#metoo professor didn't get tenure for likely threatening to murder one of her colleagues. Clearly rapists are behind this.

544  2019-02-21 by dramallllama


Have you posted bussy yet?


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One day soon my best friend bot, one day soon.

By Allah, who even downvotes Snappy, they should be beaten with thirty shoes for their insolence!

What's the over/under on OP being an alt of the professor?

Likely her or one of her trainees.

It's 100% her, the pathetic attempts to disguise her writing style with errors ("ure", for "your", what is that even) make it even more obvious

Out of touch this far with the world. She should consider a lobotomy.

I mean we haven't exactly ruled out that her behavior isn't the result of a previous lobotomy.

A botched lobotomy to be exact.

my thoughts exactly, nobody types like that.

The easiest way to spot an attempt at writing "worse" is to look for incongruities. For example, her only writing error is the use of things like "ure", "u", "ykno" and such, but she uses opening and closing quotation marks (not apostrophes, nor the same character twice) here

I doubt the integrity of anyone saying that describing the basic facts of a harassment case is ‘inflammatory.’

and here

“Your argument is basically”

Not to mention her use of an em dash, something no one who genuinely uses "ykno" has ever heard of.

The other, glaring proof is that her comments get more and more "wrong" after she's accused of being BethAnn.

It's obviously someone in academia or higher education trying to seem less eloquent.

Hell, I don't even know if they're on the keyboard by default. Not to mention her use of an em dash, something no one who genuinely uses "ykno" has ever heard of.

probably writing in MS Word and copy-pasting to comment on reddit.

Also, the account has literally only posted about that petition. It was clearly made just for this purpose.

You remind me of the guy in Manhunt: Unabomber. Not the unabomber, the main dude. If you haven't watched it you should you'd like it.

Thanks Gallowboob

She also uses & a lot.

Who does that? I understand in handwriting it is faster, but it requires effort on a keyboard

Professors who are very insecure

Certain rationalists also use "&c" a lot, by the way.


I think that's a quirk1 stolen from their beloved David Foster Wallace.

1 Much like needless footnotes.

Oh, probably. /u/gwern, care to comment? =)

I can neither confirm nor deny rumors that I have helplessly picked up stylistic quirks from certain authors who influenced me as a youth.

On a related note, it would be nice to have a visible difference between the reference footnotes (which I don't have to click unless I don't believe you) and the actually interesting footnotes. Or maybe inline all actually interesting footnotes instead, even if that gives you less of a DFW fanboy cred.

Mm. I don't really use reference footnotes in general, because I believe in linking fulltext inline. I have been making an effort to try to cut down my use of footnotes, but it's like trying to quit caffeine.

One change Obormot has explored a little is borrowing the idea of 'sidenotes' from tufte-css: for narrow windows, floating footnotes as usual, and for wider windows which max out the permissible line-width, footnotes get converted into side-notes in the right-hand column to make good use of the whitespace.

Also, wouldn't it be worthwhile to strive for no style at all in one's writing, so that it's marked as "very probably a spambot" by all bland writing detection systems and only the people who understand what you say in those plain words get to, well, understand what you said.

I use "&ct." because I'm not ready to move on from the 19th Century.

Reference operator. Its over for C/C++cels

Lol what a retard

If you're really good, you'll get tenure. It's the people who are ok but not outstanding who fight over this shit.

Lol "cmte"

committee, it's committee, why can't you spell it?


& if u read SAC-Lawn_Gnome’s comments, it’s obvious he knows nothing, nor does he mean well.

no ure

could be. could be anyone in her #metooSTEM gaggle, possibly someone who was admitted to college for qualities other than intellectual.

She just seems to be taking all the criticism too personally. And the date OP's account was create aligns with the date the professors other accounts were created.

Looking at the post history, it's 100% her. She's unhinged.


With writing like that I really hope not.

