re finding the dummy spam ones. Real backups are all private and the main 2 have 10,000+ subs each. Not to mention CA is almost finished with the terraforming process and nearly ready for colonization.

you mean /r/200acres? im retarded and not internet savvy or reddit savvy and even I know of that one.


It's literally not hard to find these so I'm not sure what your point is. I don't have the motivation or the need to get into private subs but that isn't hard, either, because it's the internet.

And yet you don’t know of the two biggest mde spinoff subs

I don't have the motivation or the need to get into private sub

Reasons unclear, it must just be too hard

Rly the only reason I'd put in the time would be to get them banned, it's not like you could link to them for drama or comedy

β€œI didn’t fail because I never tried”

Imagine spending time making alt accounts to message tards with tard lingo to get in the special tard club to expel the tards into your own sub

You sound a little bitter



  1. Deported
  2. Thanks for tipping off that /r/peacefulsub is the new MDEfugee sub

The last one from before the ban.

There's like 2 private ones and a bunch with like 10 users.

r/OneDollarDifference 😒

The end of MDE was the end of Drama

Sub: cucked

MDEgenerates: chucked

Race of peace: shoah'd

MDEfugees are gonna flood in here again. We need to build a wall.

They already have, have you noticed the anti-left stuff is upvoted way more than the anti-right

If you complain about that you're retarded sweaty,,,,,the left simply creates more drama than the right. Drama is centrist pastime.

Use more buzzwords champ.

All out, sorry


The energy I get from sin

Not really, there are just way more agendaposting retards here now

The only requirement is something being dramatic. Just because your side of politics did something stupid and caused drama doesn't make it "agendaposting".

A lot of the crying from users here leads me to believe that drama is actually the last remaining mde sub

Not for long, a purge is coming soon

Cope harder

I'm a mod lol, no need to cope 😎


make me mod bro, i will destroy the enemies of drama without mercy

lmao being a mod IS cope

set this sub to private already, i don't wanna go back to SRD please.

But far right idiots are good for dramacoin

as long as we observe them from a distance.


They HAVE to go back.


This but unironically 😩

I dunno why drama looks down on them when like 80% of the content here could function there.

Keep up the search goy, this is important stuff

distant retarded cousin CA is still alive

MDEfugees hate CA but they'll end up begrudgingly posting there.

if i was admin i would ban CA too just so that the MDEs have to post on The Donald and argue with Q boomers all day instead of getting to meme with nazi doomer friends

Unfortunately those MDEfugees would get banned the minute they bring up isreal.

are u not allowed to oppose israel there, or just not allowed to be antisemitic?

To t_d retards it's the same thing.

damn guess it really is the zionald, always figured the nazis were exaggerating

That fucking sub is the spawn of satan.

lmao must have been the Patrick Little AMA

What fucking retards lmao

If there is a god, he must really like drama. I hope Little plays a big role in the 2020 GOP primary

if they can block him from appearing on the primary ballot im sure they will, idk if they can.

Can we mod God?

He's the ultimate mod, famalam πŸ™

Don't suppose you have an archive link?

I used to be a Trump supporter like many of you, but it seems very obvious that the man is compromised and that the holocaust is a lie

Lol wut.

My goal is the abolishment of the federal reserve and the liberation of the United States from jew enslavement, such that we can wield the US's as a soft and hard power fulcrum from which to force the jews from power in all other countries of the world, so that all peoples can be free of jewish tyranny.Β 

Haha this dude thinks he can take down the Jews? Stupid goy doesn't know that Jews are the master race. r/jewishsupremacy forever.

Thanks for the link!

My goal is the abolishment of the federal reserve and the liberation of the United States from jew enslavement, such that we can wield the US's as a soft and hard power fulcrum from which to force the jews from power in all other countries of the world, so that all peoples can be free of jewish tyranny.

this but mayos

Ayyyy mayo lmao


ヽ༼ ΰΊˆΩ„ΝœΰΊˆΰΌ½ οΎ‰ Raise ur dongers!

Dongers Raised: 42804

Check Out /r/AyyLmao2DongerBot For More Info

I bet that was it honestly. One of their few rules was no Holocaust denial because subs get banned instantly for that. Having an ama with someone who puts that in the first line was not smart.

Any white pride and empowerment sub is labeled as mde related and banned

we have immigration laws here, you have to go back to your own (ethno)state



What do you, as an individual, have to be proud of? And how were white pride subs 'empowering' anyone? They were just full of basement-dwellers complaining about the blacks and how nobody wants to have white babies with them

It’s yer cake day today snally.

Naught a lot of people know that.

I didn't know it either 🀷

Uhhh...it's uh...it's right there, next to the username.

... in extreme fairness there were one or two focused on farming and living off the grid, which goes well with me cuz im unironically an anprim

I don't have any idea what that is, and the first thing that showed up on google was a meme

your political ideology is literally a meme lmao

anarcho primitivism

and yes its fucking epic

it's less boring than social denocracy but that's not saying much



Ayyyy mayo lmao


imagine wanting pride for mayos

Mayocide when?

Not soon enough

Ayyyy mayo lmao


Ayyyy mayo lmao


ヽ༼ ΰΊˆΩ„ΝœΰΊˆΰΌ½ οΎ‰ Raise ur dongers!

Dongers Raised: 42805

Check Out /r/AyyLmao2DongerBot For More Info

Good, white pride is an oxymoron. Whites have nothing to be proud of and everything to be ashamed of. Whites should just fuck off from the face of the earth and let the rest of us live in peace.


