Jussie Smollett sent himself the letter containing white powder as well. Yikes!

777  2019-02-21 by ZoomZoomingAway


Even the powder discriminated against him by being white.

The only time I've ever given a shit about the nuances of f*male anatomy is when I was doing a hard guro/vore RP where I needed to remember how to spell the parts of her reproductive system that my character was eating.


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Trump just called him racist. I can't imagine what it must be like to be him right now. I've done some really stupid shit, but never ruined my life so thoroughly as this.

His life is not ruined as long as he doesn't apologize

Nah, this nigga can't plea down on terrorism mail hoaxs.

Dude is going to prison no matter what now.

I thought you were joking about the mail thing, but wtf he actually sent it to himself. That is literally the dumbest thing because now you got the federal government on you and they don't play around with this shit. The only other retarded act that came close was the checks he wrote out to the brothers with his own goddamn name on it.

Holy fuck, he wrote them actual checks? This guy is seriously a great example of the bubble that people in california live in. Can we start making people who move from Cali wear badges? I think we can all get behind this one cause we don't need these asshole voting in the same laws that fucked up Cali and allowed street shitting.

Not California, Hollywood.

In Roman times actors were below slaves and prostitutes on the social hierarchy, we are long past due to bring that back.

Unrelated but who still writes cheques? I didn't think banks still issued chequebooks

Jfc, he has to be legitimately retarded.

This really might be his only strategy. Ride the lie all the way out. Claim he was framed. A good portion of people might believe it.

Agree, I'd do the same thing. There's always enough people that believe - even when doubting you - that you were unfairly treated because your black. Tawana Brawley and her family never backed down either.


It's hilarious none of the articles refer to him as racist. He attempted to incite hatred by framing a certain demographic for a hate crime they didn’t commit. How is this not racist?

You would have to consider inbred rednecks human to consider this racism


First Goldberg, and now Terry? What's happening to non-white members of the Ducks?

You're not using COPE correctly buckaroo. I think smollet is a turd. This doesn't cause me to consider inbred trash to be human though

hey whatever happened with that jumbledcunt account? seemed like someone set up an entire account just to fuck with you (which would've been hilarious btw), then just dropped one comment and disappeared

no one around here can do anything right smh

not supporting mayocide

Ayyyy mayo lmao


Yah was a rather disappointing clone. The spergs have very short attention spans these days it seems

Goldberg is white though?

only his name.

What’s his ethnicity? I figured he was just Jewish.

Not white

Just Googled it and all it says is that he's Jewish. So, White.

You had to Google Goldberg to learn he was Jewish? Did his surname not tip you off?

emilio is a shitty life coach

He said two white guys beat him while calling him niggarfaggot.

And here comes our resident niggarfaggot to tell us how that isn't racist because reasons...

Black homos are definitely a scourge and willing tools of white liberals. Don't necessarily approve of your language, but you're not wrong in any of this.

I'm just using Jussies words. He's the one who made sure to point out they were definitely white guys and they definitely besmirched is race and sexual preference.

What I find interesting is how that detail has magically been dropped by the media (and other retards).

I personally think this has much less to do with race than it does the homosexual agenda. The primary goal of liberals is to equate homosexuality with being black. Kamala Harris and Cory Booker are the "resident n*****f*****s" tools for white liberals. Both wanted to use this incident to fire up their base (white homosexuals) and jumpstart their 2020 Presidential runs. Bottomline: Smollett needs 10 years in prison, while Booker and Harris essentially ended their Presidential campaigns with this crap.

The left won’t abandon these two for pushing racism, it’s their bread and butter.

If they pick harris or booker theyve lost. I know they dont like white men, maybe someone could crowdfund a transition for R. Francis orourke.

No, trump should run as a woman.

Even better.

Out MDEgen scum

Furthermore, many believe Kamala Harris paid him as they met a week prior and Harris’s anti-lynching legislation (as if we actually needed a law to tell us lynching is bad) was announced the morning after the “attack” story broke. Furthermore, watch her face when confronted by a reporter. She looks around as if to think “how tf did this question get through to me???”

The brothers specifically told the cops and grand jury that Smollett said the attack HAD to happen before or by jan 29th as well.

Also, since when did lynching mean two people beating someone for less than a minute? Even if his story was true it was never remotely close to lynching.

Since white liberals have been desperately trying to equate being homosexual with being black; so since like 1998-99ish when the homosexual agenda launched globally.