To put it in terms she might understand, that's one null hypothesis that's not getting rejected

locked because y'all can't behave

Thank god they locked that thread. Wouldn't want all 12 of /r/professors active users getting too rowdy.

What are you betting that the current 360 "active readers" are like 90% from here?

Locked because this offends my intersectional politics

Bonus: professor accuses another scientist of being an abuser because he pointed out flaws in a paper her lab published.


Lol, this is drama I live for.

Fun fact: while in men the onset of schizophrenia usually happens in late teens - early twenties, in women the situation is exactly opposite and the most typical onset seems to be associated with menopause.

Explains every woman in my life...buncha freakazoids

I have no doubts that schizophrenia is the cause behind every woman in your life.

Yeah like my bicth mom...she doesnt buy my xbox games any more. Probably a stuid femi-Nazi freakazoid


woke: feminist nazis

bespoke: nazbol gang women

It's probably because you can't fucking spell.

Because it's entirely based on isolation.

And women in their mid 30s are the least desired they've ever been in their lives.

That's my point.

This has been another Drama symposium on foid psychology. Drinks and refreshments are in the lobby

But it explains incels too.

So it's pretty on point and universal

Likewise with men in their early-mid 20s

Is there any evidence to support this?

This is the first time I’ve heard anything like this and it’s very interesting, I’d like to know more

There's some links and discussion in this CMV thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/comments/7n59k7/cmv_human_lonelinessisolation_harms_human_health/

But overall it's an extremely intuitive connection that not enough people make. Social isolation in American society is IMO what's driving us all crazy. Read Bowling Alone by Putnam

Unironic incels are the other end of the spectrum for men

Are there ironic incels?


Gib secks thot

Joe Camel

not on reddit

I looked into a bit , as this surprised me as well. While it is true that women tend to develop schizophrenia later than men (average age of 30 compared to 25 in men), saying that schizophrenia is entirely based on isolation is really misleading. The reason is not entirely known, but some theorize that estrogen has a role, and that the loss of estrogen later in age could also explain late onset schizophrenia.

Some people below you posted some stuff that I want to push back on as well. The CMW thread discusses the health risks of social isolation, but made no connection to schizophrenia. And the other link I saw made a connection between schizophrenia and social isolation during childhood years.

I’m not sure why that user said schizophrenia is totally caused by isolation.

Can we call this Karenphrenia then?

smh fucking foids

Unfortunately, that's the kind of drama that only insiders in the specialized field can enjoy. See, it's one kind of harassment tactic to suddenly cry over a common practice in doing experiments or publishing science, that is less than desirable, but everyone's doing it, and then picking out as your "example offender" someone who's an outsider (because you're a coward & won't criticize someone with actual influence in the field) or someone who is a woman/minority in science (because you're doing it to attack the person in the first place).

Only people who are really insiders in the field can tell the difference between a harassing use of the tactic and a legit one.

The best thing is, if you're going to decry an "all too common" problem in experiments that most people have, don't single out someone in a weak position who is an outsider or marginalized person because that really does mean you're either a fucking coward or a bigot. Or just stupid & shouldn't be writing about the unfortunate things other people do.

sounds like a copout

Academic science is full of drama queens tho. I think a saying among them is the smaller the stakes, the more they fight over it.

Academics are literally college kids who never moved on.

IN the midst of completing my MSc my thesis advisor kept pushing me to do a PhD. Earlier in my life I thought being a scientist would be fun. But after sitting on a few faculty and department committees during undergrad and grad school and witnessing so much idiocy I finished my MSc, got the hell out of there and changed careers.


One example: one post-doc was pissed, because another post-doc with a smaller scholarship, got an office that was 1/2 of 12"x12" linoleum marker wider than his. And repeatedly brought this issue to the department chair.

Based af comment right there

It's not a common practice at all though.

I might not know if the guy is going after a legit serious methodological issue or has a weird hobby, but in either case it's obvious that he's an equal opportunity offender that goes after lots and lots of people, so the female professor's claim that her student was singled out because of her activism is pure paranoia.

