Someone claiming to be a rape victim of Max Landis posted this on Kiwi Farms

2  2019-02-21 by Special_Ed_Principal

Google the Kiwi Farms thread on Max Landis and check page 22.


Hey y'all. I've been here lurking this thread for a minute, wondering if I should say something and I've decided I want to with his allegations coming back into light again. Sooo, here goes.

Max Landis is most definitely is a serial rapist, serial sexual assaulter, malicious narcissist and sociopath. I know this because I used to be deep in his inner social circle, and he assaulted me as well. Idk how you all handle this here, but I'm willing to verify my identity privately with someone to prove I know what I'm talking about.

It's hard to say how many victims he has exactly, but it seems as though its between 15-20 women since his college days. He had a sexual assault lawsuit made against him in college that he intimidated the girl into dropping with his family's fame and power. He bragged about it regularly. I personally know (as in, they have told me their stories firsthand) of four other girls besides myself who he assaulted in much the same way, like following a script. The medium article writer is one of them. It's a lot how mine went as well, him setting up a situation where the victim is physically trapped, having his way with them, and then whining about mixed messages after taking forceful advantage of the victim. Let me tell you guys honestly that it is scary how much my story matches up with the others I know about. It really leaves me without a doubt in my mind that this is/was all a calculated game to him.

He made it a point to socially ostracize and smear anyone who dared challenge him, which has made it hard to locate all the victims. Because his assaults span so many years, there's potential victims we don't even know about because they've been intimidated into silence long ago.

One of the girls I know of did recently press charges, and he chose to settle with her out of court. She however can't talk about this publicly because her case with him is now considered "resolved". That part sucks, because that basically proves his guilt. We all greatly fear being sued by him because he's that kind of crazy.

As fucked up as this is, I feel like this story isn't really having an impact on people because it's so personal. None of the victims are famous, he didn't tell us to sleep with him or we wouldn't get jobs, he just manipulated, intimidated and broke very insecure people for funzies because he's a fucking fetid wound of a human. But I feel like not having a twist at the end of this story is making it not stick in the media, the punchline is just that he's the actual fucking worst, but that's not much of a punchline in 2019.

In December 2017 The Hollywood Reporter interviewed many, many women in the film industry in LA, including myself, about their experiences with Max. It ranged from benign workplace harassment to actual rape. After a while we noticed the article never ran. It still never has. They have all those interviews and testimonies and for some reason never published the article. We have our suspicions he sicced Mommy and Daddy's lawyers on THR to silence them.

There's a couple more smaller publications interested in info now and I plan to talk to them, if Max doesn't issue a gag order on them too.

Anyways, I guess I just want people to know this so this fucktard stops making a cool $50 mil a year when he's not only one of the most genuinely horrible people I've ever had the displeasure of meeting, but also when he's as bad as his fucking job as he is, too. All his scripts are garbage and I want him to go away forever. I have more I can say if people care at all.