Imagine being this retarded


Yeah, some poor aid got fired after that. But what do you expect from a woman who essentially f***ed her way to government jobs, pandered to banksters and billionaires as CA Atty. General, and panders to the prison industrial complex?


Are you white/mayo? r/drama doesn't allow mayos to serious post. If you are mayo please delete yourself, thank you

I'm latino but consider myself mayo.


Nasheed is that you?

boy if you cant type 'niggerfaggot' even as a quote you are gonna have a tough time here


This isn't racist, you can't be racist to whites by definition.

Maybe you can't 😏

Racism - prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.


Hello newfriend and welcome to r/drama! Sometimes people say things here that aren't meant to be taken literally.

Faggot deep throated the bait

He's into that stupid asmr shit, not a person to be taken seriously

Ya'll should upvote newfriends though, for greater munching of milky popcorn!

you literally cant be racist against whiteoids tho

I'd like to be added as an approved-cel when convenient.

Ugh you sound so white

directed against someone of a different race


Someone - an unknown or unspecified person

Whites aren't people, therefore you can't be racist against whites.

Fuck off, mayonnaise.

Stfu whitey

You can only be racist towards people. If I say I hate pitbulls am I racist?

Racist bitch boy go suck some minority off queer

Ah another one that should be sent to the camps. Your time is running short subhuman scum

You and jussie can be butt buddies in Trump's prison for queers. Have fun lad!

Imagine still thinking Trump is going to bring about day of the rope. You MDE nerds really need to off yourselves already.

Post them!

What was your favorite color of paint chip to eat as a child?

An all-bussy prison? Where is this shangri-la?

And where is trumps prison for queers and bussy blasting? Praytell. Asking for a friend 🤭

Once again, wee see all that Nazi rhetoric from the left was just projection.

Mayos are projected to become a minority when the boomers die off. Tick tock⏰ tick tock⏱️ Crazy eyes AOC is gonna be your president in a decade🎃🎃🎃 It's all ogre for you right wing murican tards

You do realize that people like you are why Trump's gonna win again in 2020, right? Every time I read something similar to what you're posting it makes that vote for Trump all the sweeter.

the mayo has gone extremely bad in this thread

gonna' have to throw y'all out

Mrs obama


These chapos have more hubris than even mdefugees and SubOfHuman scum!

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Just because you're okay with fucking over others to get a career boost doesn't mean racism is cause.

Redhat-american is not a race

That's because only humans are capable of racism.

How is this not racist?

Racism =[(prejudice + power)/(height x penis length)] + [(BMI/ethnicity x 1/privilege)] - [(1/skin color) x (queerness/retardedness)]

I have several questions but I'll start with this:

(prejudice + power)/(height x penis length)

being tall and having a big dick reduce racism? Fascinating.

Just think about it, no one hates Shaq

I'm going to do a chaos dunk

As always, it's over for manlets

And dickletcells.

According to this I have 355 privilege points.

Can you cash those in at the arcade for a cool prize?

All the top tier prizes are 4000 points and up. 355 will get you an eraser and a hi-bounce ball.

Staff on cruise ships hate when you bounce those balls from the 13th deck for some reason.


You just banked all your XP into the retard section tho






Over 9000 here

lol poor


Wow, math has sure gotten harder since I graduated.

Lmao mathlet

It's over mathlets.

i'd wager that it never even began.

Learn to code

Unironically saving this for later

Yep, it's pretty much Blood Libel

I'd go so far as to call it "domestic terrorism", a his intent was to instil fear and hatred.

The thing that bothers me is he definitely could have gotten away with it. This is the kind of shit that leads to people in jail for decades for crimes they didn't commit, which happens to blacks a lot too so you'd think they could relate, but I guess not.

The thing that bothers me is he definitely could have gotten away with it.

If it weren’t for those meddling teenagers...I mean cops...it was probably the meddling cops.

Imagine if this had gone to trial, they found 2 random white dudes "related" to the crime, and he falsely testified against them. Yikes.

I'm not sure that it takes racism to attempt to take advantage of racial tensions. Racist or not, he is very very stupid

Racism towards mayos is like people who shit on the warriors and patriots.

Like...cool story, yea were dicks...but you lose.

What's wrong with being a racist?

I've done some really stupid shit, but never ruined my life so thoroughly as this.

How tf did he think it would go???