Makes sense, too. You have to dig into these things to have a real opinion. That's why i try to not pay attention to the personalities behind science slapfights.

They didn't single one person out. The article is a follow-up to a previous article the author did where he had called out at least two other scientists, and had talked to the administration at their universities.

Thank you for that info! It's easier to understand the alleged drama if we have some tips on context

Splicing Westerns is not a common problem unless the paper comes from a shifty Chinese university. It's one of those things that is immediately suspect as a reviewer.

Thanks for that info. It's hard to decide on what's actual science trolling & what is a genuine criticism.

True, my brothers and sisters! Any criticism of methods in a paper should only be directed to white males, amirite?

Unless it's non-trivial or uncommon practice. Which of course is in the eye of the beholder, so all mayo scientist bussy better play it safe!

No way any women, non-white, or other "outsiders" are tough enough to handle the same kind of questioning as a white male.

But fear not.

This is why academia equips them with a variety of special "get out of peer review" cards they can play. Anytime they're feeling overmatched in a discussion about methods, instead of responding as a white male would, they can just fan their deck and drop one of their cards on the table: race, gender, rape, etc.

And boom. Then equality has been restored. Truly, we live in a time of miracles.

IDK, I think my point is more that, if you're going to write an "it's all to common that <researchers do this wrong thing>" and then use a real person as example instead of conducting a real study-of-studies, then you should pick an insider who does that "common" thing. Picking an outsider or marginalized person doesn't help show that "common" thing you're complaining about is mainstream and you open yourself to accusations of personal attacks. Because that's one way researchers personally attack each other.

It's amazing. This idea actually gets better every time it's repeated.

You're right. It really is great to introduce race and gender and outsider-ness into every discussion about methods in science.

That way, everyone can police the moral outrage which you have so very wisely highlighted, by simply applying these principles however it seems best to them, whenever they think it appropriate, to ensure only the Tom Brady's of the scientific community are questioned about anything anyone thinks might be common practice.

It's not like anyone can ever argue any of the many new racial and social justice dimensions you've just added to the scientific debate. These are bright lines, people.

I just wonder, what did we ever do back when everyone involved in science was restricted to purely debating their ideas? I mean, can you imagine, considering anyone's questions purely based on logic, without the rich tapestry of emotional or social greivance?

Truly I wonder how we ever got to the moon, without these modern techniques of woke discourse and inquiry.

Truly I wonder how we ever got to the moon, without these modern techniques of woke discourse and inquiry.

We got to the moon with computers programmed by women, back in the day before they were forced out of computer science or conveniently plugged into a role of handy counterexamples of things real scientists aren't supposed to do.

I know, my brothers and sisters! Think of it!

If all ladies had only been able to face down their abusers, answering any tough questions about faking their data by playing the gender card? We would be having this conversation on Mars.

So now all those random female students students who are handy examples of how not to be real scientists in opinion articles are brown and Muslim? It's as if all your Freudian fears are congealing into one WM evangel-incel scREEEE over my criticism that using outliers/minority students as examples of what is "too common" in science isn't a great way to make a point that something is actually common or mainstream.

How have I failed to indicate my vehement agreement?

In fact I think you, just as any woman, person of color, or other outsider, should even be personally able to dictate when this grievance has occurred. On behalf of all Reddit, if you feel it's punching down, that's enough for all of us. No way we care what some mayo bussy thought.

As long as you're not a white male. You're not, are you? Because if you are, then what you say is of no interest to us. Begone! And go back to watching educational videos about the equality of the sexes.

Speaking of someone who has dealt with not only all the challenges that white males have around me have had -- in the military and other contexts -- and seeing them have to deal with nothing that I've had to deal with on top of the jobs, your hyperventilation at the notion that I have a POV that differs from your own personal idea of what's OK to say on reddit makes me wonder how you'd survive 1 year of those "extra challenges" I've had, that include that 1/20 guys who turn out to be fruit loops with their own psycho POV about you being there doing their job and shoving that POV down your throat in many different aggressive & passive aggressive ways! Not to mention that one guy from time to time who has to stalk you to force his will on you! Your head would explode, O policing-opinions-on-reddit-guy.