Go black or go back

white pride and empowerment


thank you, white-trash oprah

don't forget to mash that allow pings button >>>>>>

Banned for violent content. I pray the admins never stumble upon r/gayfisting. They punch the butt hole with love. With love.

Why don't they just go to Voat? It's not like anyone will miss them here, and the residents of Voat may actually accept them, though they seem to be on average like 50 years older than the average MDE fan

Because even VOAT members don't like going to VOAT. I'm 100% serious about that.

Good point

It's like being kicked out of a MTG tournament for being smelly and then you learn about a special tournament and then you go there and find that it's all the smelly guys who got kicked out.

You see all these smelly disgusting neckbeards and they are all like you and you fucking hate that

Reddit is way funnier with all these idiots here. I don't want them to leave. Having the hard right and hard left subs screech at each other unironically gets me off.

I'd agree if the structure of reddit didn't make it ridiculously easy to radicalize people. They're fine if they get to stay homeless tho


Ye, I bet that puddle pirate was active on reddit. I think it's the internet+widespread "shutin loserism" for lack of a better word among young people nowadays, speaking as a half a shutin loser who was rather extreme before I got friends

Snally it is your cakeday!

excuse me

more radicals = more drama

what the fuck snally

Voat is just awful.

So is the MDE fandom. A match made in heaven.

MDE sucked but Sam Hyde has had a few funny bits. His TEDx talk was unironically pretty funny.

his early guerrilla comedy was good, but his sketch comedy is mediocre and he got unfunny pretty quickly once he went off the rails with the /pol/ shit. The stuff that was funny was basically just a more contemporary version of some of Tom Green's methods too. And the show didn't stand out from the rest of Adult Swim's boring absurdist trash beyond having right-wing leanings. The only reason he has an obsessive fandom is because he's one of the only hard-right 'comedians' to have ever approached something considered humor

World peace imo was borderline genius at parts and i found it really hilarious tbh. I personally wish it got a second season but it's 100% sam's fault he got his show cancelled, he handled interviews poorly, posted dumb hard right shit on his twitter and even called tim heidecker during his stream accusing him of getting his show cancelled. i'm honestly convinced sam (and probably charls) is bipolar or slightly on the spectrum or some shit, nick was the only part of the mde trio that had any level of sanity.

I've seen very few people who have literally thrown away so many opportunities/burn so many bridges in the same way Sam Hyde did. A second season was actually in the works too but sam's bullshit got the plug pulled.

I've only seen his TED talk. After a few years of seeing that his fanbase is made of clinically retarded /pol/ faggots, I've lost any interest in actually watching his stuff.

It only became super infested with people from /Pol/ until around the time it seemed like world peace was going to be cancelled. The mde subreddit had more in common with the Joe Rogan sub until around maybe mid 2016 when it slowly went to shit.

the adult swim show was interesting at times in an artistic way, but not really funny at almost any point imo, and some of the sketches were just retarded. honestly wouldn't have been surprised if it got canceled regardless of sam hyde's offensive comments online. i was a big fan before that though, his low effort youtube shit was great

The bully piece is even better IMO, but those are the only two skits that ever stood out to me.

That was the first MDE sketch I ever laughed at.

that is so profoundly unfunny. I always assumed people who liked shit like this were on serious drugs

do you watch this crap sober?

I'm sorry you don't have a sense of humor

have you watched wkuk? its just goofy, poorly acted sketch comedy. its just silly.

lol world peace was one of the most popular adult swim shows in a long time. It wasn’t β€œboring absurdist trash that didn’t stand out”

VOAT fucking sucks. Everyone can agree on this.

Its full of boomers posting facebook tier memes and shitty speculative articles.

Voat is extremely blackpilled and depressing. V COPE

Whomp whomp πŸ˜‚

Trannies rejoice!

Somebody tell u/trappsurah

It says a lot that my first thought was that it was a sub making fun of pitbulls

And, yet, nothing of value was lost.

This but unironically

literally whomst'd

Imagine thinking you're a member of a superior race who can do anything when you can't even keep an obscure subreddit from being banned lmao.


what about the donald

He can't keep getting...

Complete this sentence

P.S. Not a honeypot

jiggy wit it

Too old of a reference to be a zoomer boomer.


Nah it's just a reference to FΓΌhrer Maeckes's song from 2016

Mediocre German music ftw 😎😎😎

You like das gabba? HARDBOY!

...railed in the ass by giant black cocks. His intestinal fortitude is failing and pretty soon his guts will be in a pink puddle on the ground below him.

Well that's just good old fashioned fun

Dae hate it when you're watching gay interracial BBC porn and then suddenly the top pulls the bottom's rectum out of his bussy so that it looks like a disgusting grandma gussy?

Happens in straight porn as well. This new fad of fucking an asshole to the point the large intestine falls out, its not something I can get behind. We have enough porn now anyway, lets stop.

Definitely, yikes. Fuck that. Ahhhh fuck can't get it out of my head now.


Too patrician.


I d

I think you glitched out. Unsubscribe.


A good dog down - All Dogs go to Heaven (1989)

Too genuinely wholesome.


on up, stepping on the scene, like a sex machine.

MDEfugees could never appreciate the godfather of soul.


up to get down

fugees never get down, only downs.


a erection.

Offset with this object

...Spanked by black Kangs

away with the mayocide


Aw man


I’m a good boy I voted Hillary

MDE was never good tbh

This site legit fucking blows. My favorite subs keep getting shoah'd.



more MDEfugees are gonna flood here. we need to shut down to keep the rapefugees out