His buddies wouldn't get caught and squeal on him. If that didnt happen, he'd still be going on talk shows.

That makes me sick knowing that could’ve been a real possibility.

General belief is he was thinking he was so smart and sure of his plan that they'd never catch anyone and he could blame it on racist police not caring.....which he did on GMA.

Then once the police said they had the guys, Jussie committed to the bit and was willing to put their 2 innocent lives through hell......until he saw who the police had.

I hate serious posting but thank fucj the cops on thia case take their jobs seriously.

How long before retards claim this is another example of racist police?

Chapos are way ahead of you

Their motto is 'squeeze until you believe'.

How long before retards claim this is another example of racist police?

Oh that started happening as soon as his story started to crumble. Take a look in any left wing subs and you'll see loads of examples.

look at left wing subs

I don't read commie propaganda sorry

Be celebrated as some sort of survivor of hatred despite being privileged.

If some white guys happened to be walking around at the time of the camera footage he might have been able to wing it. They literally just picked the Nigerians up from footage.

I gotta say, I'm loving that even RetardEra is clowning on Jussie

The only way this gets more juicy is if he is fired from Empire (duh, already in the works) and then bursts onto the set and begins shooting his former coworkers. Honestly, what else has he got to live for now?

Don't you put that evil out there! I liked this show.

u wot m8

Ok, I'll bite. Why? Like is the writing that good or the characters decent or good storylines?

Too much time invested to stop watching it now

It's a decent night time soap. The writing is above average but not far above average. They do have some good moments. A lot of the holes in the story telling and writing get filled with musical performances and great guest stars. Most of the acting is better than average. Some of it is great. The show is made most fun for me by the chemistry between Taraji P. Henson and Terrence Howard who play Cookie and Lucious Lyon, the lead characters. Henson in particular has created an iconic figure in Cookie Lyons and it's been a lot of fun to watch.

And, it's all drama.

So weird to think that you guys are people who have normal interests and hobbies too and see you talk sincerely about things without bussy lmao or whatever

Spoiler: everybody on the internet is just LARPing. Nothing one says on the internet should be taken seriously, ever, and it never reflects one's true personality.

He's already being written out of the show

Oh shit like Namiste Sabz lasso at Google.

Can't mass shoot if you're in federal prison lol

And on top of all this, he continues to try to persuade folks that he didn't do it. When he'll finally fess up to all this, any hope of leniency will be shot to pieces because of this. He's an idiot.

Don't give up yet. There's still time.

Sad part is, double minority status isn’t enough to save him. If he was a woman or at least in transition and had the trifecta, he could have likely survived this event.

Honestly, this is bad for women too. Somehow I was looking at a thread about abortion yesterday and some alt-right warrior responded to something with, “don’t you have a hate crime to go fake?”

Yup, it’s gonna get ugly now. Ying yang, these hoax hate crimes have been out of control since the election. Expect Alt right tards to milk it

They’re loving it.

So am I though

Does this mean I'm a member of DDF now?

Drama is a right-wing reddit.

eeeeewwwww go back to the_donald reeeee

Just so everyone is aware, I was banned from r/fuckthealtright because I posted this, here. I even sent a letter of apology, and they never responded. Take from that what you will.

Fuckthealtright is a hate group anyway and definitely on some agency list. You're better off not participating with possible domestic terrorists.

Trump just called him racist. I can't imagine what it must be like to be him right now. I've done some really stupid shit, but never ruined my life so thoroughly as this.

Trump Derangement Syndrome is a very real phenomenon.

Poor sad bastard.

If Juss necks himself why is it Daddy's fault?

You have to be stupid to walk through streeterville wearing a maga hat. Completely unbelievable

This season he was signed for 18 episodes. He was being paid $60k per episode. That totals $1,080,000. This was a ploy to get paid more. Allegedly.

Stop linking to mobile sites you retard.

Stop using a stationary device, idiot

This but unironically

My PC is on wheels 😎

But if you use the non-mobile site you’ll lose it when you move the computer?

Oh shit

You are a stationary device

Hey now u listen here😡


This is a man who already got done for lying to the cops in the past. So he decides to double down and make the biggest lie of the year so far to the police department that hosts family events where they grill black men from their community to boost departmental morale. Prime example of a dumb person thinking he's very smart. He's about to end up serving multiple years in a federal prison because he wanted more acting roles. If he wasn't gay, I'd say this would be a public service to remove him from public so he couldn't breed while he was in.