Woke. And based. AF!

Hyperventilation you say?? Nay, that's the sound of everyone applauding! Your ideas are a huge success. You've advanced human discourse. Drama is going to award you an honorary degree.

Drama is going to award you an honorary degree.

It's what I do best!

Wait, did you just say snowflake???

Are you kidding me you little piece of shit i’ll have you know i graduated top of my politics class and i’ve been involved in privilege checking with over 150 confirmed political demonstrations i’m trained in conflict resolution and i was the most oppressed person in my entire upper middle class high school you are nothing to me but another cultural appropriator i will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which have never been seen on this side of the 49th parallel mark my words you think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the internet think again fucker, as we speak i’m checking with my anarcho-communist analyst brigade for your location so you better be prepared to deal with some molotov cocktails and angry feminists flying through your window yOU’RE FUCKING DEAD CHERRY! i can be anywhere at any time and i can kill you in over seven hundred ways and that’s just with me boring you to death while i talk about privilege not only am i extensively trained in hotline management but i have access to an entire arsenal of sociological articles to prove my point and i will use them to wipe your fucking face off the earth you little shit if only you had known what oppressed retribution your cultural appropriation would unleash then maybe you would have held your fucking tongue but you couldn’t you’re fucking dead kiddo

Your pulitzer's in the mail

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Bwahaha. Your flight to copypasta is even more boring than your attempt to use imitations of political correctness hysteria to cover your discomfort at realizing that my original comment wasn't really about gender but about how the guy didn't make his argument in a great way. You should waste your flailing attempts to be relevant on someone who actually cares about political correctness, evangel-incel!

After checking their deleted comments - you got the better of this exchange.

They bit hard.

Is it me or did the whole conversation have a soundtrack, like, a hundred people all changing "Spaz! Spaz! Spaz!"

But if she wanted to go somewhere and sperg out to the best of her abilities about gender issues, we're like the confession booth of the Internet's Catholic Church. That is to say, staffed by thrill-seeking athiest gangsters in funny outfits. Truly, we're doing the Lord's work here.

In late October 2018, when I raised on Twitter the issue of PubPeer evidence in some papers from the BethAnn McLaughlin lab at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, and how she replied to that, I faced the wrath of an indignated kangaroo court Twitter community.  McLaughlin does certainly a very important job of raising awareness to the issues of sexual harassment in academia. Yet to me it was not clear why she dismissed the objectively real problems flagged in her papers as vengeful false accusations from accused harassers. Myself, I was described at best as a misogynist bully who conspires with sexual harassers to damage McLaughlin’s cause, a willing enabler of abuse of women in STEM, and at worst: I will never find out, but there were hints. The debate of whether loading controls should be run on the same gels or not, was led on Twitter with the background of whether I am a practising abuser of women myself.

Wait, so the Twitter lynch mob was wrong???

I guess we all have our off days

Anyone who has ever argued the facts with an SJW acquaintance has experienced this, where you're basically a rapist now. I had one real life friend say to me that my beliefs were affecting her health. Another that blew up on Facebook and it started affecting parties that we went to.

He raped her research with his male questioning

Man doubting is serious problem for woman researchers who don't want to be wrong about anything

Poking holes in her shitty evidence is the same as poking her in the asshole with his gigantic, throbbing cock.

aaaand I have a boner now

Manspreading all over her pinbrained paper

This is the future of science, I unironically believe this.

Why do you think they had to create Feminist Science? Actual science stopped inviting them to talk.


This is good shit. Popcorn anyone.

Bet a fiver its actually her.






post hog

If you’ve never hog-posted yourself you shouldn’t ask it of others.

