Man to divorce, sue wife after she posted about his micropenis on Reddit

143  2019-02-21 by Myra_Wreckabitch




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On 9/5/18 I met my best friend. Nearly 5 months later she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Just a reminder that being a father is not about “blood” but about being available with unconditional love and support


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Lol I totally forgot about this guy. He deleted all his posts.

ahahahaha that's fkn hilarious

Oh shit, that's new, and I remember that post too.

Wait, that post was actually real?

That was my thought exactly!

What a world. I can get the wait til marriage part because it was short (heh), but how'd she not get suspicious that she didn't feel anything when he was grinding up on her?

proper gentlesirs don't "grind up" on anyone, you heathen.

Mother of white knight

Must the first ever non-bait, non-larp post on that sub.

Totally fake as hell. It was a "the sun" article

Right. The extent of this article was just saying what the posts said. True journalism.

Still not sure. The article only seems to reference the posts so it looks like they are taking it at face value without any independent research.

What?! No, that can't be right...

I, too, thought it was someone practicing their writing or some shit.

It is.

Nope. News org got suckered in just like the relationship sub.

No read the article they are taken reddit as the source.

Of course its not real. There is no court deposition or interviews in that link. its just summations of Reddit comments.

No proof that any of this is real. It's all based on Reddit posts.

The absolute state of journalism in 2019.

Australian journalism has always been tabloid trash. There's a reason that's where Rupert Murdoch comes from

Lol, probably not. Would not be the first time these 'news' sites have taken the bait of a reddit troll.

And lucky for us it won't be the last 😎

Lol, no.

Mod that op NOW

Lol imagine having a micropeen haha why even live smh

Haha yeah 😢😢😢

Hey it's ok buddy. God made boys have micropenises so they could become traps.

Cope. I'd still be ugly

i used to wish my penis was really small

but then I learned that your dick size affects how deep your vagina goes after getting the surgery

This but unironically.

That girl's former husband should consider HRT and transitioning.

That girl's former husband should consider HRT and transitioning.

His dick would be to small to make a fake vagoo out of it.

>wanting traps with surgical gussy

Allah give me strength

the second update that the mods removed was that he wanted a phalloplasty



even /r/drama fell for this bait

A female friend once told me that she almost had sex with an otherwise super popular guy.. and then his dick was like 6.5 inches or so. She could not do it.

I mean with 7 or 8 you can at least work with..

I mean with 7 or 8 you can at least work with..


What more if you don't believe me. Sex starts feeling good for women at about 9 inches. That is where vaginal orgasm land is. Ideal is 10.

Of course women can have a "good time" with a 6 inch dick when she "really likes the guy" but it's like only ever getting hand jobs.

When the first 10 inches blows her back out, all that is erased forever.

Dicklets need to learn

The only options for anyone under a foot are cope or rope


Hardcore cope. Ideal is actually 12.

10 inches

Cope. They only a foot or more. It's over

Isn't 6inch average tho?

To get dicked by other dudes

Sone micropeen guys have nice bussies

i used to wish my penis was really small

but then I learned that your dick size affects how deep your vagina goes after getting the surgery

Godspeed, tiny one 🍻

"Reposted from the Sun"

Jfc guys

MFW our own eat the spaghet

Just grow a bigger dick. Smh.

I've been watering mine daily and it still hasn't grown.


A man’s ego is so connected to his dick size or more accurately, how others perceive his size that you should only say it’s small when you intend to hurt that man deeply because he will very likely remember you saying that for the rest of his life.

I never disclose the exact size of any man I’ve dated to anyone. Not even to my closest friends. There’s a line you should not cross. Like how would you feel as a woman if your boyfriend complained how small your tits are to his friends?

I once said to one my exes that his dick was small. I wasn’t being serious and I wasn’t trying to hurt his feelings. I thought the joke was so obvious because his dick was very far from being small. It was pretty above average but he took it to the heart and felt insecure. I tried to reassure him that it was only a joke but I don’t think he really believed me.

Lesson learned. Never say that to a man you care about 🙅🏻‍♀️

My dick is 3mm when erect and I have all the confidence in the world.

I actually patented a tweezer/fleshlight called the Pinch-Pussy.


The strange thing is I have a normal amount of ejaculate and an average nutsack.


puke is actually the usual lube i get when someone sees my tic tac

It may only be 3mm, but it smells like a foot!

Have you mentioned this product to lawlz yet?

We don't sell an extra small, sorry.

Post piglet, chud

gimme those seriousposts baby

my micro is throbbing

And yet you constantly hear women make repulsive comments about mens genitals from being near them.


Pretty ironic considerings womens smelly ugly loose holes. I say we need to make more men shame womens nasty genitals.

t. S E E T H I N G dicklet 🤣🤣🤣

Nature already deemed them as lesser, they deserve all the shaming and grief they can possibly get

seriouspost: You are smart. Keep it up. We can deal with small dick jokes all day coming from pretty ANYONE but our actual partners.

Sorry about your tiny dick.

Definitely still bait 😪

“I’m sorry, Little One.”

-This man’s ex-wife’s apology letter, probably.

Getting divorced when you have a micro peen. Wew. 😅

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Micro Penises Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Grow A Bigger Dick Like Nigga Get A Dick Haha

When your peen is so small. You owe your parents two inches.

We did it Reddit!