There are still people who believe he's innocent, which is the saddest part

Even the local hip hop station was clowning him with ratchet alexa.

Because the only people defending him are white wokies.

Same people think the MAGA kids are evil

i won't believe he's gay until he fucks me tbh.

No way does he spend a day in prison

He’ll probably pay a fine, go on Ellen to apologize, and get a book deal

I like how they added “was dissatisfied with his salary”, but I guess it explains why the whole hoax was so poorly executed. Maybe if the Democrats had paid him more he would have put forth a more convincing effort.

I can only assume that a fox sitcom actor gets paid higher then 90% of the population.

Might be wrong, tho.

I'm hearing $20k per episode? And this is Fox Broadcast with an 18 episode season.

Math Math Math

$360,000 a year just from that show.

Woah look at the human calculator ovah here

I’m pretty sure I read somewhere that he got about 60k per episode.

Huffpo says he was making $20k per episode in the second season but now it's $65k, half as much as Terrence Howard and Taraji Henson make but in line with what other co-stars are making.

And Howard and Henson are worth every penny.

The woman beater and the racist, yeah they're quite the pair.

manager and agent get 10% each.

I think he expected that this would generate sympathy and boost Empire's ratings simultaneously, and therefore they would bring him back and give him a raise. However, he obviously doesn't question victims and expected that he wouldn't be questioned either, no matter how much his story reads like td fan fiction.

he greatly underestimated chicago pd

he greatly underestimated chicago pd

That's the greatest lesson here. Don't fuck with a pd that has a history of torturing people.

This never would have happened if we had UBI ✊✊✊

$30,000 per panic attack episode!

Come on now, get real, you know the dems didn't have anything to do with this because they would have actually lynched him

harris and booker were trying to stop themselves all along

Sending white powder to your place of business to lobby for a raise

Instead of asking for a raise at work I decided to hire Nigerians to act like homophobic racists instead of just being homophobes like they were before. The look on my boss's face was great when they started beating me she knew she'd have to start paying me so much more now.

The one elusive status that money can’t buy: victim

That's like 10 years in prison right?

He's going to last about 20 minutes in federal prison.

Isn't prison just like a big fuck filled sleep over for gays?

A sleep over where you have to suck all the dicks and nobody wants to suck yours.

reverse grindr then

I'll have to take your word for it.

straight faggot lmao

not getting your dick sucked by a cute twink boy

lol imagine being that much of a fucking homo

There is a lot to unpack in one tweet.

They will do anything for more gibsmedat.

The gift that keeps on giving.

This is good for dramacoin.

This just shows the lengths desperate black people will go for white acceptance. This guy wanted to be the black homo darling of white liberals. In fact many of them (white liberals) are still in denial and upset this hoax didn't work. Black people who yearn white liberal acceptance and love are just as and maybe more disturbed and demented than the black people cooning for right-wing Trump Nazis.

Approved as the most centrist take™ in the thread

I half-upvoted and half-downvoted it

Papa's proud, son

Like a race flipped Neal Brennan.

sounds like something a racist bigot would say



What a fucking clown this guy is

Time to bob him

mod him NOW

This has to be a very jussie case for you in terms of karma per post ratio isn't it

It's Jussie's account. This was only for the karma all along.

That would actually be a cunning plan.

I only regret not meme posting on earlier threads before the cops official comments. I just kept looking at this shit and thinking it's so unbelievably ridiculous that mayyyyyyybe its not fake because no one would fake something and make it this unbelievably retarded

That was pretty much my thought process. Like either

A. This guy is a grade A certified dumb motherfucker who somehow after years of acting can't put together a half-convincing hate crime hoax


B. It happened and there were some weird coincidences that made him look bad.

I guess the latter is usually the better bet.

Is it so sensational that it makes the news, there's no serious injuries, and no video evidence? Super likely to be fake.

To uphold centrism, racism is still alive and well, but it's subtle and hard to prove and therefore unnewsworthy. Racist Steve throwing Jamal's resume away is never getting any headlines.

Referring to black dudes as just "Jemal" is another example.

If it was Steve throwing Rick's resume away, it wouldn't be racism, though...

I think the point was just that "Jamal" is a name white people don't often have. So if Racist Steve is going through resumes, and he sees the name "Jamal," he decides to throw it away. He doesn't care about its content, because the guy is probably black and he doesn't want no blackz.

