[shitpost] Who is the strongest therian in all the land, land being this GaiaOnline guild? The werewolves struggle to come to consensus.

78  2019-02-21 by snallygaster


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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I’m out of my element here, red pill me snally. What’s this about

Massive faggotry

Ah, ok now I see.

I had a project partner in highschool that would play this weeb shit all the time.

Was he a good partner?

No, I did all the work. (ง •̀_•́)ง

Sounds about right for highschool and undergraduate.

I figured as much.

Snally how do you find the obscure drama you always post?

was he cute


No, but I also wasn't a bussy boy back then.


That website looks horrendously bad on desktop.

It was a product of its time. iirc it tried to reinvent itself at least once but couldn't figure out how to stay relevant

Half the text is a light blue color I can't read, and then the whole spacing is a large bubble with small text that's not centered in any good way as far as I can tell.

It looks identical on mobile, which goes off the side of my screen so it's actually worse

That website was clearly designed before we realised that idiots would write all their comments in neon blue/pink if given the chance.

Facebook was the one who pioneered not letting idiots make meaningful choices in that respect iirc

It's a tragedy that we lost that freedom of expression. On AIM you could tell who the emo chicks were instantly just by looking at who wrote their profile in red letters on a black background.

Happy cake day, snally!


How old are you today?

Pretty good hbu?

I'm well. I feel like I need a haircut even though I decided months ago I was growing it out. It's not even at that super awkward point where it's long enough to hang in front of your eyes but not long enough to put behind your ears. I get feeling I'll break once I get there

Snally are you still preggo? Will you still post after you have the kid?


What is this? I can't tell if it's just a weeb forum or one of those cheapo free mmo's

It's a weeb forum that was really popular in the mid to late 00's. It later came out with a shitty MMO but I don't think anyone actually played it.

Cyan colored text on a white background is a combination that should not be allowed to exist.

This is pretty low. Like shooting fish in a barrel. What's next, linking Furcadia chatlogs?

What's next, linking Furcadia chatlogs?

If I could find them yeah

Everybody was young once, but none could hid their embarrassing past from snally.

This is painful to read. Geez.

I want to see your Gaia avatar, Snally.