Just ban my IP already Reddit

1  2019-02-21 by psychoticock

Reddit is what happens when an internet forum meant for sophisticated individuals is built in a spoonfed format to appeal to normie masses who have no idea how to code or what the internet is about, and just assume this all is done through magic.

I'd say I'm a high functioning sociopath, but that would assume I am high functioning, which I am not. I am more like an anger-management-necessary psychopath who is incredibly brilliant but doesn't know how to channel this brilliance into anything productive. Point is, I'm either going to be CEO of the next billion dollar corporation or I'm gonna be shot dead with my body lying in the gutter.

The reason I bring up my incredible intelligence is not to brag, you pathetic losers on Reddit absolutely love to patronize others and exude your insecurities in the real world while living vicariously through a popularity contest based on a karma point system, the reason I bring this up is because every single fucking time people wonder if I'm actually a psychopath they conclude I'm not because "he's too smart to be crazy" which is an actual quote a nurse gave in a hospital setting when they were trying to deduct whether or not I should be admitted into the psychiatric ward.

And I'm starting to think it's the same thing on Reddit. I troll the Admins merciously, like really insane psychological manipulations that are something out of some horror flick, and yet they refuse to ban any of my IP's. And I know they can ban my IP's because they did that once before when GB freaked out one time a few years ago. And now I'm starting to wonder if they're not banning my IP because they read my post history, read my contributions, and realize that I'm actually a smart and sophisticated individual that probably won't actually harm anyone because that's a really dumb move. And it's frustrating because it's true.

The problem with Reddit is the combination of dopamine hits that keep me coming back and online bullying that keep me getting upset. Like it's incredibly frustrating when I post something well researched yet controversial for it to get brigaded with downvotes because people feel uncomfortable and then some cheap comeback quip reply gets rapidly upvoted because the losers on this site want to feel better about themselves.

Drama is the closest community on Reddit to not have that pretentious knowitall vibe, but even here the mods like to delete posts based on discretion and have my account lightly doxxed for some ignorant comeback about how it's only a day old or I commented something else or whatever.

One of these days I will be successfully able to leave Reddit and go cold turkey, but until then I really find it hard to believe Steve Huffman can be so blissfully ignorant about the detrimental psychological effects a site like Reddit can have on people.


you'll be back, they all come back

okay, this is epic

just so you know, i didnt read this before deleting it.