So the person you replied to wasn't being racist, Racist Steve was. Jamal is the hypothetical applican't actual name.


No, it's not.

Most guys named "Xing" are Chinese.

Most guys named "Chad" are mayos.

Most guys named "Jamal" are black kings.

Most women named "Shaniqua" are proud independent melanated princesses.

It's not racist to assume someone is a certain race based off their name. It is racist to draw conclusions about their body, character, thoughts, or behavior based off of nothing more than that guess on ethnicity.

Racist Steve throwing Black Steve's resume away is never getting any headlines.

r u retartet

I'm so sick of drama these days thinking basic boring centrism is good

RADICAL centrism nigger, get it right.

Hey now, watch your language! You might end up hurting someone's feelings.

Anyone with a brain is right-wing. Everything that's currently happening to the USA is explained by this ex-KGB agent giving a talk on how country destabilization works and on psychological warfare: https://youtu.be/5gnpCqsXE8g?t=878

he wrote a goddamn check to pay these brothers for attacking him. a check smh

Yeah, it’s actually so absurd I haven’t even seen that much right-wing jerking-off about it. I’ve seen some, but not a lot. It’s so dumb, people are still digesting it.

Anyone with a brain is right-wing. Everything that's currently happening to the USA is explained by this ex-KGB agent giving a talk on how country destabilization works and on psychological warfare: https://youtu.be/5gnpCqsXE8g?t=878

you dont have the mind of a nubian king

i gotta be honest. i did not for 1 second even hesitate that the story was real at all. that is not me bragging (i do have iq of over 160) but just how absolutely retarded it was.

Well that's because you are a Trump supporter, you've been seeing it constantly for the last couple years. Normies still haven't noticed they are being lied to every single time. We've got the super secret Ruskie report getting released soon though, that might snap some out of it... ah who am I kidding, normies gonna norm.

dems also have incredibly low trust in media too. it is around like 30%. republicans are at like 15%. millennials have lowest trust so far.

Dems have no little trust in the media? They've been gobbling the stupidest shit lately.

if you actually went outside and stopped being an in(side)cel you would see that wasnt the case. like i said reddit is a lot of journalists or bigger than average retard (europeans)

Most of the polling that Dems have little trust in media treats their opinion of Fox News as reflective of their general opinion of the media as a whole.

Anyone with a brain is right-wing. Everything that's currently happening to the USA is explained by this ex-KGB agent giving a talk on how country destabilization works and on psychological warfare: https://youtu.be/5gnpCqsXE8g?t=878

Anyone with a brain is right-wing. Everything that's currently happening to the USA is explained by this ex-KGB agent giving a talk on how country destabilization works and on psychological warfare: https://youtu.be/5gnpCqsXE8g?t=878

Copotraphouse believed it for weeks 😂

well chapo is mostly trans and trans people got talked into being trans. very gullible.

hanlon's razor strikes again

Retards are real and plentiful.

Feel free to post another blank comment in response.

and make it this unbelievably retarded


I'm starting to understand you more and more as time passes.

That Twitter thread is great:

-Complete moron saying that the alternative to automatically believing accusations is to believe victims are lying.

-Good memes, The guy from the racial draft releasing him from the black deligation while the LGBTQABCDEFG+ ppl reject a trade for him, him in jail with Bill Cosby, Spider-Man meme.

-Both sides coming together to dump on the guy and call him a dipshit for using this to get a raise.

I’m thinking its an elaborate scheme to open up his boipuss to a year long parade of felon schlong in a prison shower

Isn't that a felony?

If you stop music and focus for a while, you will hear sound of CB2's ass breaking due to ungodly amount of C O P E

Has anyone actually watched the show? We're missing out on potential stills turned into memes.

I havent but apparently his last name in the show is Lyon so...you know

Epic foreshadowing

unrelated, but why is Mr. Plinkett a flair option for /r/drama? seems like an odd choice

It's not, only I get it.

whose bussy did you have to lick to get that? I want a Rich Evans flair 😤😤😤

I won't tell you what I did but for rich you need AIIIDDDDS

Get in line kiddo

Anyone else gonna say it or do I need to, are all y’all just gonna ignore the history of the justice system with minorities, women, and victims? Cause it ain’t stellar.

Who said this?

A. Black woman

B. Black man

C. Ginger baldie


Every fucking time

Any other moonshine-Americans unironically kind of offended at all of the woke soyboys appropriating "y'all"? They fucking hate everything about the south, until they can use it to sound folksy and black on the internet.