I'm going to mention popcorn and shit a lot specifically to annoy you fuckers from now on.




How does this nutjob get a job teaching other people?

Holy shit this video is amazing

The absolute state of academia in 2019

Imagine graduating with a literature or art degree and realizing that the world doesn't need writers and designers anymore. This is why they're going after STEM, to stay relevant.

Anprims rise up

She's trying to argue that you can prove magic exists because it's from Africa and not Europe. That's....wow.

IIRC she also had a brilliant theory of science: "white people say science is true just because it's science"

I mean, if she wants to retest thousands of years of science on African soil rather than European she's welcome to, but I think the results will be pretty much as expected.

That’s also bad science anyways empiricism is dogmatic

They get hired while in college as a TA and never leave. Eventually they become department heads and deans. That is if they get tenure instead of threatening to stab someone.

In late July of that year, McLaughlin, her then-husband (a Vanderbilt neuroscientist at the time, who collaborated with Galli), and a visiting McLaughlin friend and collaborator, Dana Miller of the University of Washington in Seattle, were invited to dinner at Galli’s home. Miller and McLaughlin later recalled that while preparing dinner, Galli threatened to “destroy” Watt. Miller recalled him calling Watt “a crazy bitch” and vowing to “spend every last dime” to ruin her. The women say Galli showed them a handgun and noted that he had a permit to carry it. Miller, a lesbian, also told investigators that Galli made inappropriate comments about her sexuality.

Galli, now at the University of Alabama in Birmingham, declined to comment on the dinner party. But he told Science: “I have never done anything to any student or any faculty in terms of harassment or retaliation.” He provided an email that McLaughlin sent him the day after the party: “Dinner was fantastic. … Thank you,” she wrote with a smiley face.


hoax me once shame on me...

It was then that Galli transformed into Hitler and started eating a baby in front of everyone

Ure prolly gonna hate me for this, but ykno how I feel about this.

Who the fuck types like a 14 year sending a text in a subreddit for educators?

A teacher pretending to be one

Devil's advocate here, but that could be simply because OP is old and only understands twitter because one of her students was forced to teach her, so now she treats everything like 140-character tweets because she doesn't know better. ORRRRR she's trying to cover up how obviously she's the professor in question.

ORRRRR she's trying to cover up how obviously she's the professor in question.

I think we have bingo.

ORRRRR she's trying to cover up how obviously she's the professor in question.

I think we have bingo.

Guys please be kind to her and go easy. Surviving a failed brain surgery is already stressful enough.

Although her writing was terrible and she's probably the prof in question; this peak /r/professors comment almost made me bust my gut because it's so relevant and random at the same time


Y'all can talk about rape or whatever provided it's in LaTeX and in IEEE approved format.


Wow this is fun

Ure so believable. (Eyeroll) The harassment came before, during & after she filed the Title IX report - that’s why she filed it in the first place. This is a factual issue, not one based in abstract logic devoid of facts.

NASEM report on sexual harassment: *90% of women who report sexual harassment face retaliation. *Medical training is the worst of all sciences - 50% women face sexual harassment.

Clearly, this is not at all an old teacher trying to pretend like a young person to shill for herself eh? The effort placed into using bad grammar and bad sentence structure is certainly not at all artificial

Ure a harasshole

harass my hole bby


Blargh gonna eat ure hole

Aww, shes trying to use hair to hide her chins just like male feminists.

Behind that pumpkin?

Ure flatly denying the existence of clear, persistent & pervasive harassment - that’s why ure arguing in bad faith. Ykno, FACTS. No. I am not. U dont kno anything. & when u do, ure dishonest about it. It’s no biggie 4 to fight harassholes. That’s the point of #metoostem.

Makes a lot more sense now why she types like shit, she probably gets winded using a keyboard.



No Ure

I'm gonna have to start using that.

She looks like how I imagine a house full of cats covered by cheap incense would smell.

Bullying is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate or aggressively dominate others.

