/r/Vegan in an uproar

66  2019-02-21 by NMJ87


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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Here is the highlight reel:

https://i.imgur.com/hFEIYJd.png -- I'm sure that shuts them up real fast

https://i.imgur.com/a5MPLCz.png --- I learned a new slur for a majority population

https://i.imgur.com/XesnLeJ.png -- one of my new friends had a minor flaw so i cast them out of my life forever! Ha! That omni scumbag will die from cancer he got by eating processed foods i bet.

The best one imo: https://i.imgur.com/u4A1dhH.png --- serving meat to an unknowing diner = rape (is what i took from it)

Some clarification:

the dude who fed the girl a burger was a complete and utter asshole but these guys are mainlining outrage like a heroin addict straight into their veins

We're probably viewing .01% of the vegan population, anyone who takes the time to browse /r/vegan is likely Hypervegan9000


if someone serves me a veggie burger as a joke guess what, I ain't guna have them drawn and quartered, I'm going to have a good laugh

they're all in that thread going "omg people are sometimes vegan because of health reasons, they could have literally killed her by serving her meat what if she is allergic.."

yeah maybe.... Somehow I don't think this audience would shed much of a tear if someone allergic to soy or whatever was served a vegan burger and keeled over, many of them might be going "haha darwin wins again that filthy omni slut got what she deserved, mother Gaia's justice is swift"

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This one keeps getting better every time I read it

"Omni" is right up there with "chud" in terms of how pathetic you come off as when saying it.

Are you calling me pathetic you fucking omni chud?

omni chud

/r/drama's newest foe

No I’m not.

Yes, even knowing about vegan drama makes a fucking joke. You're also definitely white

I identify as black you racist fuck


bootlicker is p bad

No kinkshaming people with feet fetishes.

It's not an insult. It's just a label when discussing nonvegans. You're thinking of 'bloodmouth,' 'cheesebreath,' 'murderer,' 'animal abuser,' etc.

Chud isn't an insult either, despite some mentally ill basement dwellers screaching it.

Well this is the first time I've ever heard the word chud so what do I know.

"Chud" is the non-insult "insult" the chapofags use because things like "fag" or "retard" are discriminatory towards faggots and retards. It's a made up term from some completely unknown 80's B movie.

What chuds

You can say faggot

Sounds like something an omni would say

Post 🐖

What the fuck is a "level 5 vegan"?


what's it like being 6 years old

Omni sounds pretty cool though.

Lol lying and serving meat to someone who doesn't eat it is wrong, how in the world can you justify it?

You almost got me Mr. Clever Troll

The same way you justify spanking an unruly child: they're stupid, their opinions are wrong, and sometimes the only way to knock sense into idiots is with force.

Alternative, vegans aren't people so who cares

It's not fine to be vegan

I'll stop seriousposting when the world stops being a bunch of snowflakes and I don't have to explain myself lest I be stoned to death in the streets mister.

That minor flaw by that one pizza sneaker is pretty major. That's a big violation of trust.

Its fine to be vegan, its fine to be HYPER VEGAN

it's really not. No matter how careful you think you are about your diet and getting the right nutrition you are more than likely going to fuck yourself up in the long term going vegan.

I like how the screenshot clips the last line. Even the vegan OP stopped paying attention halfway through her diary entry.

Got tired, couldn't carry on, needed to energize with a black bean energy bar.

The beef probably wasn't even halal, smh

That fuckin meat eating chud...if I saw that stupid carnivorous chud do that to a vegan queen I'd snap him like a fuckin cucumber

based and greenpilled

The dad is a cunt, even if you dont agree with vegan shit you cant force your lifestyle on someone.

It used to be the non vegans complaining about vegans forcing there lifestyle on them. Now its the other way round lol.

Even if allergies or whatever doesn't exist, still a dick move. They probably feel the same as we would if an Asian baits us into eating snake/dog meat. It might as well be the best meat we had in retrospect but it's still gross

Speak for yourself, this is funny as shit

Some people are naturally born proletariat, you are among them

Some animals are more equal than others, but they all end up in my toilet as brown mush.

Based and apex predator pilled

We got a cannibal over here.

Whats wrong with long pig?

Not really

It's 99% fake

I love it more if its fake, so many of these snowflakes im sure said their "day was ruined" because of this thing they saw in this thread

It's obviously fake, you can't possibly confuse the two of them. They are textured differently and the meat one would be greasy.

Yea but he's a funny cunt.

Nah it's always gone both ways.

Anyone with some sort of meat allergy is going to flat out say they have an allergy instead of admitting to veganism since it’s so embarrassing. The only people who self admit to being vegan are also those with a sissy fetish

Also not a lot of people are allergic to meat.

Not a lot of people are allergic to anything, IIRC its about 4% of the population but around 27% claim they do.

Who knew that meat tastes infinitely better than "meat"

This but unironically

Let's just impale ourselves on the most obvious bait possible.

I thought vegans were supposed to be the annoying one, forcing their morals on others?

They still are

Day of the meat when?

It's day of the grill, and SOON

Yup. Same. I could easily down a big juicy steak. But the cow's life is far more important than my 5 minutes of joy that I'll forget about immediately after finishing

This dummy thinks he could eat a whole cow in 5 minutes.

How tf is someone unable to tell the difference between meat and shitty vegan replacements? Are vegan people's taste buds really that terrible?

Sometimes it's hard to tell, one time I had lo mein with vegan pork replacement cooked for me and it about as good as real lo mein, which surprised me.

Usually it's trash, though.

Beyond Burger is pretty convincing but even then it's covered in a bunch of Thousand Island Sauce and I can still tell.

I tried one the other day and wasn’t that impressed. The texture was right, but it smelled pretty funky and was a lot sweeter than a real burger. I may have just cooked it wrong though.

I liked it but I can definitely see why people wouldn't like it. My girlfriend's mom is vegetarian so I get brownie points from her everytime I eat one.

Only reason I dislike it is because it costs approximately a small fortune compared to 70/30 ground chuck, at least in Texas

It costs two dollars more than a famous star.

A fast food burger? Expensive as hell compared to 70/30 ground chuck at the grocery market.

It’s not terrible by any means, I think I’m just not a fan of imitation meat. I’m a vegetarian not out of ethical reasons, just because my thesis was on the environmental effects of factory farms on local environments. That led me down many roads of just how disgusting some of the meat we eat is which grossed me out enough to just swear off of it. It bums me out a lot and I do miss a good burger or fried chicken, but it would take a huge overhaul of our current laws for me to go back.

lmao imagine being this much of a pussy

Are you trying to fuck your girlfriends mom or something? What does it matter.


Impossible meat is also pretty decent. Not vegan but I’ll have it for lunch most days because two places on the same block as my office have it and it’s $2 cheaper than the meats at both of them.

There is some fake chicken out there that’s really convincing.

its actually pretty hard to tell with certain fast food burgers

Imagine not eating meat


Based Boomer

im vegetarian and would be happy to be fed a real burger without my knowledge because i could have tasty meat and wouldnt feel guilty since i wouldn't be morally culpable