Ain't no stopping me from saying y'all

Woke mayos and minorities stealing "Y'all" from Country Music Americans is gross cultural appropriation.

they can't take away our accent, i can still get away with saying yall irl and only sound like a retard and not a fag

The new y'all-quaeda menace is upon us.

>154 following, 22 followers



Lick my ass Diane

Joined Jan 2019

This is why we need the mayocide

In prison he is gonna be Bussie Smollett for real.

That was terrorism when the fake ricin was sent to trumpster, it was terrorism when the magatard sent fake bombs, it should be terrorism this time as well.

Cheer up Jussie, you don't need a clean criminal record to be made an /r/Drama mod.

and was dissatisfied with his salary.

What does this have to do with anything. Who ISN'T dissatisfied with their salary?


Seriously? You think he's HAPPY with his net worth?! Maybe if you had said Bill Gates...

Bill Gates doesn't have a salary you soggy dingleberry, and hasn't had one for a very long time lol

And Trump does?

Yeah the president gets like, 400k/yr for life.

Yeah the president gets like, 400k/yr for life.

Which I believe Trump donates.

Fair enough. Point stands though that Trump is not happy with his salary.

... and was dissatisfied with his salary.

The fuck? He was surely a millionaire?

Looking at his filmography I don't think so. Empire was his first big regular paycheck in 20 years. Only in season 5 his salary was bumped to $65k per episode and with 18 episodes per season that's a bit over $1million for a season. And he still has to pay his agent and taxes.

So he doesn't have a job for 20 years. Then gets regular job and earns $1m a year. If anything he should be happy. He is an unknown actor. I think he is a millionaire for sure with this show and other income sources.

Apart from graduating high school his wikipedia page has no information what he did in the late 90s and throughout the 2000s.

I still don't think he is a millionaire and even if he is, it is "only" one or two million. Lots of money but not enough to retire young.

Probably commercials and shit.

Unsurprising to say the very least.

You can tell he used his left hand to write the address, as it's the same handwriting as on his album cover.

If anything good comes out of this mess, it's that nobody will ever name their kid "Jussie" ever again.

THAT'S the letter??????

ayyyy lmao

Tupac would never do such a bitch move.

He should go to jail just for calling himself the gay tupac tbh

What a cuntwheeze

We can't stop here! This is MAGA country!

This shitshow train has no breaks!


Are we now using "Yikes" unironically?



White powder, clearly it's a false flag, wake up people

Clearly this is all a set up. The Cops, Trump and white people are all behind this.

Found Don Lemon's Reddit account

This guy better hurry up and check into rehab for xyz if he ever wants to apologize and continue to work like it never happened.

This is such an immensely dumb story I cannot help but love it for the drama.

I hope this dumb fuck goes to prison, this is Manson Helter Skelter level race baiting.

Jussie did nothing wrong

If his goal was to win retard of the year award, I agree 💦💦💦

What a fucking retard holy shit. He gave the red hats all the ammo they could ever need for years to come.

This will have a 100% positive effect on race relations on these troubling times

Oy vey

So would you folks say this proves that homophobia and racism aren’t real?

There's got to be a simpler way of asking for a raise

Dude! Jussie will be a legend if he blames this on Harris and Booker.

One mayo named Colby in that thread still white guilting hard

"I'm the gay Tupac" more like, "I'm the gay Charles Manson."

Why do some people still defend him? Looking at you u/altuniverseself

You said "The smear campaign being waged by the alt-right against Jussie with it's aim to discredit all victims of rape, discrimination and hate crimes is laughably pathetic and incredibly small regardless of how roaming trolls make it look otherwise"

and "Jussie didn't lie about anything, he was attacked in a viscous hate crime and deserves support, not to be attacked by the hate train going after all rape survivors and victims of discrimination and hate crimes in this country with pathetic right wing conspiracy theories"

and "Jussie was violently attacked, and deserves support, that is the important part, not protecting the fragile egos of alt-right maga's who don't give a fuck about hate crimes or the gay or African American community, but just want to score some points. So no, I don't care about your hateful misrepresentations. I stand by my community against you."

How long do you think he wandered around hoping to be hatecrimed?

This is the frustrating thing about the blacks. Even the rich and successful want to be cool by playing the racism card.

Slapping yikes at the end of a td post doesn’t make it drama.