Come on now... I don't think anyone here has been dominated. That would imply a far greater level of success than she's had.

HOLY SHIT. OP is either the professor or just a troll.

OP is the professor. She spelt your as ure to try to hide the fact.

 they bring politics and fear into a process that should be objective and independent

And the irony is so thick I could cut it with a knife and spread it on toast.

What's going on at Vanderbilt. First they build these loons up and now they're purging them.

I have a feeling Obama threw a lot of money around for this type of bullshit, and now Trump isn't renewing any of it.

I just read about a thing where we had all this federal funding for online news agencies to combat Russian trolls, but those funds are ending and all these crappy journalists are getting laid off.

Imagine if this was posted here 3 days ago :)

Bethann McLaughlin looks every meter of What i expected her to look like.

This is some good shit. Real highbrow bantz in there. Good find, OP.

The fuck kind of name is BethAnn

Finally some good drama, thank you OP

It was by chance that I stumbled on it. Lucky me.

It’s 110% her. In one of the articles linked in the thread she uses the word “harrassholes” to describe people who disagreed with her and it just so happens that sandraduffy also uses the word “harrasshole”... hmm I wonder what the chances of them using the exact same weird ass indiosyncrafic phrase is

I think it's probably her, but "harrasshole" could just be in-group lingo familiar to her following on Twitter.

The account that posted this is five days old, the mods of /r/metoostem are all a day or two older. One of these accounts claims the subreddit was started by the Vandy Professor but that isn’t said anywhere else on the sub or its posts. Usually I’d just look the other way, because it’s a fan without the right information, but the account that stated it is one of the creators of their sub so it stands to reason they probably know more than me.

friendly reminder that no amount of phd protect you from being fucking idiot

In fact in some cases it increases the chances.

on a proportional basis, the phds I know are more likely to be retarded than the high school grads/GEDs/Associates degree holders who are plant baws that I know.

Oh I am McLaughin my ass off right now

Ofc: "locked because y'all can't behave"

This is pure gold.

between this and Eugene Gu, I'm glad my school is appearing on the front page of /r/drama

It's over for "Ivy League of the South"cels

let me tell you, it never began

Ure flatly denying the existence of clear, persistent & pervasive harassment - that’s why ure arguing in bad faith. Ykno, FACTS. No. I am not. U dont kno anything. & when u do, ure dishonest about it. It’s no biggie 4 to fight harassholes. That’s the point of #metoostem.

Laws against discriminating against this kind of person were a mistake.

It is pretty cut and dry why they refused her tenure. So research universities like her, will give you tenure depending on how much grant money you can bring in and how many papers your lab can produce.

It is very clear she was on soft money, here salary depended on her grant. Now when she would get tenure then the University would cover her base salary. After she gets tenured, in order to get promoted she would have needed to bring in grants. Failing to do that or publish lots of paper, she would get more and more teaching which would hamper her productivity.

Now in between 2015-2018, according to her she was not productive, she didnt get any grad students, people left her lab, or apply for grants. Now these things basically guarantees that you wont get tenure in research universities. That is exactly what happened here. She blamed it on the investigation for these things happening which no one can be sure of. But one thing is sure research universities know there are many equally good & younger candidates who can replace her. They let her go. Her being a dick helped too.

What do you mean she wasn't productive? She has built a large twitter mob that she uses to harass people she doesn't like. She even won an award from MIT media school or something for it.

Productive in her own research field I should have said.


oh shit this is wild

(They're onto me!)

A BethAnn is immunized against all dangers

Your argument is essentially post hoc ergo propter hoc.

Ure so believable. (Eyeroll)

This is the drama that we need, but don't deserve.

/u/sandraduffy is a reeeeetard

The one dude in the comments rebutting her is a G.

"Mod here - this thread has become an unproductive flame war. Ergo, let's stop the conversation here and all collectively take a time-out.

Thread locked"


Thread locked, y'all can't behave